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What the heart keeps quiet

Chapter 4Ā IV

Word Count: 1105 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 03/12/2023

he faces of any of my classmates. Pedro didn't even want to see Eva. I was angry, she didn't take t

, why did you do that? Among other things, the truth is I already wanted to g

ssroom heading towards the school e


you want

nd secondly explain everything to you, she is n

home; it will

our house I'll tell yo

ou insist

started to te

I would say, but leaving behind what I did a little bit, I do see your interest

she is like and everything. I started talking to her and I liked her more and more, but one day she told me about a Samuel and well, since there are like three at school, I asked her his l

o her, well anyone is attracted to her. So I decided to start gossiping about you, telling him bad things about you. A

a was and with a s

showed me; the photo

out of the bathroom with swollen eyes and told me he would send him the photos and that's what I did. I didn't know how to re

told me everything and sorry for the

and Samuel,

, I hugged my m

o tell you


d me what happened with Eva and him, he also told me many things that I didn't know

that girl is in love with you because if not, she wouldn't have ca

eat; it's goin

e make a big, pretty poster that say

ake care of going to buy her flowers an

ve one of her friends distract her and then when she turns around you are there with the a

reat idea, m

sh eating and take care of

as coming out perfectly. I called her best friend, she agreed and would say that even more excited than I was with the s

would take the hidden sheet and the arrangement and then transport all

all stores, a purple stuffed animal that I saw she shared

cause the time will come and I can finally kiss her and say that she was my partner. We still haven't decided whether t

going to distract her while some acquaintances, some of Eva's classmates and I got organized, everything had to go p

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