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Uttered those words without breathing I defeated my inner obstacles and confess my feelings. standing on wish sinking ship. He placed his finger in between my lips for speaking further. my thoughts go against each other. How could he understood my saying when his Heart is full hate for the one he loves. Suddenly, he attacked my lips with his I enter coma.. . My wildest dreams just be achievable.

Chapter 1 Emila and Henry

" What is love?"

I don't know. I don't think I understand love or that anyone can. It comes in so many shapes and forms. But I do know that somehow, you draw me in. You form the lines that shape my boundaries of love. You define what love means to me every single day, and you colors it with different shades, it brightens when you smile, it darkens when you tear. And each time I look into your infinite eyes, I can't help but know that I am, deeply, in love..... For you are the artist of my heart......

Emila POV

Just another first day of the week at work. Doing what I love doing most, being the most handsome man on Earth secretary. Suddenly he walked into the building captivated the mind and heart of his female workers.

Good morning sir. Those words escape from my lips as I stood with a cup of coffee sweating in the room of 40°c Cold.

Oh my God I'm in love with this man. Since when? Really? I'm supposed to answer that? Of course, since the very first minute his father introduce me to him as his secretary not his girlfriend or wife. He wish.

Good morning Emila, I hope you slept well? Cause I did.

Of course he does, spending 10 hours of his daily hours with different models and actresses in different hotel room that he doesn't even remember Their names. And it was weekend. Ha

How is my day look like? He added.

. Coffee Sir? I politely asked.

. You are a life saver Emila.

He loves taking milk coffee with two cube of sugar to calm his nerve and prepare himself for a long day ahead.

He has a full day with meeting and calls.

Sir, you have a meeting with the board of directors by 10 a.m, meeting with models organizer at 11 a.m, lunch with model Anna at 12:30 noon to sign the contract for the fashion week runway and then.........

.... Book hotel room and text Diana to meet me there by 1:20 p.m. she finally agreed to meet up. He tackle.

Little tip about Diana.

She is a queen of screen, beyond her glamorous beauty. She has won six Academy award, four Oscars five Emmys away and numerous awards. and she nominated for Best actress and several others categories in the forth coming Oscar award. That's Diana Edwards.

Okay Sir, consider it done.

Am I choosing the right job working for a billionaire who I have crush on?.

If you think seeing a man that you love with another woman it hurtful, what happens if you are the one setting up their meeting?

I literally worship the ground his walked on. That's how effect he has on me.

The hope of seeing Henry in the morning kept me awake most nights, not because he is billionaire. You can't blame me if I added that to the list right?.

But him being a great and wonderful person from inside.

The world see him differently because who he presented himself to be and I don't blame him nor the world.

He called me in the middle of the night to check if I got home safety. Who does that?.

Wealth create this big ocean between two souls in one body, who you truly are and who the rest of the world see you to be. Is exhausting


Lonely sometimes, who care to agrue? As long as they get compensated. That's the world we live in.

calm my nerves and get me going for the long day ahead.

How is my day look like? I asked.

She lovely presented me my schedule for the day. Bunch of meetings, a very long day indeed, and it exhausting hearing about it.but hey that's how billions are makes..

I paused her for saying more.

...........Booked hotel room then text Diana Edwards to meet me there by 1:20 pm. She finally agreed to meet up. I order Emila.

Okay sir, consider it done. She replied.

I trust her with my life.

Wait a sec. Do anyone tell you who Diana Edwards is? I bet.

Words alone can not truly describe her stunning beauty and personality. I being crushing on her and dreaming to bedded her for long as I can remember.

If I have to fall in love, probably with some girl, she will be the one. I send a car to her and her birthday and couple of dollars... What billionaire does..

After attending bunch of meetings, signing contracts with some models and models agencies for the fashion week show that's coming sooner.

Then I checked my time, almost 1:15 p.m.

Time to headed to the hotel and achieve one of my most desired in a woman.

I arrive at the hotel lobby and ask receptionist about my room and my guest?

She's waiting for you in your room Sir. She replied. I chuckled

Do you heard that? She's waiting for you in your room Sir.


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