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His Angel (falling for the billionaire Mafia)

His Angel (falling for the billionaire Mafia)

Victory Moses


After spending the night together, Angel never expected to see Valerio again. That is, until three months later when their paths meet once more. "You're so wet, Angel," he said softly, his lips and nose pressed into my neck. Valerio was touching me, but he sounded just as affected as I was. His finger slipped past my hole while he spread my arousal around. I peered down, seeing his tattooed hand disappearing into my lacy underwear. I smirked- I liked how that looked.

Chapter 1 Pov: Angel

It didn't take long for us to get somewhere private.

Valerio was well composed. Quiet. As soon as the door to the hotel room closed, I saw the shift in his eyes and the diminishing of all restraints. He smirked at me, locking the door before testing it. His tattooed fingers lingered on the handle for a few seconds, and then he approached me.

My plus quickened, thrumming my heart against my ribcage. We were alone, and I felt like I'd entered a cage with a man who had the power to do anything he wanted.

The both of us, locked in a room on the highest floor of a prestigious hotel, it was beautiful, elegant and the perfect place for me to unleash my inner whore.

Even in my heels, Valerio towered over me. He was bigger than me. Stronger. His muscles strained underneath his shirt, tensing whenever he moved. He reached me, standing a few inches with that predatory gaze traveling down my body. He was close enough for me to feel the heat emitting from him.

I made a mistake of taking an apprehensive step back.

Valerio chuckled, leaning his head to the side to observe me, "scared?"

I scoffed, "No."

He took another step forward, but I didn't move. I wasn't going to be intimidated by this man, not even by him he looked like he could split me in half.

In the light of the hotel room I could see him clearer. Eyes dark enough to appear black, carefully crafted lips and a perfect smile. It messed with me that he was so diabolically beautiful.

"Good," he said, and I felt like he could see through me. My nerves were still messing with me, but I refused to let it stop from getting what I wanted. And I wanted him.

Valerio Walked forward backing me into the wall. He breathed out a sigh, resting his palms on the wall next to my head. His height forced my neck to stretch taut as I maintained eye contact. His gaze dropped to my cleavage, and the way he looked at me had my pussy aching between my legs. I could see lust, and he didn't bother hiding it.

"You are a very beautiful woman. Angel," he whispered, his breath fanning my skin because of his proximity. The praise almost makes me moan.

He ran his arm down my arm, taking my arm in his and I wasn't expecting him to turn me around. My front met the wall, and then something hard was pressing into my ass. I shuddered, clenching my thighs together to relieve the annoying ache he had given me.

"Keep these legs open," he warned, and then he bit my earlobe and I couldn't stop the shudder racking through me. I disregard his demands, choosing to grind my ass into his hard erection.

He was snuggled up between my thighs, big and prominent. I liked that I had that effect on him.

The friction had icy chills dancing on my skin. My lips parted, needing more than what he was giving me. Valerio pressed himself deeper, until there was nothing separating us except our clothes.

"Or what?" I asked, earning a throaty groan from him. The sound was deep, forcing my eyes to flutter close. I imagined all the sounds he'd make when I fucked him.

Valerio chuckled, scraping his teeth against the tender spot on my neck.

"What's your safeword?"


What was he going to do to me?

"I can choose for you, if you don't mind," he offered, laying open mouth kisses on my skin. I nodded.

"Something simple. Silver. The color of your jewelry," he whispered, giving me a kiss on my shoulder. I clenched my eyes shut, repeating those words in my head. It shouldn't be too hard to remember.

"That'll work," I breathed. He grunted, reaching his hand around me to cup my pussy in his palm. My tight dress strained against my thighs, hitching up to my waist to review my underwear. It was lacy, and uncomfortable as fuck I wanted it off immediately.

The heel of his hand grinded into my clit, forcing a moan out of me. My knees almost buckled, the intensity of it catching me off guard. My breathing got heavier, the feeling of him rolling his hand with precision made my eyes roll back to my head. I always had an overly sensitive clit, and right then_ I relished in it.

When his fingers dipped into my underwear, I grit my teeth.

"You're so wet, Angel," he said softly, his lips and nose pressed into my neck. Valerio was touching me, but he sounded just as affected as I was. His finger slipped past my hole while he spread my arousal around. I peered down, seeing his tattooed hand disappearing into my lacy underwear. I smirked- I liked how that looked.

The tip of his finger dipped into my hole, feeling me just for a second and I heard him groan. "Fuck."

Without so much as warming, a finger was plunged into me. I gasped, tensing at the sudden intrusion. But Valerio was relentless, adding another finger before I could adjust to the first one. With his fingers inside me, his palm against my clit and lips on my skin, my senses were beginning to feel overwhelmed. I choked on air, letting my hips move because I wanted more.

"Grinding on my hand?" Valerio laughed, a deep and baritone chuckle that had my pussy clenching around his fingers. "You like that, don't you?" He grunted, thrusting into me with enough force to have my body hitching on the wall. Fuck his fingers felt so good.

He slid his hand over my back before finding my hair in his fist. He pulled my hair back, forcing me to look at him.

"Shit," I breathed, rolling my hips on his fingers as he continued to slide in and out of me. He pushed my underwear down my legs, stretching it around my ankles and heels.

Valerio never stopped kissing me, whether it was my neck or shoulder, his lips never left me. I pressed my forehead against the wall, enjoying how good he was making me feel. More than I'd like to admit.

"Tell me that feels good, Angel," his voice was hardly above a whisper. He grabbed my ass, giving me a harsh slap when I didn't answer him. I gasped, my skin stinging but the pain of it resonated through me and morphed into a pleasure I had never felt before.

He groaned, and the sound of it had my pussy clenching around him repeatedly, wanting something more than just his fingers.

"I want to hear you," he said, and I swallowed hard. He slid his fingers out of me, taking the opportunity to extend my approaching orgasm. Valerio used his two fingers to separate my pussy lips, opening me wide. I was wet and I could feel it dropping down my thighs.

I wanted to fuck him so badly.

"That feels good," I barely recognized my own voice. I was desperate, on the brink of an orgasm he wasn't letting me have. My pussy yearned for a release. For anything, he teased me spread my juice around but misses the good fucking spots. I moaned, moving my hips in an attempt to guide his fingers into me. He didn't let me.

"Valerio, please that feels good, " I murmured, and that seemed to be what he sought. He wanted me to beg for him_to let him know how much I wanted him and that point. I didn't care.

He spun me around, not giving me time to react before his mouth was on mine again. He kissed me hard, swimming his tongue across my bottom lip and caught it between his teeth. The kiss was rough, painful but I couldn't stop.

His tongue wrapped around mine, sucking on it while my body quivered from the intensity of it. I could cum just like that, feeling his dick against my stomach with his lips on mine. I opened my mouth, grabbing his head to deepen the kiss and his moan told me he enjoyed that.

His hand reached across me, grabbing my ass to lift me.

He moved and my back mee the king sized mattress in the corner of the room, the sheet silky and cold. It relieved my flushed skin. Valerio hovered over, covering every part of my body with his large fame. The chain around his neck had escaped the captivity of his shirt, now dangling freely.

He was fucking hot.

The way he looked at me_ his eyes translating his lust_ it showed me that there was no going back and I spread my legs to convey that message. His hands roamed over my body, paying attention to every crevice and I enjoyed how touchy it was.

His mouth never left mine when he spoke, "What do you want from me?"


I pushed at his shoulders, giving him one last peck. "On your knees, Valerio."

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His Angel (falling for the billionaire Mafia)

Chapter 1 Pov: Angel
