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Elvira's Return

Elvira's Return



It's all about love, romance nd betrayal Share your thoughts in the comment section I'll release 3 chapters per day





It had been two years now since I had been married to Gift. We have had a beautiful daughter and life was moving swimmingly. I had never told her about my experiences with Elvira. So, she had no idea that the house she was living in with me was once inhabited by a ghost, and the bed she was sleeping on every night was once occupied by a ghost. I decided to keep her in the dark in order not to scare her. Some things are better left untold.

Elvira and I had been in constant communication. We talked to each other on WhatsApp every other day. One day, she told me that she would be coming into the country. I asked her the reason for her coming, and she said she was coming to see her parents.

“Are you sure it is a good idea?” I asked her.

“Yes, I think. Remember you yourself said that they were dying to see me, right?”

“Yes, but things like that are always easier said than done.”

“Yes, and that is why I need you. I need you to go to them and prepare their mind. Tell them that I will be coming to see them, but please, do not disclose the day of my coming.”

“Alright, you can count on me.”

A week later, she arrived the country. She arrived on a night flight for obvious reasons. However, when I saw her, I realized that she didn’t even need to come at night. She had changed so much and had added some weight. She also looked more beautiful. However, beyond all that, my trained eye could still see that there was something unusual about her.

“Oh! Elvira. I am so happy to see you again.” I spoke excitedly.

“Me, too, Tim.” She spoke, giving me a tight hug. “How have you been?”

“I have been good. As for you I don’t need to ask. You look super good.”

“Thank you. How is your family and your beautiful daughter?”

“We are good, thank you. I have made all the arrangements for you. Let’s hire an Uber that will take you to your hotel.” I spoke.

“A hotel? I thought I was going to be in your house.” She didn’t look very happy.

“My house? You know that cannot be possible. It is not possible. I am a married man now, and my wife won’t tolerate any female friend living with us.” I explained.

“But we have known each other for a long time. She can’t just come from nowhere and put us asunder.”

“She is not putting us asunder. Elvira. She is just protecting her home. You can’t blame her for that.”

“Oh!! She is protecting her home. How understanding!! How very heroic of her.” Elvira was being dramatic.

“I thought you were happy that I got married. What is happening to you?” I couldn’t understand.

“Yes, I was happy, but I didn’t imagine that you would be getting married to a very possessive woman. Anyway, that is fine. Let’s get an Uber. I am tired and need to have a rest.

All through our journey to her hotel, she was very quiet. She refused to bring up any conversation, and refused to participate in anyone. When I asked her a question, the best she did was answer in monosyllables. When we got to the hotel, she removed her dresses, went into the bath and freshened up. When she got back, she still kept avoiding me. I had to force her to talk.


“Yes.” The answer came from her throat.

“What is wrong with you? You have only just arrived. So, we were supposed to still be excited about seeing each other.”

“I know, but I feel like I have lost you. Everything about you has changed.” She complained.

“No, I have not changed. Of course, you should expect some minor changes, but that should, of course, be only logical and natural. I am married now and so are you.” I tried to make her see reason with me.

“Yes, I am. We are both married, but there is a special bond that exists between us.”

“I agree, but there is no bond that is stronger than the one I have for my wife and daughter, except the one I have for God.” I told her point blank.

“Now, I am jealous.”

“You needn’t be. You still remain my very special friend. You are very, very special to me, and nothing can change that.”

“Indeed.” She was still angry.

“Look, Elvira. You need to concentrate on what brought you back to the country. That is and should be your utmost concern.”

“Alright, I have heard, but I have one thing to ask of you.” She spoke.


“Spend the night with me, Tim. Stay with me at least for tonight.” She pleaded.

“I am sorry, I can’t. My family is back home waiting for me. It wasn’t even easy convincing my wife that I was going to come back late today. So, you have to understand.”

“Okay, fine.”


“Don’ talk to me; just go. Go back to your wife and daughter. I will be fine.” She spoke, trying in vain to disguise her grudge.”

“How about the trip to your village?”

“I will call you. Goodnight.”

I stood by the door for about a minute, looking at her. When I realized that there was nothing, I could do to please her except to stay the night with her, I went out of the hotel room and drove back to my house.

The next day, as soon as I got to work, I called her. She seemed to have come out of her cold and sullen mood because she answered excitedly. We chatted for some minutes and then agreed to meet again on Friday night. When Friday night came, I went to her hotel and we chatted at length, planning our trip to her village which was to take place the following day.

The next day, we got into my car and headed for the village. We made sure we left late so that we would arrive the village when it was already nightfall. It was a delicate journey. Since she was going to her own hometown, she had to be careful not to be seen by anyone who knew her. So, we went first to Ekori and got a room at Womi Hotel. I left her in the hotel room and drove down to her village to tell her parents that their daughter was ready to see them.

“My son.” Mr. Omini, Elvira’s father spoke. “Are you sure of what you are talking about?

“Yes, Sir. She is in a hotel in one of the neighbouring villages. She is ready to come here as soon as she gets the greenlight from me.” I replied.

“As strange and as unnatural as it may look, I still can’t wait to see my daughter again.” That was Mama Elvira speaking.

“Okay, now that you both are ready, let me go get her.”

“Okay, my son.”

I was about to go out of the house when my phone rang. I checked it and it was Elvira. I answered.

“Hi Tim.”

“Elvira, I hope you are okay.”

“Yes, I am. How are my parents doing? Hope they are alright?”

“They are good. Just stay in the hotel room because I am coming to get you now.”

“No need for that.”

“What do you mean by that? Have you changed your mind about seeing them? Remember you came all this way for them.” I was puzzled.

“I am already in the compound.” She spoke.

“You are where? How did you manage to…oh, I understand. So where are you now?”

“Please, bring my parents behind the house. Let them come to my grave.” She instructed.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am there now. Bring them to the place.”

I turned around and looked at her parents. They looked worried.

“Is anything the matter?” Papa Elvira asked.

“No, Sir. There is nothing wrong. We just have a small change of plans. I am no longer going to get Elvira from the hotel.”


“No worries, Sir. Just follow me, you and your wife. Follow me to Elvira was buried. She is there now, waiting for us.”

“Are you sure?” Mama Elvira asked. “When did she get into the compound?”

“Trust me, Mama. She is here. She was the one who called me on phone. Let’s go.”

We walked out of the house and onto the paved and fenced compound. There was a dim moonlight outside, just bright enough for us to find our way to the place she was buried. When we got behind the house, we saw that there was a bright light reflecting on the white marble that was used to decorate the grave. Sitting on it, was a lone lady dressed in white. It was Elvira.

For a minute or two, all the anticipation that Elvira’s parents had had of seeing their daughter suddenly vanished. It was replaced now with fear and fright. I couldn’t blame them. The whole setting looked like something right out of a horror movie. The silence of the night, the lateness of the hour, the dimness of the moon, the whiteness of the grave, and Elvira sitting all alone there, dressed in complete white could give anyone the creeps.

“Madan, Sir. Please, you both should not be afraid. It is your daughter and she will never hurt you.” I urged.

“Are you sure that person sitting there is her? Are you sure that is my late daughter, Elvira?” Her mother asked.

“Yes, she is the one.”

With great courage and gentle urgings from me, her parents moved forward and then stopped again. They were still afraid, and I blame her for this. Why couldn’t she just come into the living room? Why did she have to dress in a white gown? Now, she was scaring her parents and the whole thing might become a waste if they become too afraid to go to her. With a great effort, they move forward again until they came about ten meters from the grave. They could clearly see her now.

“Mama!!” She spoke. Her voice was deep and ghostly.


“Yes, Mama.”

“Is that you?” Her father asked.

“Yes, Dad. It’s me. It’s me, Elvira.”

“I thought you died, my daughter.” Her mother spoke.

“Yes, Mama. I did, but I am back now. I have been given a second chance at life. However, this second chance came with a lot of conditions and restrictions. That is why it has taken me so long to come and visit you and Daddy.”

“So, what happened to you, my daughter. What was the cause of your death? Who killed you?” Her mother quizzed.

“It was Esther, Mama. My own very good friend, Esther. She was the one who killed me.”

“Oh, no. Esther, you are wicked. You killed my daughter; you killed my beautiful daughter.” Mama Elvira started crying.

“Shh! Mama don’t cry. I have already avenged my death. I was the one who caused her death. I killed her. Don’t weep, Mama. I have come back.”

“So, will you come back and leave with us?” Her father asked.

“Nope, I can’t. Everyone knows I am dead. I cannot live with you again or in this village.”

“But you can stay with us. We can keep you inside where no one will see you.” Her mother proposed.

“And spend the rest of my life as a prisoner? No, Mama. I cannot stay here. I will go back to where I have come from. But don’t worry, I will be able to see you people from time to time.”

“My daughter please, don’t go. We miss you; we need you, please.” Her mother was on her knees now.

“I understand, Mum. But I can’t do otherwise. I love you both and I would have loved to spend my entire life with you. But as you can see, that is not possible. I have already transitioned to another reality.” She explained.

“Okay, how often will we be seeing you?” Her father asked.

“As often as it is possible. I have to go now.”

“My daughter!!” Her mom almost shouted.

“Yes, Mom. Goodbye for now. Dad, I love you both very much and I will see you again soon. Tim, please, take them inside.”

“Can we give you a hug, at least?” Her mother proposed.

“No, Mum. That is one of the restrictions. I can’t have any physical contact with any blood relative of mine. Tim, please, take them inside.”

It wasn’t an easy task separating Elvira’s parents from her. They had been greatly shaken but happy and relieved by the reappearance of their daughter. When they were back inside the house, I came back to the grave and Elvira was still there waiting for me.

“My task is done now.” She spoke. “I will be waiting for you at the hotel for the drive back to Calabar. I will be leaving the country tomorrow.”

“Alright, I will meet you there.”

“But there is one more thing.”

“What is that?”

“Before I leave, I want you to formally introduce me to your wife.”


“It is important to me.”

“I can’t. What purpose would it serve?”

“If you don’t want to, then I will do it my way.”

“Elvira, don’t you come close to my fam…”

But it was too late. She had already vanished. I got into my car and headed back to Womi Hotel. For the first time, I planned to put her in her right place. I had given the devil a yard, and now it wanted a mile.

I had to put a stop to all these. May God be my helper.


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