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LIES & BETRAYAL: My Ex Wants Me Back

LIES & BETRAYAL: My Ex Wants Me Back



Being the only son of a Mafia leader, Francis North lost his parents while he was young. They were murdered and he promised himself to find his parent's killer at all cost and make them pay. Years later, he met with Andrea Salvador. The only woman who captured his heart. At first, it was just a BET for him until he realized his true feelings for her. He was ready to give her the world until he finds out that she's his parent's killer's daughter. To make matter worse, they already had a SON together. Will Francis forgive her and forget about the past or, make her pay for her father's crimes???

Chapter 1 1

Andrea Salvador

"Andrea!!" Celine exclaimed excitedly the moment she saw me.

"Hey girls!" I ran towards them and hug them tightly.

"I missed you" Janet announced, sadly.

"I missed you all" I replied smiling.

"Okay girls, enough of the reunion. It's time to shoot." James, our director announced.

After four years, I'm back again to my profession of acting and modeling. Being a model has always been my dream. Getting to be an ambassador for different companies and getting paid is something I've always dreamed of. I'm happy that I'm pursuing my dream once again.

"Okay, everyone. 3 2 1 action!" My director announced and we start shooting.

We shoot 12 scenes for about 7 hours when James announced that the interviewers are here for me. He has announced my comeback and they're all here to interview me, also, to know the reason why I left years ago without any traces. I changed into my usual dress before sitting in front of the camera with a broad smile already plastered on my face before they roll the camera on me.

"Hello Ms. Salvador" I smiled at the camera more so as not to look weird.

"Hello!" I wave my hand.

"So, finally we have our pretty and most loved actress back after so many years. Kindly tell us how you're feeling right now, Ms. Andrea?" The interviewer asked.

"Well, I'm perfectly fine as you can see. I'm also excited to be here today after a very long time. I missed everyone!"

"So, does this mean you'll be on TV from now on?"

"Of course! And that's why I'm back"

"Can you tell us the reason why you left years ago without any traces? We, your fans have been curious and worried about you as you were nowhere to be found"

"Erm.. can we skip that part? It's a bit personal and I don't want to disclose it"

"Sure, Ms. Andrea. Shall we move on to the next question then" She said with a small smile on her face. "Francis North...." She added, trailing off.

No, not this moment, please. Whenever I hear his name, I boil up in anger. I hate him so much with every breath in me, all I want to do is to kill him if I'm opportune to.

"Mr. Francis North, what can you say about this? We saw you coming out from one of his penthouses four years ago and that was the last time we heard the news of you" my eyes got widened in shock as she showed me the picture they took me years ago.

Despite trying so hard to hide from their gossip, how did they get to take this picture? That, in his house too.

"That's just an ordinary picture. Besides, it was taken years ago"

Lies and lies!!

"But, it was said that you and Francis North had a thing. Is it true?"

I chuckled. "Like I had said, that was four years back and there's nothing between us. Besides, my friends Celine and Janet are also his best friend wives so, it's normal for me to be seen with him. We're just friends, do not take those pictures serious as there was nothing between us, it's been a very long time" I'm mentally screaming not to be asked any silly questions related to him as I'm getting pissed already. I've only been trying to control myself because the camera is on me.

I was glad she changed the questions and continued asking me appropriate things instead of involving that monster. An hour later, we're done, wrap things up and they leave.

"Hey! I'm so proud of you, you did the right thing there" Celine said and Janet caressed my right arm when suddenly, my director walk up to us and they excuse us.

"Andrea, tell me you now have a lover" He said and I look at him strangely.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You now have a boyfriend, don't you?"

"No, I don't"

"You don't? Then, who sent this?" He asked, confusedly with a small box in his hand. I thanked him and took the box from him nevertheless. After all, he said a staff gave it to him and was instructed to pass it to me.

Opening it, I bring out the envelope and pull out the letter to read;

Really, Andrea, there's nothing between us?

It's normal to see you with me because you're friends with Celine and Janet?

Really? Is there really nothing between us?


Nothing between us, Andrea?

I was quivering when I finished reading it and widened my eyes. I drop the box and ran out of the building, I look around thinking I was going to at least get a glimpse of him but none. "What a gut!! How dare he write this shi-"

"Looking for someone?" I heard a voice say behind me and I jumped in fear.

"You scared me" I rolled my eyes at my friend Celine.

"What's going on? You seem to be in a bad mood and, how dare who?" She bombards me with questions.

"Him! He sent me this letter!" I told her and her eyes widened. I'm sure, she's scared for me as well.

"He found you already? I mean, of course, he can and you're already prepared for it but, so soon?" Before I could say a word, she continued. "What does he want?"

"I think he has someone spy on me because, how in the world would he know I told the press 'nothing is going on between us' he's mad because I said that to them at the interview!" I screamed out in a frustrated tone.

Haven't I draw the line between us enough? What exactly does he want from me this time around?

"Andrea, you need to calm down plus, isn't it time to settle your differences with him? It's been years already"

"No! I'm never going to see him in my entire life. I do not want to set my eyes ever on him again and that's final."

"But he wants you. He's been crazily searching every crook and corner of the whole world just to see you. He wants you, Andrea. You wouldn't want to know how much I've kept this a secret from him. I told him I have no idea of your whereabouts and he believed me."

"I don't care! I don't care Celine. Now, all of a sudden he cares? He's only pretending and nothing else other than that. He never cared about me and never will he"

"And how did you know that? It took me 3 years, 8 months and three weeks to finally set my eyes on you. I've searched every corner of the whole world just to find you and now, you don't want me?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I slowly turn around and there he was, standing a few feet away from me with a dark expression on his face.

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Other books by Eaglegirl97

First Meeting Turned Our Wedding

First Meeting Turned Our Wedding



Kayla Jackson was forced to marry a big catch by her Aunt, Capella Salvador who wants nothing but to make Kyla pay for all of her parent's SINS. Raymond Locason was a big catch she found for her and her aim is to use Kyla to extort money from him. Marriage isn't on Raymond's agenda. All he wants is just to enjoy his Casanova lifestyle and to find his father's killer. He was enjoying his life as the most eligible bachelor until his mother suddenly announced his marriage to an unknown girl. Finding out that the woman he's about to get married to is his father's killer's daughter, he has no choice but to agree to the marriage to make her pay for her father's SIN. "Let's get one thing straight. We might be married in the eyes of the whole world but to me, you're nothing but a killer's daughter. My father's killer's daughter whom I'm ready to do all it takes to make her pay for her father's sin. You're no one but a desperate gold digger who shamelessly agreed to marry me for my money!" He said in a cold tone. "I'm... I'm not a gold digger" She said in a soft tone but loud enough for him to hear her. "I don't care! I don't fucking care! You're already sold to me and I can do whatsoever I wish to do with you so, you better think properly before uttering your words. All you have to do is just to play the role of my wife in the eyes of the world but in reality, you mean nothing! Don't you dare come closer to me. We're never going to share the same room. This stupid honeymoon is just to make the world believe that we're happily married and make it look real. Just stay out of my business! Mind your business and do not ever dare touch my stuff if you don't want to witness the monster in me.... Are we clear?" He listed everything that he wanted and all she could do was just to nod her head. Kyla wants to prove her parents innocent and to also make her husband see her worth. She wants to make him believe that she deserves to be called his wife but what happens when all Raymond wants is just to make her life miserable? For how long could he keep up with his plan? Will he be able to go on with his plans even after falling in love with the same woman he promised to ruin?

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