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Classy Performer

Classy Performer



Rauline Jennifer Briella, usually called Aline, she is a 28-year-old single parent who is an office worker and has a eight-year-old child. Her husband divorced her due to an affair with another woman who was far below him. Her husband is like throwing away a diamond and prefers a small pebble. Apart from her profession as an office woman, Aline has also been the mistress of successful businesspeople, whether widowers or married men, several times. Aline did this to increase her income because she always prioritized her partner's money or assets, which would not last long. In fact, it is not uncommon for her to be referred to as a mistress or prostitute, but Aline doesn't pay attention because that's actually how it is. In the future, will Aline still stick with her side profession? Or is she comfortable with what she is doing and will not be able to find a replacement for her ex-husband, who is much better than this man? Keep reading this story!

Chapter 1 Classy Performer

"Thank you, darling," said a woman in a voice that seemed softened when she said these words to a man who looked older than the woman, as evidenced by the several gray hairs that were clearly visible in the middle-aged man's hair.

The woman happily and with a happy expression accepted the black card given by the middle-aged man, who looked like he had five heads.

"You're welcome, darling; you can use this card as much as you like because now it's completely yours," replied the middle-aged man sweetly while stroking the slender waist of the woman next to him. It confines that.

The woman, who had just received a black card and been given tens of millions in cash, looked immediately happy with a beaming face. Even the smile on his lips didn't fade in the slightest; he accepted all the treatment of the middle-aged man, who was still rubbing his waist gently. "This is real money for all of me, right?" continued the woman in her soft voice that could hypnotize many men.

And the woman's question was immediately answered with a nod by the five-headed middle-aged man.

"Once again, thank you very much, dear," replied the woman for the second time, saying thank you to the man who was embracing her waist affectionately.

The woman's name is Rauline Jennifer Briella; she used to be called Aline. His body goals make many women out there long for his body, his handsome figure at his age, which is almost three-headed, and, don't forget, his milky white skin, which is very soft. Plus, her beautiful eyes shine brightly; it's as if the woman is almost perfect with her physique, which many women out there long for. It is guaranteed that many women are also envious of that woman.

Until the middle-aged man's hand began to rise to the very guarded part of the woman dressed in a tight thigh-length dress, "Stop," said Aline, who immediately distanced herself slightly from the middle-aged man who was her partner for who knows how many times.

"You still remember the agreement, right, darling?" Aline continued with one eyebrow raised, making her charm even more elegant and domineering.

Obediently, the middle-aged man who was with Aline nodded and apologized for almost letting things slip.

This made Aline pull the corners of her lips into a crooked smile without the man who was with her knowing. "It's okay, I understand, dear," he replied, immediately changing his crooked smile to the sweetest smile possible.

"Then I'll say goodbye to go to the mall, honey," continued Aline, her face happy and radiant as if she had just received a very satisfying gift for her.

However, the man who was with the woman suddenly got up from the oversized chair he had been in earlier, occupying Aline's position beside him. "I'll just take you; I'll accompany you and pay for all your shopping; you can just keep the black card, dear," he replied, making Aline immediately refuse by shaking her head several times.

"Eh, no need, darling; I can do it myself; you're still busy doing your work, which is piling up," Aline replied with her signature move, coming up with various excuses to make the man who was her lover do what she said.

Even though in her heart Aline was very tempted to hear that if she was accompanied shopping by her lover, the black card that had just become hers would not come out a penny, according to what her lover said.

But Aline had her own reasons why she strongly rejected the offer, which was much more profitable for her than shopping alone and being tired of being alone.

"Yes, but whatever for you dear, I can postpone my work or ask my assistant to take care of all this work for a while as long as I accompany you shopping wherever you want; how about that?" said the man who was Aline's lover and did not give up persuading Aline to get the woman to go shopping with him.

By giving off her signature smile, she can make many men melt in her eyes. "It doesn't need to be like that; I can do it myself. Next time, I can't bear to see you doing a lot of work like this when you want to accompany me shopping; you know I can spend hours shopping, right?"

'Even though I don't care that much about you, I can't doubt my acting. If I want to be cast as an artist, can I or not?' Aline thought casually; in fact, she was secretly smiling slyly behind her face, which seemed to be begging her lover to agree with her words.

The man, who was Aline's lover, took a deep breath. "Yes, this time I will allow you to shop alone, but next time don't expect to be able to."

Aline just nodded without taking her lover's words seriously. "Then you will still be taken by my personal driver! No objections!" Aline's lover continued, making the woman herself nod in resignation, but if she denied it, she wouldn't be able to leave and was afraid that the black card she had would be withdrawn again by its original owner. Aline didn't want that to happen.

'Tsk! I'm so unlucky this time I got a possessive old man like Pram!' Aline thought, a little annoyed in her heart.

"Okay, darling, then I'll go first; bye!" said Aline before she actually left the office of her lover, whom she called Pram.

"Be careful, dear!"

Aline just nodded, hearing her lover's words, in her heartsqueak, amused. "It turns out that being with an old fart like him is quite disgusting; yes, fortunately, I managed to prevent him from daring to hold onto assets. my personal!" muttered the woman, who seemed to be grumbling and expressing her frustration as she entered the elevator on the top floor of her lover's office.

"Huff!" A tired sigh escaped Aline's mouth before the woman got out of the elevator and arrived at the lobby of her boyfriend's office.

During Aline's journey out of the office, the woman was greeted by several workers there, most of whom already knew that Aline was the lover of their boss, who had become a widower ten years ago.

"So I'm like a real CEO," muttered Aline in a very low voice without fading her smile as she responded to the greetings of the workers in her lover's office.

Because the woman showed a very good cover in everyone's eyes, especially about the woman's friendliness and her beautiful and elegant face, almost all of the workers in her lover's office liked her, although it cannot be denied that there were one or two workers who were the opposite or didn't like her.

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