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Forever in my heart (Kaima)

Forever in my heart (Kaima)

stephanie kezie


Kaima is the daughter of a normal couple who worked hard to give their daughter the best in life. She's diagnosed with heart desease but never bothered about that. She lived happily with her parents and best friend. She meets the Styles brothers. The younger one who is a player wanted her in bed but fell in love with her while she got so curious about the life of the senior son who is referred to as the rebellious son and also hates women and never make body contact with the female gender. Her curiosity leads her to motherhood and soon she finds out she not the daughter of the couple she grew up knowing as her parents. Her life gets threatened and she gets separated from her child and family.

Chapter 1 Don't let my daughter die

An ambulance enters the hospital premises in speed as some nurses runs out with a stretcher and a lady is been brought out from the ambulance and put into the stretcher as the nurses pushes her in hurriedly, the lady clutches her heart with her hand in pain and is crying bitterly.

Different people were going about doing what they came for, also the doctors, nurses and other hospital workers were doing their own work too. Everyone seems very busy like no one noticed any thing.

She was pushed into the emergency room as some stickers are being placed on her with some wires connected to it and also the machine giving them the readings of what the heart was doing and it's condition.

After that, the doctors placed her on drip immediately and started administrating medication to her. She is been put in the ICU for further monitoring.

At the waiting room.

A lady is seen panicking as an elderly man and woman runs towards her.

"Sarah, how is she? Any news yet?" The elderly man asked in a worried voice.

"Nothing yet Jude!" She replied with a sad face as she walks over to the woman who happens to be the man's wife and hugged her as the woman cries bitterly.

"God please, don't let my daughter die. She's all we have in this world". The woman prayed still crying.

"It's okay Rose! She won't die, she's a fighter remember?" Jude went over to comfort his wife.

"Yeah, she's a fighter, she's gonna make it out okay? So please stop crying?" Sarah comforted Rose.

A doctor comes out and walks over to them.

"Mr Johnson??" The doctor called out.

"Yes that's me". Jude stood up and went to the doctor as the women did same with a worried face.

Sarah was hoping and praying her friend comes out alive. She's been so afraid.

" How is my daughter doing, doctor?" Rose asked immediately.

"She's fine now, out of danger for now and still needs to be monitored as well so she's in the ICU room and family are allowed to visit her but do not disturb or wake her up". The doctor instructed them.

"Thank you doctor" Jude said as the doctor left.

Sarah sat in the waiting room as Jude and Rose went to the ICU room after putting on the hospital clothes, caps and gloves.

Sarah sat down thinking of what happened earlier when her phone rang, she checked the caller and it's "Babe" so she picked up immediately.

"Hello babe!" She said into the phone.

"Hey where are you? I went to the company and they said you left". A man's voice at the other end asked.

"Am at the hospital…." She was saying but the guy cut her off.

"Are you hurt? What happened? Which hospital? Am on my way now so send me the address Immediately". He hurriedly requested in a panick tone.

She sent the address Immediately since he didn't give her a chance to talk before hanging up.

At the ICU room.

Rose sat down, holding her daughter's hand and crying while Jude stood behind her patting her back.

"Kaima! Mom is here now, please don't leave me? I won't be able to survive it if you do". She kissed the hand.

Kaima was lying on the bed motionless. She seem not to hear her mom crying and that made Jude's heart heavy seeing his daughter lying lifeless on the bed and his wife won't stop crying as well. He wished there was something he could do at the moment.

They stayed in the room watching their daughter sleep as Rose won't stop crying and Jude had to console her.

Adrian drove his car like a crazy man towards the hospital. He parked and came down, locked his car and ran into the hospital. He saw Sarah sitting down in the waiting room and walked to her.

"What happened babe?" He asked as he got to her.

She stood up on hearing his voice and hugged him tight.

"Am fine, it's not me who got hurt but my friend". She disengaged from the hug and kisses his lips lightly.

"Where is she? What happened to her? He asked checking her out.

"She's in the ICU and her parents are there with her now". She sat down again as he did the same close to her.

"She had an heart attack while we were having lunch at a close by eatery, I called an ambulance and we rushed her here". She sniffed as Adrian patted her back.

He looked at her face closely and could see the traces of dry tears.

"It's okay, she will be fine. Let's go get your face washed up". He helped her stand and they went to the restroom.

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