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Love Story of Professor Vampire

Love Story of Professor Vampire



Warning 21+ this story is for adults only! Professor Joshua Carson Siregar is a human who turned into a vampire due to the bite of a mysterious creature. He experiences a supernatural event against his will and must adapt to his new life as a vampire. Vampire magic power began to emerge from within him; could fly, read minds, be invisible, move quickly, move places (teleportation), have great strength, and also seduce the opposite sex if the professor wanted to use it. Without realizing it, his aura as a man exuded an irresistible charm for women. The handsome young professor is involved in various romance stories with his laboratory assistant who secretly likes him, the new lecturer who is his first love, the students who are crazy about him, and also the alpha female werewolf. Among Professor Joshua's endless love adventures, who will be the extraordinary man's eternal partner at the end of his fateful story?

Chapter 1 Turned Become A Vampire

The sound of an owl made the man's hair bristle. It was already dark when he left the Central Building of the UGM campus. The handsome man walked quickly towards the car park behind the building which looked empty. That is the only car that remains there.

A flash of black shadow ambushed his body from above. The man fell limp on the cold asphalt of the car park floor.

"Ouch," groaned Joshua when he woke up from his stupor.

He was lying in the car park behind the UGM Central Building. His body was shivering with cold, but his throat felt like it was burning. He needed water, yes, a lot of water to soothe his throat.

Joshua staggered towards his black Pajero Sport car. He immediately grabbed a bottle of mineral water on the dashboard of his car and drank it until it was finished. However, the thirst seemed to never go away.

The man felt his neck, which felt sore and hot as if it had been burned. There were traces of blood on his neck, which was injured by two puncture holes, he thought maybe his neck was bitten by something. The black shadow from earlier probably bit his neck and made him faint.

It was already 11.15 PM, and Joshua glanced at his watch. It seemed like he had been unconscious for a long time, almost 4 hours. Joshua started his car and then drove back to his father's apartment in Jasmine Park.

After driving for half an hour, Joshua finally arrived at the Jasmine Park apartment. He immediately went up to the 8th floor, where his father's unit was.

The burning sensation in his throat was so excruciating, that he wanted to keep drinking water. However, the water that passed down his throat seemed to be in vain, unable to quench his thirst.

"Josh, why are you just coming home?" Papa Reynold asked Joshua.

Reynold approached his son who was staggering around as if he was not well. "What's wrong with you, Josh?" Reynold asked again because Joshua had not answered his question earlier.

"Pa, I'm thirsty!" said Joshua in a voice as hoarse and dry as torn paper.

The bloody bite wound on Joshua's neck made Reynold suspicious. He pushed aside the collar of Joshua's shirt and examined the scar. 'Like a vampire bite!' Reynold thought.

It was already midnight, and Reynold happened to be alone in his apartment that night. James and Laura are visiting Perth, Australia.

Desperately, Reynold went to the kitchen, slashed his left palm, and collected the blood in a bowl. It feels so painful, but this is for the sake of his son, Joshua. Blood dripped profusely when he squeezed the cut site. When he had enough, Reynold brought the bowl containing his blood to Joshua who was lying limp on the sofa.

"Josh, drink this. Don't ask, just drink it!" said Reynold, handing the bowl containing his blood to Joshua.

Joshua drank the blood in the bowl until it was finished. Strangely, his throat felt so cool this time, his previously limp body seemed so light as if he could fly if he wanted to.

"Dad, what did you give me earlier? My body suddenly feels so healthy," said Joshua curiously.

Reynold was sure that his son had turned into a vampire. Good grief!

"That's blood, son. You just drank Papa's blood," Reynold answered in confusion then took a deep breath. "Tell me what happened earlier before you go home!"

"Gosh, Pa! I'm sorry, Papa's hands are bleeding!" said Joshua, panicked and shocked mixed with other strange feelings such as thirst for fresh blood. "Why do my canine teeth seem to be growing longer?"

Joshua ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. He saw two sharp canine teeth growing longer than their previous size in his gums. Oh shit!

With unsteady steps, Joshua approached his father who was sitting on the sofa looking at him. He sat next to his father.

"Earlier, when I wanted to go home from the UGM Central Building, a black creature attacked me and made me faint, it seemed like it bit my neck. I think I've turned into a vampire, Pa. What should I do?!" Joshua exclaimed, unable to accept the reality. He supported his head with both hands while looking down, crying silently.

Taking a deep breath, Reynold stroked Joshua's back. "You have to adapt and survive, Kid."

"How does Papa know that I need to drink blood?" Joshua asked curiously.

Reynold laughed as he said, "I'm just guessing, like in films about vampires, they drink blood. The wound on your neck looks like a vampire bite."

"Has anything changed about you now?" Reynold asked Joshua again.

Joshua stood up from the sofa and planted his feet firmly on the floor. His body floated in the air. He was somewhat surprised by his newly acquired supernatural abilities. Wow!

His father laughed in awe seeing him floating in the air. Joshua went down and put his feet on the floor.

"Josh, one thing Papa objects to. If you have to suck human blood, that's not good. How about you try the blood of livestock? Tomorrow morning we'll go to the animal market to look for substitute food for you. Get some rest!" Reynold said as he put his arm around Joshua's shoulder and led him to Joshua's bedroom.

"Okay, Pa. Tomorrow we'll go to the animal market," said Joshua with a wry smile. Feeling that his fate is so strange and ridiculous.

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