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What the heart keeps quiet

Chapter 5 V

Word Count: 1103    |    Released on: 03/12/2023

to surprise Eva. I was getting dressed to go to school whe

rprise in the school parking lot so that it becomes

or letting m

rget to bring anything be


the morning, like me, and she helped me unload all the things from the car. My mother had accompanied me

lot and for Ana to be outside waiting for Eva with any excuse and

I watched classes and when the che

e is


u going to ask to

ow Eva because she stu

is beautiful an

future girlfriend too

e care of her and respe

hat it wil

Ana's friends, I took all the things out of the living room and took them to the parking lot. We began to arrange everything and stick bal

ssage saying that she was already on her way and that's when my nervousness increas

ng in, take

va with a tape over her

ow I hate surprises Ana, g

this surprise will

ndfold. The look of surprise on his face was t


obvious what I'm go

x (Angela) arr

ot from when we were a couple. Those photos are from four days ago, he lied to you and he who fails onc

me to react and go after her. I didn't understand what was happening. He did all


's the

at? Do you have any idea how much

told th

You very well know that tha

or that show I put on, b

yment? Wh

t tell y

you A

, Mr.

ng to find out

or anything. I walked home thinking about who paid Angela to do that. I just

ened to you? Why

gela was


ined eve

y I don't understa

said that the photos of us kissing were not f

hat he had received a goo

who could have paid him

lly don

ay calm until I find out,

bad intentions r

elf known, nothing can

n you know who it was, you are not going

going to try to control m


house. I met a friend and he instantly told me tha

w who is beh

n't know, if I knew I'd be b

e that you won't go crazy and even more relevant,

ar, now

did it i

t son

home. As soon as I entered,

e this like this and yo

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