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First Meeting Turned Our Wedding

First Meeting Turned Our Wedding



Kayla Jackson was forced to marry a big catch by her Aunt, Capella Salvador who wants nothing but to make Kyla pay for all of her parent's SINS. Raymond Locason was a big catch she found for her and her aim is to use Kyla to extort money from him. Marriage isn't on Raymond's agenda. All he wants is just to enjoy his Casanova lifestyle and to find his father's killer. He was enjoying his life as the most eligible bachelor until his mother suddenly announced his marriage to an unknown girl. Finding out that the woman he's about to get married to is his father's killer's daughter, he has no choice but to agree to the marriage to make her pay for her father's SIN. "Let's get one thing straight. We might be married in the eyes of the whole world but to me, you're nothing but a killer's daughter. My father's killer's daughter whom I'm ready to do all it takes to make her pay for her father's sin. You're no one but a desperate gold digger who shamelessly agreed to marry me for my money!" He said in a cold tone. "I'm... I'm not a gold digger" She said in a soft tone but loud enough for him to hear her. "I don't care! I don't fucking care! You're already sold to me and I can do whatsoever I wish to do with you so, you better think properly before uttering your words. All you have to do is just to play the role of my wife in the eyes of the world but in reality, you mean nothing! Don't you dare come closer to me. We're never going to share the same room. This stupid honeymoon is just to make the world believe that we're happily married and make it look real. Just stay out of my business! Mind your business and do not ever dare touch my stuff if you don't want to witness the monster in me.... Are we clear?" He listed everything that he wanted and all she could do was just to nod her head. Kyla wants to prove her parents innocent and to also make her husband see her worth. She wants to make him believe that she deserves to be called his wife but what happens when all Raymond wants is just to make her life miserable? For how long could he keep up with his plan? Will he be able to go on with his plans even after falling in love with the same woman he promised to ruin?

Chapter 1 1

Kyla Jackson

Kyla, please take the Telecom" Sandra, my colleague here at the restaurant said to me whilst she set another customer's order on the train. I nod my head before picking up the call.

"Mr. James" I said softly.

"Where is Sandra?" My boss shot me a question in a cold tone as soon as I answered the call.

I chewed my lip nervously. "She's attending to other customers" I answered.

I became my boss's worst enemy the day I turned his advances towards me down.

It all happened a week after I secured a job here. All thanks to my wicked aunt who is a friend to my boss, I was able to get the job. She wanted me to work so I could contribute to the house expenses.

I'm just 20 years old and I've been working my ass off for the past 5 years now. That was when my Dad died. I became a shadow of myself after his death. I was my father's daughter, his favorite as he loved and cared so much for me. I was treated like a princess but on a faithful day, one terrible night, he got killed by some unknown men right in my presence.

I couldn't see their faces as they all had a mask on but, I won't forget the mark I saw on their body. It was a butterfly mark tattooed on the back of their neck. They all had the same mark. I'm never going to forget such a horrible night.

I moved in with my aunt here in New York for a better future but, I had no idea I would end up in hell. All I got from her and her adopted son was nothing but pain and maltreatment. They both treat me like trash.

I feel like she has a grudge against my father and me.

"Get table 20 now and do not mess things up, Kyla. Important people are on that table, they can buy your entire generation. I do not want to lose important customers because of your irresponsibility" he warned and hung up the call before I could even say a word.

A deep sigh escaped my lip before running to the said table but guess who I met there? It's the BILLIONAIRE BACHELORS; Raymond Locason, Daniel Christopher, Micheal Jonathan, Lucas Santiago, Leon Delson, Steve Reign, James Mysterio.

That's the nickname people gave them. I really do not know how they came up with such a name but from what we heard, they all have been friends since childhood and they also went through a lot of hardship together before they made it this big.

Everyone in this country and even across the country knows who they are. Rich and famous. They are the youngest bachelor in town. Every single lady in this country wants to end up with at least one of them but I don't think that's ever going to happen. Why?

Because they don't believe in love. All they ever do is toy with girls' hearts, sleep with them, and treat them like pieces of garbage.

Before I could greet them and ask them what they would like to order, I heard Raymond Locason cursing and threatening to make a girl's life miserable for accepting the marriage proposal his mom offered her.

Marriage proposal? Is he getting married or what?- I thought.

Poor girl!

If she ends up with him means, she will have to endure all his rude behavior. Watching her husband sleep around with different women and-

Okay, Kyla. Can you just shut up and concentrate?! It's none of your business if he marries or not! Just stay out of people's business- I mentally scold myself.

I swallowed hard before opening my mouth to talk to them. I'm so nervous. They're the most successful businessmen, they are billionaires and it's hard for people like us to talk to them.

Nevertheless, I still summoned the courage to speak to them. "Good morning, gentlemen. What would you like to order?"

"Chicken fried steak for me" Daniel ordered surprisingly in a nicer tone.

I was thinking he would be rude.

I hurriedly write down his order before facing Micheal. "What about you sir?"

"Mexican flat enchiladas. Is it available?" He asked.

"Yes sir, it is." I answered as politely as I could. "Would you want a fried egg on top or not?" I added.

"Sounds great. Never tried it but would give it a try" I nod my head and write it down too.

Before I could ask the third person, Raymond Locason suddenly slams his hand roughly on the table, making me jolt in fear.

"Never will I fucking marry that bitch! I can't believe Mom is fucking doing this to me! She wants me to marry my enemy's daughter?!" He burst angrily.

"Calm down, Ray. We're outside and people are watching" Leon said.

"I don't fucking care! How does she expect me to live under the same roof with the same girl her Dad killed mine?! Does that even make sense!"

"That's why Leon asked you to calm down. You have your way of dealing with this, remember? You already have a plan for her" Steve said, caressing his shoulder.

This is deeper than I thought.

I took their order and ran back to the counter to tell Sandra. She got their orders on the train and I picked them up carefully. I walked back to their table and gently placed everyone's order in front of them.

I returned to the counter again, took their drink, and walked over to them. I placed each person's drink in front of them but when it got to Raymond, I had no idea how it all happened, I hit my leg on something and ended up spilling the drink on him.

"Fucking shit!" He growled and jumped up from his seat angrily.

"I'm... I'm sorry sir" I tried cleaning his expensive suit but he ends up pushing me roughly, making me hit my butt badly on the floor.

Not bothering about the pain I was feeling at the moment, I still managed to get up and tried cleaning his suit again and he allowed me this time around.

I was still trying my best to clean up the stain on his beautiful expensive suit when my boss suddenly showed up. Without asking a question, he saw the scene and glared hard at me.

I stood there trembling in fear. If he ends up firing me because of this then, my Aunt will kill me.

"I swear, I have no idea how it happened. It was a mistake" I began to explain myself to my boss even before he asked me questions.

"You know what? I'm out of here!" Raymond suddenly hissed, pushed me out of his way and walked out.

My boss then turned to face his friends. "I deeply apologize on behalf of my incompetent employee. If you'll leave this to me, I will make sure she gets punished" he said.

"It's fine. Just be careful next time" Lucas patted his shoulder but faced me as he said that. "Come on, guys" he added and they all left.

My gaze is still fixed on their retreating back whilst I chew my lip nervously. My boss slowly turns to face me with a devilish look on his face. "Meet me in my office, NOW!" He ordered and left too in anger. At the same time, my phone beep in my pocket.

It's my Aunt.

"You have to come home now!" She ordered as soon as I answered her call.

"B... But I... M.. my... My work... I just... I mean, I still have three more hours before my closing time and I-"

"I don't care, bitch! Just drop whatever you're doing and come back home. Now!" She said and hung up the call on me.

I stood there contemplating what to do. If I leave now, I'm going to get fired. And, if I don't go to my aunt, she will make life a living hell for me!

What do I do?- I thought chewing my lip nervously.

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