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The Universe always work in our favor even when we don't agreed on it perfect timing. It takes our ugly past and brighten our future, just like the waves in the ocean moving tro and frow showing us it beauty. The universe was created out of love and it connect us in the beautiful and strange ways. Connecting two separate strange lost souls together to become one. You may not believe in it but it believe in you.. Some people find love yet they dare to keep it.... But not me. Look Ella, the moment you step in to my office, I knew you be trouble. You compelled me ever since. Universe bought us together for a reason and it gave us something undeniable. A gift Ella. It gave us what other people spending thousand seeking, if not million for, for free. On one attend when we don't even ready for.

Chapter 1 Author

Author's POV

A calm beautiful Wednesday evening in the city of HARLEM at Red Rooster Harlem Restaurant.

Two beautiful and young couples dressing their best for the evening. So is everyone else in the restaurant dressing their best, even the waiters.

Everybody minding their business and focusing on their partners and whoever they came with.

Cool Nice music playing in the background making the evening more beautiful and peaceful to enjoy your meal.

This is nice.

Ella break the intense as she compliment her boyfriend for his gesture.

We stop doing this, rather you stop doing this two years ago. Don't get me wrong

I love this, very thoughtful of you.

My favorite spot to eat besides my kitchen. This is very romantic I wish we could do this often. And I'm just gonna keep talking until you say something.

Ella coerce her boyfriend to break his stillness. His quietness makes her nervous..

I'm moving..... He blurted out with a pause in between giving himself time to find the right word but there is wasn't

I'm moving to London. I got my dream job offer there and I can't said no.

Ella stunned for a moment as Adam still trying to locate the right word.

She ignore what Adam is saying.

She chuckled and then carry the food menu.

She Jokingly said. The last time we were here, I ate Cobb salad. Tonight am gonna have....

Adam slowly collected the food menu from her as she trying to make her choice of what to order.

Ella desist and look at Adam in confusion with a loud thought running through her mind.

Did he seriousl? I mean I wanted he to say something but not this.

Did he want us to move there together?

I'm moving to London, What does that even mean? Do he want........

I'm leaving you Ella. He cut Ella off from her thoughts and hit the breaking point.

She relax herself.

Oh I know what this is all about. You literally want us to move in together.

This is cute but can we eat first? Cause I'm starving.

She said it with zero reflection from what Adam just said.

I'm serious Ella. Am leaving you to London and start a new life there. Adam politely said without concern how this might affect Ella emotional and mentally.

I mean, I never been to London I never even cross the border before obviously but I heard it beautiful and their accent? Is lit.

Ella trying to wave out the abate with rumours.

Stop Ella. Please stop. You are not that cracking, not anymore.

My flight is leaving in three hours and honestly..... There's no us.

What does he mean my flight is leaving in three hours? There's always be us Adam.

What are you even saying?. Ella thoughts.

I'm nicely breaking up with you. I could have done this through phone call, voicemails even text message. But I think this is the best way and this is where we first met.

Felicity of his word caught her by surprise and sense of uneasiness grow inside her as tears walled up in her eyes as Adam pitilessness saying those words.

His serious.

Stammering. Ad..... Adam? It been four years with you.

She became falter. Trying to gather strength but tears and soften cry couldn't let it.

Did those four years mean anything to you?

She chuckled. Clearly not.

You been planning your big relocation for God knows how long? And you just telling me three hours before your flight?

We plan to move in together.

Your fantasy not mine. Adam protest

Your ideas that literally drain my brain.

You thought it might save us.

Don't do that. Ella interrupt. Please don't do that.

Adam push further. Look Ella, I like you. I really do but not like that, not anymore.

You beautiful you smart, rumour most times but alot is still missing.

You are not fun not romantic as it supposed..... You too soft, you always there even when I don't need you to be.

You too available too nice even.

Is boring.

I want the unnecessary agruement

the drama.

I want the chase.

The forgiveness.

I want it all and more.

The gravity of Adam words brushed more tears out of Ella eyes

Ella seated in silence as tear keep dipping down her eyes as she listens to Adam utter.

If tears could turn a river, Ella's tears could have be next to river Niles of Egypt.

Her voice begin rising. There was nothing she could do to control her rising panic and anger.

I can't believe you saying all this.

I spend my four good years loving and caring for you. I put you first.

. What about my life? what about me and what I want? Did it ever Accord to you that I may need a different life from what am living here in Harlem with you? But I held on to you Adam.

I kept my life aside and I live in yours.

Was I comfortable with it? Hell no but you are my boyfriend.

You don't even care how this might affect me.

I was in the same position as you two years ago but I chose to stay here with you Adam.

I chose you over going back to the house that I growth up. Living with my grandma and became a nurse I always wanted to be but I chose you Adam. Against all odds.

Adam I love you. I have given you four years of my life. Of my twentys.

There is no one else out there that I want to move in with, you know that.

She pleased with no concern awareness of her surrounding. the fact that she been emotional ambush.

and now you throw it on my face that I'm too soft too nice too available... And I'm not romantic as I suppose.

Adam stared at Ella in conclusion.

You know what? Find. She stood up and carry her hand bag.

I'm too nice to available but not anymore. Have fun with your new job.

She walked out from the scene leave Adam sitting and looking around to see if people notice.

She walked out and stop a taxi.

She tells the taxi driver her destination as she get in.

Crying inside the taxi. Taxi driver look at her through the inner mirror as she cried in the back seat.

Stop. She order the taxi driver.

But we are not yet arrived at your destination madam.

I'm okay here. she said.

Taxi driver pull over she paid him and step out from the taxi she walked into the nearest bar.

Tequila please. She ordered for a shot.

She drink

Another one please. Keep it coming.

She drinking her heart break out. But can Alcohol wide away four years of commitment, sacrifice and pains in the relationship?

Give me the bottle instead please. She tell the bartender

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