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What the heart keeps quiet

What the heart keeps quiet



Two young students meet in high school and, as the days go by, they fall in love. The problems begin when they discover that they are brothers.

Chapter 1 I

It all started without being plane. I had already seen photos on Instagram stories and it caught my attention, but I didn't have any information about her or where she studied, I only knew her name. The first day of second term classes, I was talking with my friends and a classmate told me:

— Samuel, there goes Eva, your future girlfriend.

I turn and see her, but not very well, she was entering the school and I was outside. It was my turn to study in the morning and her turn in the afternoon. I decided to go back to school to see her. I never believed in love at first sight. However, everything was different and unique. She was walking and I was behind her. At one point, he stopped walking, turned around, saw me and said:

—Are you chasing me?

For the first time, I saw her from the front. I could say that she was the prettiest girl in the entire school. He had an enviable smile; his hair was long and dark brown. Just like his eyes and his skin was light. He said that and I was speechless. My mind was processing how he turned. The sun hit her eyes and they looked honey—colored. She had a frown, small freckles on her nose, her lips were pretty, and her eyebrows were unique, as were her eyelashes. While I watched her, she was waiting for a response and I could only say:

—No, I'm not following you

Eva smiled, looked at me and walked away. I spent a few days thinking about what happened. That girl was driving me crazy and now I wanted to see her for as long as possible.

Day after day, I saw her and stayed at school in the afternoon even though I wasn't supposed to be there at that time. However, I just wanted to see her. In addition, i saw her hair move, her gestures. The color of her eyes, perfect when she smiled, her way of walking, everything about her was unmatched. I wanted that girl to be for me.

He was in love that was obvious. I started talking to Fatima, a classmate who knew Eva, she told me:

—She seems to be a little interested in you, but you must understand that she is beautiful and there are many behind her. You have a reputation as a womanizer and the most likely and safe thing is that they will say those things to her and she will lose attraction. Likewise, I'm going to talk to Eva and tell her that it has to take a while to get to know you and that you are also interested in getting to know her.

That same day Fatima gave me Eva's phone number and I wrote to her.

I admit that at first I thought that he was not going to answer me, most likely they had already told him that I had a bad reputation and that it was best that he not try anything with me, but after half an hour, he answered me:


I didn't know who he was because he didn't have my number.

—Hello, it's Samuel.

Moreover, after that message she didn't respond to me again, the truth is I was getting desperate, I wanted to talk to her, get to know her. Something was different; I decided to approach her the next day if I saw her at school.

The day came when we were going to have a conversation; I was waiting for him to come. Her mother took her and looked for her. After almost half an hour, she came in and sat with her friends. He saw that he was walking in his direction, got up and walked to the bathroom. I understood what he meant by his action. She knew I was going to talk to her and she didn't want to. So I decided to follow her, I grabbed her arm and turned her towards me, at first she looked surprised and confused, then she said.

—Let go

—Who do you think you are to grab me like that?

New obsession unlocked, seeing her upset. After watching her for a few minutes with her annoyed face, I said:

—I just wanted to talk to you, but for some reason you always ignore me and pretend I don't exist, I would like to know why?

Now she was looking at me with those little dark brown eyes and then she said.

—I ignore you because I don't want to have any kind of conversation with you and you should get away from me and stop looking for me.

I didn't think about anything, I just said what came from my heart.

—I am not going to stop looking for you nor am I going to get away from you, I want to get to know you and know more about you, you are different, different and I know what they are talking about, let me show that things are not like that.

Once again, I could see his astonished and confused face and after a long time that in my opinion was centuries, he said:

—I consider that I can give you an opportunity to get to know me, but you should know that I am not easy, I am cold, I do not give my affection to just anyone, so tell me, what do you plan to do to make me interested in dedicating a little of myself to you? Time?

I didn't expect her to say that, I thought she was going to ignore me and leave but on the contrary she told me that she would give me a chance to meet her and warned me about her

—I don't have anything in mind to make you interested in giving me a “little” of your time, I know you feel that something in me attracts your attention, but you don't want to seem easy.

I said all that trying to make her realize that I've been analyzing her:

—You may be a little right in certain things you said, if I feel some attraction towards you, but I must hide it. I already know a lot about you and I could say that I know more than I would like. You do not have a good reputation in relation to women. In addition, I think what you feel is a whim.


—So you are accepting that there is attraction towards me, but you want to hide it and you do not intend to do anything about it because they have told you “how I have been with women.” You don't give yourself the chance to hear my side of the story and I want you to know that you are not a fad. There is something in you beyond the physical, and yes, I have acted stupid with the girls who have been my girlfriends, but no one had me like you have me and they didn't act nice to me either.

—I have never had luck in any of my relationships and it is logical that I did not want to try anything with someone who has a bad reputation with women. I'm not here to waste time with people who aren't worth it, I want to focus on my studies. Go away and leave me alone. I'm not going to try anything with you and forget what I said about giving you a chance, have a good day.

After he finished saying that, he left and I stood there remembering repeatedly everything he said, but because he said that, I'm not going to walk away from Eva or give up trying to get her to give me a chance. Days passed and I continued seeing her from afar and she ignored me. He was focusing on his studies and getting better every day. The truth is that he didn't deserve to have a child with a bad reputation take up his time, I did want to do things right and I decided to tell him everything I felt sincerely.

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