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The Father Of Your Child

The Father Of Your Child



"Didn't I tell you to drink what you used, why did the nurse say you just throw it away" "Doc, I'm sorry..But..I don't want to live" "Don't you feel guilty about your child..You've only been pregnant with him for two months". "That's why, doc, I don't want to live anymore, because he will suffer like me" "Hayss..Where's the child father" When Edran heard the doctor's question, he suddenly trembled and a trace of fear appeared on his face When the doctor saw this, he suddenly became quiet and said next that Edran was shocked "If the father of the child is not there...I can be the father of your child"

Chapter 1 New boyfriend right

Chapter 1

"Edran, Sweetie, are you going to sleep?"

A gentle call of a woman from her eight-year-old son's room.

"Not yet Mom, I still have an assignment to finish.. Why" replied the young Edran who was busy doing his assignment.

"It's already 9:00 Pm sweetie.. Will it take you long to finish?" His mother asked while stroking Edran's hair.

"It's almost here, just a little bit..No, why are you calling me..Is there a problem?" Edran asked his mother innocently.

"Uhmm.. Sweetie.. You know mom has a new boyfriend right". Edran's mom said

"Yes Ma, what's wrong?" asked Edran

"Ahh.. Sweetie, I'm planning marrying him". Kabang Said his mother

Edran suddenly stopped doing the assignment and stared at his mother.

"Ma..You love him right?"

"Of course sweetie".

"If you love him and you are happy with him then do it..Marry him...Uncle Louis is such a good guy and kind person" Edran said with a smile

"Thank you sweetie" His son said while hugging Edran

What they don't know is the person they let into their lives will destroy their innocent happiness

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sapherr"

"Thank you so much"

A happy wedding takes place and the guests happily congratulate the newlyweds.

"Ma, Uncle Louis congratulations" Edran said with a smile while handing flowers to his mother

They didn't notice the change in Louis's expression when he heard the young Edran call him "Uncle Louis"

"Ohhhh.. Sweetie thank you..Ahh babe..I'm sorry When his daddy died. He promised that no one would call him daddy but Aran". Edran's mother said she was afraid because she might be sad of his new Wife

When Louis heard this, his expression changed again to a gentle and kind face

"It's okay honey..I understand". He said with a smile to the magina while caressing Edran's head

[8 years later]

"What the hell Edina....I told you I don't want to have a baby, that's just an obstacle"

"Before you become an obstacle..I will bring the child here, not you"

"As in you can revive the child"

"Before you came into our life, Edran and I were able to live together..So why can't I handle it"

This is what is heard and debated almost every day inside the Sapherr married couple's House

"Edran, why don't you come inside your house"

"Uhmm..Ryan why we go to other places..It's quieter in coffee shops". Edran said with a smile

"Oh okay"

When Ryan saw Edran's fake smile mixed with sadness, he decided to follow Edran's wishes

"So Edran, What strands will you take this incoming grade 11.." Ryan asked while eating his cupcake

"I don't know"

"What you don't know, don't you want to be a chef like your mom..." Ryan asked

"Yahh, but Uncle Louis said that I should study architecture because I can reach a wider area," Edran said sadly.

"What the f*ck"

"Hey don't be cursed". Edran scolded his friend

"Ohh. Sorry.. But that's not what you want.. He's not you, so why is he the one to decide for you?" Ryan's Irritated Saying

"Hahaha..What can I do with him paying my tuition". Edran said sadly

[1 year later]

"Mr. Edran Shirond"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Somebody calling you, I think it's your nanny" Edran's teacher said

"Ahh.. thank you ma'am.. Ryan email me your part of the thesis haha.." Edran said to Ryan who was busy playing on his cellphone

" I thought you were going to sleep with me". Ryan complained

"Ryan.. I already taught him everything.. I'll do it once.. just do it a little bit". Sermon by Edran Kay Ryan

"Fine,Fine,Fine...Stop scolding me already.."Ryan scolded as if his mother was giving a sermon

"Okay fine, I'll talk to you later, I'll just go see Yaya" Edran said


"Nanny, Why are you here?"

"Edran baby" called his Nanny in a hoarse voice

"Nanny, what's wrong? Why...did you cry?" Edran asked worriedly

"Everything will be okay, Edran." Said Edran's Nanny while holding his shoulder

"What do you mean Nanny..Why are you making me nervous". Edran said with a mixture of nervousness because of his Nanny's actions

"Let's go to the hospital".

"Let me say it.. The girl will survive, but she was sneezed at and has had physical injuries for a long time, as if from abuse-"

"Henry, Stop it..The patient's family is already there".

"Edran!! Don't run". Said Edran's Nanny

"Don't stop me Nanny, I want to see mom now". Edran said running

"Time of death: January 30-1:00 PM"


Edran wailing and screaming while hugging his lifeless mother

"Edran, Baby.".

"No...Yaya..It's not true...Ma..Mama...You promise me that you won't leave me..Mama..Wake up please..Ma.."

"Hayssss..I didn't know the girl had a young daughter...Hey Doc..Who are you staring at" Doctor Henry asked his friend out of curiosity


"Baby Edran, when are you going to eat?"

"I'm okay Nanny, I'll just look after Mama". Edran said while smiling at his Nanny

"Hayss..Alright, but if you're hungry..I'll just serve you haha." Said his Nanny

"Uhmm.. Excuse me, is Edina Sapherr's son here?"

"Who are they?" Edran's Nanny asked

"I am Doctor Henry and those behind are police officers from station B.. We just want to give the information requested by the patient's relatives", Doc. Henry said.


"Put them in Naya".

"Mr. Edran Shirond, Uhmm.. Good eve". Awkward greeting by Henry Kay Edran

"Everything you know, tell me don't worry about it any more".

Henry had no intention of interfering in his patient's case. He could not have saved his life but because of his conscience and the non-help of his friend the doctor who always had a poker face when he came to him.

"You really don't have a heart". Henry whispered to himself

"Ahhh..that's how your uncle Louis is because of the accident, his hand has become disabled. He can still work because it will be difficult for him to use it in his profession because he will be able to leave the hospital this wee-"

"Stop, I don't want to know about her situation.. I want to know about my mom" Edran said emphatically

"About your mother...Officer You tell her" Henry said

"Good eve Sir Edran, About your mother at the time of the accident..Your mother was driving".

"Bullsh*t, how can she drive if she's pregnant", Edran said angrily

"Edran son..Calm down" Edran's Nanny Said Warning

This is the first time that Edran's Nanny heard her cursing at other people and getting angry, Edran was raised by his legal parents about manners and good behavior since he was a child, especially by his father.

"I know my mother, she is 3 weeks pregnant and she won't let her body go to drive anymore." Edran said as he tried to calm down.

"According to the report, sir, Mr. Sepherr is in the passenger seat and your mother is in the driver's seat, all the evidence points out that your mother was driving that day," said the officer.

"Nonsense, leave now if everything you say is meaningless" Edran said angrily

"But sir..."

"I said get out"

"Doc and sir's you have to leave". Edran's Nanny politely pushed him away

"Yaya if they ever come here..Don't let them stay at any time".

[Senior High School Graduation]

"Edran...You said you are a student at the same university.."Ryan's sullen look on Edran as he hugged her crying like a child.

"Didn't I already explain this to you..I can no longer afford the tuition at the university that we dream of going to..Uncle Louis's company has been flooded for a long time. He can't support me either".

Edran's explanation

"But you still have a bakery shop, don't you"

"That bakery is almost enough to support our daily expenses if I enter the Malking University... How can I pay for it?" Edran convinced his friend.


"No buts...I promise when you graduate from college I will come to see you..." Edran said with a smile

"Okay just don't break your promise hah". Ryan said

"I will"

"what the fuck maid. Even cooking the dish you burned it." Said Louis angrily

Since Louis found out that his hand has become disabled and he can't use it in his profession as an engineer, which is the reason for the sinking of his company, his bad behavior has come out and he knows nothing but drinking or getting angry and complaining

"Sorry...Sir Louis, I was cooking, bro. I was the one you ordered me to buy wine. I forgot." Nanny's Terrified Explanation

"So it's my d*mn fault now hah, You're just a maid that I'm paying". Louis Said angrily

"And you're so strong, uncle Louis, that you're giving Yaya a swine salary..That's how you bought your wine, you took it from the bakery shop's income." Edran's defense of his Nanny

"What did you say?" Louis replied angrily

"And by the way, she works for us here for free so don't you ever say bad words to Nanny because she's not just a maid, I consider her more family than her." Edran told Louis emphatically.

"Whatever you're both useless". This was the last thing Louis said before he left the House

"Edran son"

"Nanny..I think you need to leave our house"

"Huh, Why?..What do you want to say".

"Yaya..I know that since mom disappeared, you stood as my mother, but I'm not a selfish person..I have my own family to support..We can't pay you anymore". Edran said sadly

"But son-"

"Yaya, thank you for everything even if it hurts.. You need us to be able to pay for your family's living" said Edran

"Are you okay?" Edran's Nanny said worriedly

"I can Nanny". Edran said with a smile

"Hey.. Transferri What is your skin care routine"

"We are whiter and smoother"

"You really are a man"

"Stop it..You've been asking him since he entered the room."

"It's okay for them, don't bother Edran..Ahhh Edran, I'm Angela". Angela's introduction to Edran

"Hello Angela..I'm Edran Shirond nice to meet you". Edran said to Angela with a smile

When the school started, Edran chose to enroll in the pink school near their house and cheap tuition because they could no longer pay the rent of the house, Edran chose to sell the bakery shop even though it hurt his heart because it was left behind his mother's thing.

First Louis didn't agree but he couldn't do anything about his argument with Edran but he hasn't been home for more than two months since then.

"Wait a minute...Don't speak English to me haha..." Angela patted Edran jokingly

"Ahh.. Sorry". Edran said timidly

"Well, it's okay hahaha..I'm sorry I didn't scold you...I'm welcome to the public school". Angela said happily

"Thank you"

"Hala Edran congratulations...You are Top 1 in the entire course at school" Angela said happily to Edran

"Thank you Angela". Edran said with a smile

"Lyka.. that transfer guy has taken better care of you, are you sure your parents won't scold you".

"My parents are already comparing me to that man." Lyka said annoyed

"Lyka congratulations for being top 2", Edran said with a smile

But Lyka just ignored him and left

"Let her go Edran, that girl is competitive because her parents are strict". Angela comforts Edran that she saw Lyka

"It's okay Angela.. So let's go street food". Edran said with a smile

"Are you free?" Angela said

"Hahahaha sure".

"Hello Angela, about that in our project, later send skin on messenger the pic of your work, hah" Edran said on the cellphone while talking to Angela

"Okay..I'll pass it on later when I'm done eating". Angela said

"Owww okay..Let's talk later"


"what's that noise"

Louis asked in surprise when he heard the noise outside the House so he immediately opened the door.

"Uncle Louis?"

To Be Continued...

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