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Eaglegirl97's Books(2)

First Meeting Turned Our Wedding

First Meeting Turned Our Wedding

Kayla Jackson was forced to marry a big catch by her Aunt, Capella Salvador who wants nothing but to make Kyla pay for all of her parent's SINS. Raymond Locason was a big catch she found for her and her aim is to use Kyla to extort money from him. Marriage isn't on Raymond's agenda. All he wants is just to enjoy his Casanova lifestyle and to find his father's killer. He was enjoying his life as the most eligible bachelor until his mother suddenly announced his marriage to an unknown girl. Finding out that the woman he's about to get married to is his father's killer's daughter, he has no choice but to agree to the marriage to make her pay for her father's SIN. "Let's get one thing straight. We might be married in the eyes of the whole world but to me, you're nothing but a killer's daughter. My father's killer's daughter whom I'm ready to do all it takes to make her pay for her father's sin. You're no one but a desperate gold digger who shamelessly agreed to marry me for my money!" He said in a cold tone. "I'm... I'm not a gold digger" She said in a soft tone but loud enough for him to hear her. "I don't care! I don't fucking care! You're already sold to me and I can do whatsoever I wish to do with you so, you better think properly before uttering your words. All you have to do is just to play the role of my wife in the eyes of the world but in reality, you mean nothing! Don't you dare come closer to me. We're never going to share the same room. This stupid honeymoon is just to make the world believe that we're happily married and make it look real. Just stay out of my business! Mind your business and do not ever dare touch my stuff if you don't want to witness the monster in me.... Are we clear?" He listed everything that he wanted and all she could do was just to nod her head. Kyla wants to prove her parents innocent and to also make her husband see her worth. She wants to make him believe that she deserves to be called his wife but what happens when all Raymond wants is just to make her life miserable? For how long could he keep up with his plan? Will he be able to go on with his plans even after falling in love with the same woman he promised to ruin?