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Stalking The Psycho Guy

Stalking The Psycho Guy



"Chelsea, I like you!" This day, he will confess to Chelsea, his long time crush. He really prepared for her day and finally he will confess his love to her. "Sorry Melvin, I don't want anything from you." I felt as if the ground fell from what he said. We immediately heard a scream in the distance. And I know who that person is none other than Augusto Guillermo the man who consumed the girls at school. There isn't a girl who doesn't like him while we boys at school are getting bitten because of him. "Why is it here again.. isn't that rich why choose to study here." "Tsk! Here you go again, your annoying hero!" Said the men next to me. "Oh, don't expect your Chelsea to answer you! As long as that man is there, we won't like girls here at school." I was left alone and I looked at that Augusto badly. He should disappear from this school. He gets all the attention besides being handsome. He is also smart in school and is top 1 in semester after semester. He suddenly thought for a moment and in those days, that was not what he would regret in the end. He found out that the man was crazy because he saw himself torturing his schoolmates who bad-mouthed him earlier in school. And what's worse is that she caught this man having sex with her and she looks like the man she's dating, that's their school president. This is the result of his following it and the trauma that was given to him because of the nauseating effects of it. He took the evidence and spread it all over the campus and there was a huge commotion. What will happen when Augusto finds out that He spread the issue? Will the silence in his life end or will everything remain a secret.... Watch out.

Chapter 1 the scaandal

Chapter 1

Melvin PoV

There was chaos in the campus due to the posted papers on the scaandal made by Augusto and he was furiously tearing up the posted papers on the bulletin board.

He looked at each of them evilly and announced a threat that whoever did this he would pay.

He was suddenly nervous at what he said but he wouldn't be caught because he didn't talk to Ito or fight because he really avoided crossing their paths.

In the end, he was able to take revenge, he ruined his reputation and that was a big blow to make the girls on their campus look differently.

That's what he thought because it made it even cooler in the eyes of women. They also said that Augusto can love not only women but also men. It was hair-raising for him.

He was inside their classroom when his only friend, Nicolo, came and greeted him.

"Do you have an assignment? I'm going to copy it because I did ML last night so I forgot." Sometimes it's really good to eat with a friend.

"Oh copy it!" I gave him my notebook at the same time.

"Is this right—" I immediately hit him because the animals is still choosy, he is already a copycat, he still likes to speak If Tama.

"You're so choosy! You're." Stupid laughed and quickly copied it in my notebook.

Later, those student councils entered our classroom to investigate what happened to Augusto.

They started rummaging through things when Nicolo suddenly spoke and my eyes widened at what he was holding.

"Oh, you have a print of Augusto's scandal" I immediately took it from his hand and crumpled it up as I entered my mouth.

"What is that!" When a student council said, I immediately signaled Nicolo to keep quiet.

"It turned out that Melvin had a lemon square and he swallowed it right away." Sneaking it and full inspection is at the mouth of your paper.

Until they came out and took it out of my mouth immediately.

"Admit it Melvin! Are you the one who spread Augusto's scandal?"

"Shut up so they can hear you.. Yes, I did but I didn't expect it to be like this. This shouldn't be the result."

"Well, you're our b*bo. Don't you think that no matter what insults are thrown at Augusto, everyone will still like him! You really don't have a brain sometimes. You don't think." Pannermon it.

"Augusto is too perfect to be judged, maybe if he runs around wearing briefs, maybe we'll be waiting for him... Maybe we'll end up looking sarcastic."

"Why did he still study here, he's rich."

"That's why.We also think the same."

"Chelsea would have answered me if it wasn't for that Augusto."

"even if Augusto is gone, you won't let Chelsea be taller than you I'm sorry!"

"Shut up if you don't want to lose a tank in the rank game."

"This is no joke... Let's play later."

"All right." After class, we went down the stairs to recess but both Nicolo and I stopped when we saw a bloodied schoolmate in front of us.

"When I really find out who spread the word... This is how he will bless me." He said that my knees went weak because of what he said.

The face of the man he punched was almost crushed.

"Be careful, he's angry." We immediately moved away from it and I really promised that I won't do it again.

It's a good thing there is no CCTV in our school because if there was I might be in a pit right now. I'd better play it until my nervousness goes away.

After class, we quickly left the classroom when we met Augusto's group.

I hid by Nicolo's side but this one didn't care and pushed me because I was too close.

"Keep me safe because" I stopped when I felt someone bump into me from behind.

"Hey! By the way you're in the way!" One of his friends pushed me and left like someone who was in school.

"Are you alright." Nicolo said to me but I was deaf with so much annoyance. Who does he think he is? Get ready for me because you won't go crazy when you find out who I am..

"Hey, what's with that grin? It's like you've taken drug with that look."

"Shut up! It's your fault."

"Why me? You will stick to me because we are both hiding from Augusto."

"If I really get hurt by you and I die. I will haunt you in your dreams." I promised and got on my bike.

"I'm not afraid!" It kept shouting until I got home and saw mom and dad in the living room.

"How's school going Melvin." Mom asked me that question over and over again. I'm not young anymore for her to ask me that.

"It's okay." I promised and immediately entered my room. Later tonight I will do my plan again.

I need to take more pictures of him and I will spread them all over the school and the internet. Let's just see if it doesn't make you crazy.

I put on my black hoodie and sneak out of the house. I will go to the club they always go to. When I got there, I went inside and immediately looked for its troops.

I was not disappointed because I immediately saw Augusto's face in the distance, his handsomeness was very different even from a distance.

This girl is kissing at his table and his friends are having fun. I secretly sat down at the table next to them.

When I clicked on my cellphone, I was surprised when it lit up, causing their attention to turn to me.

P*tay I can't turn off my flash. What a shame! I ran fast but my eyes widened when I saw Augusto following me.

Why is this man's legs so long? I sped up my pace but I tripped and didn't notice the design of the cement.

"I caught you!" He was about to remove my hoodie, but since I was a boy scout in elementary school, I should always be ready!

I took that pepper spray from my hoodie pocket and sprayed it on his eyes. Run fast together.

"you can't get away from me stalker!" It screamed at me. Thank you! Stalker you fuck! Thank you very much and my phone's flash is not off.

Unbeknownst to Melvin, he knew that while he was walking away from Augusto, he attached a tracking device to his hoodie so that he could catch his stalker. Melvin did bite the trap because from the beginning Augusto had doubts about Melvin because of his body language.

"You're dead!" While looking at his phone with a wide grin on his lips.

Melvin POV

I'm almost there, it's a good thing I brought this pepper spray from mom. When I entered the house, I immediately went straight to my room and lay down immediately.

The next day, I quickly went to school and Nicolo and I were at the same time, so I rode my bike.

"You know there's no secret that can't be revealed..."

"Yes, if you don't miss it, you're the only one who knows who spread it. That's why you're here for me when you train me."

"Luh! Why would I do that." While Nicolo and I were walking to the classroom, two men stopped me and grabbed me by both arms.

"What does this mean! Let me go!" When I struggled, I turned to look at Nicolo. He was gone! P*este that m*kong really left me?

"Come with me, you don't want to get hurt."

"Guard There are Bullies here!"

"Shut up!" They tried to pull me and I was screaming loudly.

"Hey what's that!?" My mother ran away and left me. I'm really smart, I promise we'll be together.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and thanked the guard, if it wasn't for him, I might have been dragged by those assholes.

"It's okay, thanks for your class and it's late."

"Mr. guard, can I ask for a favor?"

"What is that?"

"Take it to the classroom, maybe they will come back to me, I'm afraid."

"What are you kid? I still have duty"

"I'll take it to him." I suddenly froze in my place when I saw Augusto appear in front of us.

"Oh sir Augusto it's you!" Sh*t I need to leave.

"Where are you going? Do you want a ride, come on I'll drive you—"

"Ah don't. You might be late for your class—

"I'll take you—"

"I can't do it. Our classroom is close by." I was surprised when he dragged me to the hallway and now I'm nervous about what's going on.

"Where is your classroom?" I hesitated to teach him but had no choice because I was late."

"Not yet." It brought me and everyone stopped and whispered when they saw Augusto and others restrained the thrill they were feeling.

"You're late Mr. Masemas!" Our mathematics teacher was very angry.

"Excuse me ma'am but I'm the one who should blame for this, I ask him to help me fro something that's why he's late. I'm sorry." Surprised because of this excuse, what is this trick?

The girls in the classroom tsk! It's really different when pogi no... Effortlessly thrill while us averages really have to persevere to get the answer from the girls we want.

"Quiet class! Sit down Mr. Masemas..."

"It's okay Augusto..." Tsk! Is our teacher also obsessed with it... It's really annoying! I sat down and suddenly Nicolo elbowed me.

"Hanep you! An Augusto just delivered you."

"Shut up! You're going to blame me later!"

"This is it."

"MR. MASEMAS AND MR. RODRIGUEZ! go to the blackboard and answer this question." We stood the whole time in ma'am's class because we couldn't answer that problem solving in math. It's like Nicolo, it's so noisy that our classmates make fun of us. When our class ended, I was still inside the classroom when someone called me.

"Hey Melvin! Augusto called you to the cafeteria. He said you should come now." I had a really bad feeling so I immediately pulled Nicolo out of the classroom.

"Where will we go!" I didn't answer him and we went to the gym because we were going to hide there.

"We're not going to leave here yet?" We've been here for a few hours and I've been observing all around.

"Wait there! Nicolo, aren't you surprised by Augusto's behavior towards me? It's like he knows something about what I did."

"And do you think you'll survive if he finds out that you're the mastermind behind everything. Of course! He doesn't know that yet, maybe you're their target now." We both looked at each other.

"Don't say... You're his type damn it!" I hit him right away because he was saying too much.

"Why me? I'm not a bitch! Do I look like a woman to you?"

"Wait, I'll look oh my! That's a double ah."

"What are the two of you doing here..."

"MOMMY!" I screamed because of the shock when Augusto reappeared in front of us with a smile on his lips.

"W-what are you doing here." I'm nervous I promise plus you add the smile that made my hair stand on end.

"I invited you to the cafeteria, why didn't you show up?" I want to find a reason to use Nicolo.

"Nicolo and I are playing. I'll pass first"

"Are you sure?" Said and Nicolo and I nodded at him.

"Can I join you?" Nicolo and I looked at each other and Ito was about to speak but I immediately covered his mouth.

"Ah, we're about to finish, I'm still full." I reasoned and was about to leave but he grabbed my arm.

"You come with me." Huh? Before I could even react, he pulled me to the cafeteria and everyone's attention focused on us.

We approached the table of his friends and he made me sit next to him.

"Order whatever you want, I treat." It's like I can't breathe because of the stares of Ito plus his friends who make fun of me.

"I'm full—" I was surprised when he dropped his hand on the table.

"Order whatever you want I Tried..." My bones feel like marshmallows and I can't feel my legs. I'm still standing...

"Just cheesecake and soft drinks for me." He signaled to one of his companions and after a while the cheesecake and soft drinks were in front of Kona.

"Eat it..." I immediately ate it so that it would be over and I could leave...

"So, how's your day my dear Stalker" I was so surprised that I blew the soft drink I was drinking in his face.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!!" I promised to wipe him but I was surprised when my head stuck to the table.

"People like you really pissed me off. Keep your fucking your insecurities you lowly bastard!" I groaned at the pressure of it on my head.

"Bring him to the abandoned building, I deal with him." My eyes widened when he said this.

"You shouted... And you're dead." I had no choice but to go with her.

To Be Continued....

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