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My life as the billionaire's wife

My life as the billionaire's wife



Billionaire Josh Reynolds falls in love with his closet employee Teresa. He asks her to go into a relationship with him, offering her a huge amount of money with the hidden agenda for her to bear a child for him. Teresa has no choice but to accept to date him for she needs money to pay for her adopted mother's surgical operations. Billionaire Josh Reynolds promotes Teresa to his secretary. Jane finds out about their relationship and tells Mrs. Beth Reynolds to satisfy her selfish interest, Mrs. Beth Reynolds tries to kill Teresa and have her husband back. Unknown to them Teresa is their daughter whom his wife said she lost in an accident.

Chapter 1 The missing money

CHAPTER ONE- The missing money

"Where is my money," Smith says to himself

Searching restlessly for it, but can't find the money he kept in his drawer, goes downstairs shouting his driver's name.


"Where is that old fool?" he says in anger.

"Mrs. Catty" he calls.

"Yes sir" she answers coming out from the kitchen, looking untidy

"Please go call Thomas for me" he commands.

"Where could he be" he laments

"Sir he went to pick up the goods you asked him to get from the grocery" she replies

"Oh, that's true" Okay,

"Who else walked into this house after I left for work yesterday?" he asked.

"It was only Thomas who did and it was about that time, you left that he walked in immediately " she replies.

"But I saw him leave with a file, sir," she says.

Immediately Thomas walks in with his daughter, who came to help him wash the cars for the weekend already.

"There you are," he says in rage pointing at him.

"Where is the money, you took from my drawer in my room" he asks.

He looked at his boss with confusion all over his face and was surprised at the questions.

"Sir, please what money are you talking about," he asks.

"Are you asking me? "

"So you mean to tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about? " He asks in a loud tune.

"If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in jail because of your theft"

" You better provide that money now before, I treat you like the criminal you are" he speaks with rage.

With tears rolling down Jane's cheeks, knowing well that her father wouldn't be the one to steal that, prayed messily in her heart for the money to appear from nowhere so that her father could be free.

"Sir, you may have misplaced the money," I said to Mr Smith

"Will you shut up, Who asked for your opinion in this matter, you spoilt brat" Smith shuns me immediately In anger

"Sir, I'm not a thief, I have never stolen anyone's property before in my life" Thomas swears while expressing himself

"So you are calling me a liar, right?" Mr Smith asks

"You are the last soul, that walked into this house, right Mrs. Catty," he asked

"Yes sir, you are right" With a cracked voice she answered

"I asked you to bring the document I left on the table in my room "

"I kept $100, hundred good dollars in my drawer," he says

"But instead you stole my money," Mr Smith says pointing at him in disappointment

"And your daughter has the guts to say to me, that I don't know how or where I keep my property," He says in an angry tone.

"You must be joking " he giggled

Thomas on his knees begged effortlessly for mercy, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"I will make sure, you rot in jail for the rest of your life, if you don't provide that money now" he commands

"Please sir, I didn't take it, Temper justice with mercy" Thomas pleads

A thunderous slap landing on his cheeks took him unawares

"You must be joking, if you think your crocodile tears will save you today"

"Sir please, my father would never take your money" Jane speaks up for her father.

"You better don't put your mouth into this," Mr Smith says to Jane looking at her furiously

"Tell your father to better provide my money or else, hell will lose"

"The hell has already been loose" he laments

"You wretched bastard" Mr Smith's eyes were bloodshot. His eyes show no mercy and compassion

He took a glass of wine cup and smashed it on the floor, right to where Thomas knelt, You selfish, low-class disgrace!!"

"After all I did for you and your family, you have the guts to steal from me" Smith shouts.

"Sir, please have mercy" Thomas says in between his tears, his hands on top of his head to portray his pleading.

"I will only show you mercy, if you return the money you stole, you wretch," he says looking at Thomas.

My heart broke, cried and prayed for my father all at the same time.

A teardrop rolled down my cheek and I didn't realize that I had become a crying mess.

"Father would never steal from anybody," I said through my sobs.

"Jane, your father isn't a thief," I said to myself.

Tears dropped down my cheeks, and I asked myself why the day decided to play a cruel game on us.

"You only have two conditions," Mr Smith says

Father and I looked at each other. His Chestnut brown eyes screamed relief with a tinge of fear dancing around his cribs. He gently turned his eyes away from me and faced Mr Smith.

"Sir, anything"

"Marry your daughter to me or spend the rest of your miserable life in jail," he says arrogantly to him.

Father remained silent in heavy this. He just stared pointedly at the floor like it held all the answers. Was he contemplating setting me off for his freedom?

My eyes met with my father, who suddenly became the judge of my fate.

Why would someone like Mr Smith want someone like me? What was his game and what would he do to me?

The fear in my heart had been replaced with a painful curiosity. I began to study the man before me, hoping that I could find some answers hidden somewhere in his body language.

"You aren't ready to speak? Mr Smith asked, breaking the uncomfortable silences interrupting my thorough examination.

"Sir, please she is my only child. I-I-I mean is there no other way? " Father begged.

"Well, you should have thought about it before stealing from me. Mr Smith shouts his voice bouncing off the walls.

"Listen here, there are only two options, Option one is you will spend the rest of your life in jail, and considering the connection I have, I'm willing to make it happen" he flicked his fingers

"My poor father is innocent of all these allegations" I speak in my mind

"Have it your way then", Mr. Smith spat.

"Collins!!!, Take this filth out of my sight!" He growled and in response, Collins ran into the living room with black suits and dark shade.

They made their way to my father and picked him up as if he were nothing but a worthless rag.

My ears rang from pain, my heart failed to carry and my head ached with an intensity of a million bee strings, as I watched them take my father away.

My eyes met with those of Mr Smith, once more as I shouted


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