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Fallen For My Abductor

Fallen For My Abductor

Unique Kenny


"I need to see you naked. Strip and leave nothing on you" "Excuse me?" "I don't like repeating myself," without hesitation, I did as I was told. I removed all my clothes and my nakedness came to view. "Good girl, now turn around, use your hand and spread your ass." I stretched my ass until my pussy was on full display for him. ************************************************ Camila was kidnapped by the leader of the most dangerous mafia in the county to avenge the attack made on his beloved sister. But things turned around, while keeping her as his prisoner, she fell in love instead of hating her abductor. But will this love survive the chaos thrown on their way? Will she go against her father and choose the love of her life or will she walk away from it all?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Chapter 1



Today feels like the longest day ever since I was brought into this mansion. If someone would have told me five months ago that I would be living with my father's sworn-enemy, I would have called the person crazy and laughed at their faces.

I have always kept my distance from my father's business, his world isn't one I want anything to do with. Yet, here I am being a prisoner to the mafia king because of his war with my family. It shows how your life can change just in a split without notice.

The first time I saw Carlos, I didn't know what to make of him. That night at the restaurant, he looked exactly how people described him, cold and intense. He didn't say a word to me but he only stared at me in a way no one else had done before. It made my temperature rise and I thought I would never see him again since my father's controlling tactic went from zero to a hundred after that night but I was wrong.

A knock on the door brought me out of my deep thoughts.

"Come in." Becca walked in.

"I want to check on me, you didn't come down for dinner. Kate said you didn't want anything brought upstairs either."

"I am not hungry."

"Mr, Black isn't going to like that you skipped your meal."

This is what annoyed me the most, why does it matter to him? If I don't want to eat, that is my own problem and not his.

"I am tired, Becca. I am going to take a shower if you don't mind."

"At least, let me bring you something light to eat."

"No thanks, I am not in the mood."

It started walking to the bathroom, I didn't wait to see if she had something else to say. It was probably childish of me not to go down for dinner, it was just so upsetting that Carlos Black thinks he can control me like he does to the City. I am not one of his employees or a client, we aren't friends so why does he care?

I turned the shower on, it is one of my favorite rooms in this mansion. I removed the socks on my feet and was immediately heated by the cold tiles. I removed my clothes one at a time, as I dropped my clothes on the floor, it reminded me of two nights ago when Carlos walked in while I was naked in the bathroom.

"Are you enjoying the shower?" He walked into the bathroom, I tried to cover myself but it was pointless since the walls of the bathroom were made of glass.

"Get out of here!" I screamed.

"Why? Are you afraid of what would happen if I stay?" I wanted to scream yes but I won't be admitting that to him.

"You are in my personal space."

He walked towards the shower, he was covered only with the towel wrapped around his waist. How the hell do I miss that?

"The last time I checked, this entire mansion belonged to me." He was almost at the shower door.

"Carlos, go away!"

I covered my breast with one hand and crossed my legs like that is going to stop him from seeing me. He opened the door, the lust and hunger in his eyes woke something up inside me that I can't explain.


He removed the towel from his body and walked into the shower. I couldn't help it and I looked down, I could see how satisfied he was by the smirk on his face.

"Do you like what you see?"

"No!" I took a few steps backwards.

"You are lying, it is written in your eyes." He matches my steps by moving closer.


That was the only thing I got to say before he pushed me against the walls and crushed my lips. There was no love, just lust. I wanted to be strong and try to break the kiss but I am not, he did something to me. No man had ever made me feel alive like he does, he finally breaks the kiss, making me feel the loss instantly.

"I am going to wash your hair, get your shampoo." The words sounded harmless but it carried power and I couldn't help but obey him.

"Good girl, wet your hair and turn around." I felt my wetness dripping between my thighs.

The man is infuriating. After he washed my hair, he got out of the bathroom and left. I didn't know if I was relieved or wanted to curse him, the audacity to walk into the bathroom and make me heated up for him and leave me high and dry.

Just thinking about that incident now makes me angry. I think that was one of the reasons why I don't want to go down for dinner. I will not allow him to tell me how I am supposed to live my life. He might have kidnapped me and made me his prisoner but I won't let him get his way.

Carlo Black is the most dangerous mafia king, he takes what he wants without a second thought. Unfortunately for me, I am his latest acquisition and now, I am beginning to see that he would never let me go.

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