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He is a Mafioso

My name is Rebeca and I'm happily married with a beautiful daughter. You could say this is the life I want: my husband Elvis has a steady job and earns a good living, although I don't know what he does because I don't ask many questions. As Grandma says, there's no need to look for the cat's fifth leg. And even less so if I have a little girl, no doubt about it.

Chapter 1 I

And to think I did my part to build a happy marriage. We had everything until that unfortunate man appeared in our lives.

My husband has a stable job and we can afford as much luxury as we want. There's a lot of money coming in, although I'm not sure what it's for. I try not to ask stupid questions. Maybe that's why we lead a life in harmony. We never fight.

His intentions have always been good, he is incapable of disappointing me, I keep that certainty in my heart.

We met on a blind date, the first for me. It was an incredible experience, while on vacation in Mérida with my best friend.

He was born in Carúpano and his family sent him to study there. And that's how destiny brought our stories together.

We got married in less than a year, in my hometown, Caracas. I came to this city for love. Where it was difficult for me to adapt. We live with his family, not simple.

Eventually we bought a small house. In a wonderful place, facing the sea. Just walking a few meters on the sand is already in the water. A spectacular and dreamy life.

Elvis buys me everything I ask for, he doesn't save on anything. He spoils me endlessly. A sign that he loves me.

In other words, it never gave me a headache. There is no reason to be jealous or doubt him. I always saw him dedicated to work and family.

The news fills us with joy, I'm pregnant!

Our first child is on the way, something that will unite us forever. The illusion is very big. We start to live every day thinking about the baby and preparing for its arrival.

His room, clothes and some toys are waiting for him at home. I've never seen Elvis so happy. He is fully involved, without a doubt he will be a good father.

The pregnancy proceeds normally and I give birth to a healthy baby. A beautiful girl, with very white skin and red hair. He came to increase our happiness.

Mila is the name we gave to the beautiful redhead. The girl was born full of freckles and with round, rosy cheeks, very striking.

Household expenses have increased and the country's economy is not at its best. Elvis knows that his income is not enough. Situation that forces you to look for another job.

We have economies and a peaceful existence again. Mila's early years were filled with abundance. It's the happiest phase in my history. I never imagined what would happen right after. The turn our lives would take and end everything we have.

Raising Mila takes up my entire day. The constant agitation makes me sick. It's so hard to be a mother. I'm always tired and when my husband comes home he finds me sleeping. We rarely see each other, we hardly rest.

The days go by and I can't adapt to this new facet. Life became monotonous. Elvis travels a lot. We share less and less and I don't complain, I try to understand that it is a phase that will pass. However, as a woman I resent not having him by my side more and I start to think about things, my head fills with bad thoughts that I try to avoid.

I have some suspicions, it's not about women, I hope. It happens to me that certain guys who come looking for him worry me. They are those men who attend, with very strange appearance. I don't like something, I just don't know what specifically. I see them well dressed and tidy, but they have a heavy energy. They are not good people, I know.

As someone who doesn't want that, I start to get involved, trying to get him to release something, but nothing. He does not agree to talk about the subject. He changes the subject, he avoids me. I try to stay calm. As grandma says, there's no need to look for the cat's fifth leg. And I have one less little girl, so what?

My heart feels restless every time he travels, afraid he won't come back or they'll catch him, whatever. Time passes between shocks.

Mila grows up quickly and enters kindergarten when she is five years old. I like to use it in the morning and enjoy some valuable me time. I dust off my contact lenses and start reading Tarot online, that's what I'm passionate about. I have clients everywhere, even outside the country.

My husband behaves strangely and distantly every day. To the point that it makes me suspect something is going on. There's no doubt.

Today he came home leaning on the floor. He tells me that he just lost his job and has a lot of debt. Things get a little out of control and we get really nervous.

I calm down so he can talk and not get stuck. At that moment, he tells me the truth.

The money we have been living with all these years is the product of drug trafficking, that's what it does. He is a gangster, his work is illegal and dangerous. The three of us took a huge risk.

A nervous grimace frames his face and his eyes convey terror to me. My husband is scared, there must be something he hasn't told me.

I feel like the world is falling on me. That my life ends in an instant. What a great misfortune, my God.

- What are we going to do? Elvis, I can't lose you, don't leave us alone. Do something.

—Don't worry, I spoke to the boss. The problem is that I won't be able to pay what I owe you. Believe me when I tell you that before I came to give you this disappointment, I tried everything, Rebeca. There's nothing to do, I'm sorry.

—Don't cry, calm down, what are we talking about? Did you lose your job or is there something else you didn't tell me?

—I'm not just unemployed. If not, I will pay this debt with my life, those are the rules. What worries me is not that. You are. I won't let anything happen to them.

—What amount are we talking about?

—Sixty thousand dollars, Rebeca.

—I can't understand, how could you get into debt like that? What did you do with the money? Have you gone crazy?

—It was an error with some merchandise, it was lost and they are blaming me. I am responsible. They blinded me, they screwed me, mom.

This situation is beyond my understanding, I have never been in an environment like this. I don't know anything about gangs or mafias. I need to find a way out of everything that happens to us.

I stand up and pace back and forth, holding my waist, which is where my nerves get to me.

I wipe my tears and look into his eyes. He's running his hand over his head, not knowing what to say.

—Speak clearly, please think.

—Neither God nor anyone else saves me, in this type of work that bald man cannot be forgiven. I'm offering him the truck, but nothing, even if he accepts I'll owe him extra money.

Despair takes over us.

I fear for my life and that of my husband.

What worries me most is my innocent girl, what will happen to her if something happens to us?

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