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A Rejected Luna: Sold and Tamed

A Rejected Luna: Sold and Tamed

Prissy's Pen


She became an orphan in the early years of her life and was lured into a perfect nightmare. The only way out was to find her mate and get accepted by him. It finally came but all went down the drain when her only source of hope.. her mate, cruelly rejected her. Giving no valuable reason for doing so. Now, she had only one plan in mind. To escape from her adopted parents who were ready to sell her off to an Alpha she knows nothing about. While being forcefully wheeled away from her home to her new master, Diane kept one thing in mind; Survival

Chapter 1 The Night of a full moon


The night breeze felt so cold against her skin, the full moon casted a little illumination in the woods, causing the tree shadows to lengthen on the rough ground. Diane sat there, her back leaning against a tree. She folded her knees closer to her chest and wraps her arms around it. She was shivering visibly, anticipating her dad's return.

*Thump * Thump * Thump.

Heavy footsteps approached where she sat and she saw an hefty shadow loom closer. Diane raised her head up from where she buried them between her thighs to relive the figure before her when it stops right at her presence.

" Dad" Diane whimpers, instantly getting the strength to stand on her feet.

" Let's get out of here" he authorized with an urgent note.

Eight year old Diane knew something was not right that instant. She assessed her father.. His bow hung loosely on his shoulders, his palm held on tightly to an arrow. His blue t shirt had blood stains all over it. Diane furrowed her brows and locked eyes with her father. Her expression holding enough questions you wanted answers to.

She wasn't privileged to ask them when suddenly the creature came to view. In her eight years of living, she never came across anything like it. It growled, snarled before attacking her father.

Diane swallowed the lump in her throat. She watched her dad in that present condition. He has never looked so helpless in his entire life. He tried to fight with his fists, unfortunately, he's no match for it. Diane gasped in horror when the creature sink it's teeth into her dad's neck line.

" Leave my daddy alone" she cried, throwing a pebble stone at the creature's hairy animal like face. It paused and brought its gaze upon her. Its silver eyes glistening with dangerous light.

It did, except that it took stealthy steps towards her. Diane's leg wobbled, her eyes widened as she tried to keep up with its intimidating glares. Gun shots echoed in the room and she caught sight of blood, oozing out from the wolf's hind leg.

" Run Diane. Run" her father yelled.

" I can't leave without you papa'

"It's an order. Leave, now!'

Little Diane did. She took to her heels, running as fast as her legs could carry her. She heard grunts as her dad tried to fight the wolf, more sounds of gunshots. She let her instinct guide her as she ran through the forest.

Years Later.


Crescent Pack~

The loud blaring of the alarm woke Diane. Although, dissatisfied with the abrupt interruption, she woke up to watch the clock tick. 11:59pm.. with a small smile on her face, she counted seconds till 12am hit. 'Happy birthday to me.' she congratulated herself, clapping lightly. She rolled lazily on the small sized bed, causing the metal legs to creak. It was one of the few things the family let her acquire asides the tiny store room she was forced to make her personal room.

It's been ten years since she became a part of this family. One that lured her off the streets and brought her into this nightmare she was living now. She had let her guard down because they really seemed like a nice couple on that day. If only she knew... Denying herself from wallowing in self pity, she laid back on her bed, her eyes blank as they stared expressionlessly onto the ceiling. They never celebrate her birthday or attach any special meaning to it but she knew today was going to be a different one. Supposedly, she'd be turning eighteen and it's a time where she 'must' discover her wolf and find her mate. That was it, what she needed and what they wanted from her. Truth be told, she had been preparing for this day half of her lifetime. It was like a game changer for her. She'd finally be free from the shackles of this household and finally get loved by someone at least. She was lost in thoughts until sleep folded her in its warm embrace.

... Rough hands gripped her shoulders, nudging them aggressively.

'Wake up.. Diane!!' a feminine voice screeched before hitting her relentlessly on the face. She steered, jerking awake and sitting upright on the bed asap.

'What are you doing still sleeping by this time?'

Diane's eyes met the raging expression of her mother, a slight tremble traveling her whole body.

'I'm sorry, mum. I promise it won't repeat itself'

Rather than acknowledging her apology, she dragged Diane by the ears, leading her into the kitchen. 'Get the plates washed this instant'.

Diane set to work, cleaning, washing, scraping and drying. It was still dark outside, probably the early hours of the morning. The house was silent as well, confirming the fact that everyone else is still asleep.

She finished with the plates and moved on to cleaning the entire house. It took only a matter of time for her to complete her chores. She went back to her room, picking out the best of her clothes for the upcoming event in few hours' time. It was a banquet the Alpha had set and made compulsory for every wolves in the pack. Young or Old.. he was setting it to celebrate truce with the Stealth Pack. The two packs had been enemies for decades. No one expected they'd suddenly go from enemies to friends. To Diane, the main purpose of the occasion is to find her mate. She must look attractive for her mate, make him want her once they come across each other. She rummaged through a set of faded jean trousers, faded t shirts. It was at this moment it dawned on her. No special outfit for the special occasion. She sighed, shoving her clothes back into her box, concluding that she'd plead with Hailey to help her with the perfect dress. Hailey was the daughter and only child of Diane's adoptive parents. One could say she's born with a silver spoon. Things go her way, she controlled her parents, gets what she wanted, whenever she wishes.

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