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Alpha's First Love

Alpha's First Love

Saoirse Chloie


"No!, I won't! I can't accept this!" I screamed while holding back my tears "Accept it or not Ashley, this is the reality!" I Shake my head as my sign of refusal, I can't just accept my mate and forget my boyfriend. I don't want this "Adie, say something!" I screamed at my boyfriend, but he only glanced at me and shook his head as if saying that we should just accept this, that this was the only thing he could do. We've been together for 5 years, and he's just going to throw it all away and not do something about it. If he won't I will. As I was looking at him, I didn't see how my mate closed the distance between us. He grabs my waist pulling me closer to him at which I struggle to be free, The next thing I know his lips are on me, forcefully kissing me and all I can do is push him away but he won't bulge. When I had the chance to pull my face away from him, he held the back of my head and continued kissing me "hmmmp!" No! I muffled a scream. "Alpha!" I heard Adie's voice, but to no avail, The Alpha won't stop, He called him again still nothing "Travis!" that's when he let go of me, he looked me straight in the eyes and said "You Are Mine!" Loud enough for Adie to hear, As feel my tears pouring.

Chapter 1 The Day Before

The sun is up and I just finished preparing myself, just like every morning but this day is different from every other day. I am so excited for tomorrow not only because it's my birthday, but also the night I will find my mate. And I was hoping it would be him.

"Hey" As I heard a knock on my door, I turned and saw him standing there, the person I wanted to be my fated mate, the one I wished to spend the rest of my life with. A smile graces my lips seeing him, watching me with those soft eyes of his.

"Hey, Did you just come?" I asked as I finished combing my hair, he walked forward and leaned to whisper

"No, Amanda insisted that I eat breakfast." I laugh, knowing my mother she would one to do that to everybody she knows

"of course, you know Mom" He nods, stands straight, and presents his hand for me to take.

"Shall we?" I nod kissing him on the cheek.

"Happy birthday" He laughed, before saying the same thing to me, we both laughed at this, who knew that we both had the same birth date? I didn't believe it at first but hey I came around, don't judge I was a kid back then, you wanted it to be special, and knowing you have someone to share the same birth date is not that flattering at all

"Kids, are you ready for tonight?" my mom asked as we descended the stairs beside her is Dad smiling at us

"Hi Mom, and Dad and yes I am, we both are" giving the both of them a kiss on the cheek

"Happy Birthday Darling, Advance" I laugh, even though tomorrow is our official birthday my parents wanted to greet me earlier, I nod and say my thanks, giving them both a bone-crushing hug

"Oh!, my baby is officially an adult tonight," says Mom as she wipes her teary eyes, while Dad just nods as he consoles Mom rubbing her arm for comfort

"And she will always be a baby to us. No matter what" Dad said, winking at me.

"Mom come on," I said wiping her tears, kissing her cheeks

"As Dad said, I will always be your baby girl, As much as I wanted to be an adult in your eyes, still you see me as a little girl" I pouted, and they laugh

"All right, all right be home early, that is for the both of you we are having a dinner party at the pack house."

"Really? The Alpha agrees?" I asked incredulously, looking at Adie for confirmation. After all, he is the Beta.

"Yeah, actually he's the one who suggested it, saying it's his second-in-command's birthday as well as the former second-in-command daughter's birthday." I nod still couldn't believe it

"I still could not believe that Travis would be the one to suggest it," I told him while we were on the road to school. Yes, I am still in school, I just got so busy in the pack house that I had to leave and take this year to finish my studies. I did mention that we are a werewolf and that we had to go to school early unlike normal kids do.

"Believe it or not but I was there when he suggested it." He said chuckling, I smiled at this.

"Here you are," He said as he parked his car on the side, I looked out of the window and saw that indeed we were already here outside of the school.

"Where are you up to next?" I ask as I open the car door, not because he is not a gentleman but because I told him not to. And he did not argue at all

"You know same as always the pack house. Don't forget after dinner Alphas from the neighboring pack will also be here to witness the full moon, elders say it will be seen on our side that is why" reminded myself and I nodded.

"Looks like you will be busy, are you sure you can join the dinner party?" I inquire looking back at him before getting out of the car,

"I think, but if I'm not you know where to find me," he says smiling as he bids goodbye.

It's the day before my birthday but I'm working on this special project, but its fine since I am not here for the class just staying in the library doing research. As soon as I arrived at the library. I found our Librarian Ms. Simons rearranging the books from the bookshelves, as well as what most students borrow and just put the book anywhere when they are done.

Though we had technology I mostly enjoy searching at books than on the internet. Yes, it is time-consuming but this is my me time.

"Ashley" I was so into the book that I was surprised when Adie's mind linked me

"You surprise me, What is it?" I asked as I continued reading

"How can you be surprised I have been calling your name many times already" I stopped

"Sorry, got into .."

"the books again" he finished my sentence which made me laugh because I have been doing this many times already

"Are you done?"

"Not really, but I still have time, what is it?"

"Pack House needs you" I sign, I thought it was my day off

"All right, I'll go there" I cut him off to arrange my things, good thing didn't bring a lot, just my laptop and a notebook. I walk faster as I want to finish what needs to be done, so I can continue my research paper

"Ash!" I stopped walking as soon as I heard my name being called when I turned around

"Alpha" I bow my head in respect, and he nods his

"Adrian told me you were here" I look at him wonderingly, why would Adrian ask the Alpha to be here?

"Are you here to borrow books Alpha?"

"No, I came from the gym" I nod my head

"Oh yeah, I heard there was a fight the other day," he said sounding bored

"Yeah, they broke the pole" That made me smile as I remembered something


"Ahh nothing, I just remember on our school days when you and Adrian fought that you both broke the school wall and everybody would not believe that it was just the two of you that did it"

"Yeah, we had to drag you along just so we could end the discussion"

"Yeah! That part was not funny at all"

"Come on, I'll give you a ride since we are both going to the same place" I nodded and we proceeded to where he parked his car. Soon we both arrived at the pack house.

"What took you so long?" That's Adie coming towards us in a hurry


"We are here, now let's go" I could not finish my sentence because the Alpha beat me to it. We walked inside, and as soon as I stepped in, I was in shock

"What is happening here?" we both asked at the same time

"I was giving orders to the guards for the next day's festivities when I arrived this is what welcomes me. They couldn't decide on which to go where and all

"Ashley! Great you are here! We need your help" I found her looking like we just woke up because of her messy hair probably from the stress around here.

"Marissa, what happened to you?" I ask as I walk closer to where she is, not before hearing Adie's words.

"We need a Luna fast, so find your mate already," he said, I didn't catch what the Alpha said as I started to arrange everything here.

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