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Married To An Infantile Man

Married To An Infantile Man

Glory Sam


Sarah was urged to marry Tom by her family and friends, who said he was a good man and would make a great husband. But she soon found out that he was not the man she had hoped he would be. He was childish and immature, and his family mocked and ridiculed her because of it. Sarah felt trapped in a marriage that was bringing her nothing but misery and humiliation. Could she find the strength to divorce him and start over, or would she continue to endure this unhappy situation? what happens when her in-law find interest in her, and vow to get her by all cause?

Chapter 1 Wedding Day

As i sat in the makeup room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Today is my wedding day, and as much as I want to be happy, I can't shake the feeling of unease in me. Rumors have been swirling about my fiance's family, and i can't help but wonder if they were true. My best friend, Amy, tried to reassure me that the rumors were just that - rumors. But I can't still shake the feeling that something isn't right.

And aside that, my stepmother seems excited about the whole thing, and it makes me wonder if this will go well with me, because she's never wanted me to see any good thing. I expected her to frown, be angry about the marriage plan, and even ask my father to let daughters marry the man instead, but nothing of that sort happened.

"Look Sarah, I know you're nervous, but try to relax. You haven't met Tom's family yet, so you don't know what they're really like. Just give them a chance, okay?" Amy said and entwined her hands with mine.

I heaved a deep sigh and turned to her. " I've heard you Amy, but what if they're awful people? What if I end up marrying into a terrible family?"

"I understand your concern, but don't let your imagination run wild. You don't know these people, so try to keep an open mind."

After our conversation, Amy helped me out of the makeup chair and straightened my dress, then hold my hand and led me out of the room. We walk down the hallway and into the church, where the ceremony was about to begin. The guests were already seated, and i felt a rush of nerves as i walk down the aisle. I took a deep breath and smiled at my friend, who gave me a reassuring nod. This is my moment, and I am determined to make the best of it.

The hall was beautifully decorated, everything was magnificent. My stepmother had definitely made sure that event was according the taste of the Williams family

The Williams family were one of the wealthiest family. I would have been glad that I was marrying into such a family, but the family has terrible reputation , they were known to be cold hearted, mean, bad, etc. And one thing I know is that my step mom will never marry me into a place where I'll be happy.

Soon I was at the alter , my friend left me and went to the congregation.

As the ceremony began, i stood next to my fiance and faced the officiant. He began to read the traditional wedding vows, and I felt a flutter of nervousness in my stomach, all of a sudden. I took a deep breath again and look at the man I'm getting married to, and he suddenly stared back at me with a look of adoration in his eyes.

"Do you take Tom Williams to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked, his voice solemn.

I bit my lip, feeling the weight of his words. I glanced at my father, who's sitting beside my stepmother, his face unreadable. My stepmother glared at me, her eyes cold and hard.

"Yes," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

The priest turned to Tom. He was undoubtedly handsome, with piercing blue eyes, thin lips, and a tall, muscular frame. But despite his looks, I still didn't want to marry him. I was being forced into a loveless marriage, and it filled me with resentment.

"And do you take Sarah Kingsley to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked Tom.

I hold my breath, waiting for his response. A part of me hoped he would say "no," putting an end to this farce of a wedding. But another part of me hoped he would say "yes," despite how much I hated the idea of marrying him. My emotions were in turmoil, and I feel like I was at war with myself.

"Yes," he replied in a clear, resolute voice.

The priest beamed. "You may now kiss the bride."

Tom turned to face me, his expression suddenly somber. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I don't like to kiss girls, it's bad to do so, cause you don't know how horrible their mouth is."

My eyes widened and the wedding guests tittered. I feel like a laughingstock, and I want to sink into the floor and disappear, but I am trapped in this horrible, humiliating moment.

A chuckle escaped from my stepmother, and my heart sink. I feel mortified and exposed, as if the whole world is staring at me. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion as I turned to him again, trying to make sense of what is happening.

What is wrong with this man? Is he a lunatic? Or just a cruel prankster?

An elderly woman rushed to the altar and whispered something in his ear. He turned to face me, his expression unreadable.

I was filled with dread, unsure of what would happen next. Would he call off the wedding? Or was this some twisted joke?

I was growing more and more impatient with this ridiculous charade. It was a complete disgrace.

In a moment of frustration, I grabbed him and forced my lips against his.

Suddenly, I felt a strong force push me away from him. I stumbled backwards and landed hard on my backside, the thick fabric of my wedding gown cushioning my fall.

He had pushed me! I couldn't believe it. How could he do such a thing?

I wanted to stand up and give him a piece of my mind, but when I looked out at the congregation, I saw mocking smiles on their faces. I couldn't bear to stay there any longer, feeling so humiliated and ashamed.

At least only friends and family were there. I couldn't imagine how much worse it would have been if strangers had been watching.

I wanted to break down in tears, but I bit my lip and remained on the ground, feigning unconsciousness. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole, so I could escape this nightmare.

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Other books by Glory Sam

The Alpha's Bride

The Alpha's Bride



" You wanna know what's funny? You are funny! I mean, what are you doing here? Your husband didn't give you an instruction on where to step your foot in?" " Do I need that?" Diana asked. " Of course you do. Cause we won't hesitate to step on your toes, when we find you in our quarters." " I don't think you should address him as her husband. They've not done the marriage rite yet." " Oh really?" " So I heard." " Then how about we take her to bed, before that done?" " You don't wanna die young, do you?" Diana asked them, but they chuckled. " It would've happen a long time ago. But we are stronger than you think." He drew closer to her, and she shifted backward. " Don't be afraid, we won't be hard on you." He grabbed her arm, and pushed her closer to himself. " Let go of me, before I do something crazy. I'm sure, you know who I am." " That's what I want baby girl. We love crazy people. Right brothers?" He glanced at others. " Sure!" They raised their cup of drink and drop it back on the table, then got up as well. " Let go of me now!!!" Diana yelled angrily, but within, she's a bit scared. The way they looked, their body structures and all, showed that they could hurt her if they want. Diana is a modern day princess in every way except appearance. She is beautiful and graceful, but she is also spirited, outspoken, and unconventional. Her family and subjects questioned whether she is truly fit to be a royal, but her personality was undeniably magnetic. She is a force to be reckoned with, a modern day heroine who defied the expectations of society. Diana's stepmother and stepsisters saw her as a nuisance. She is too bold, too outspoken, and too unruly to be a proper princess. The king was at his wit's end with his daughter. In a last-ditch attempt to tame her, he arranged for her to marry a man known only as the Beast. Sebastian, as he was called, was a man shrouded in mystery and rumored to be as cold and cruel as his name suggested. He had a fearsome reputation, having been married twice before, both times ending in tragedy. The king was unfazed by the rumors, even as they whispered of murder and deceit. But Diana knew the stories were true. Diana couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the prospect of marrying a man like Sebastian. Though she knew little about him, the rumors that surrounded him were troubling. She couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her. Would she find happiness with him, or would she be trapped in a marriage of misery? The uncertainty was both frightening and alluring. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about this mysterious man. But then, what she never knew were the great enemies who await her. Will she survive this?

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