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Sharon Miles is a twenty-three-year-old young woman who struggled with self-love for a few years under the arms of her narcissistic fiance, Denise Johnson. She faced hell while she was still with him, because of the financial support she got from him. Sharon Miles was already on the verge of a breakdown when her Saviour, Travis Arthur appeared and swept her off her feet, cleaning her up at the same time. Sharon Miles' come-back was a real shock for her enemies, as she came alive again in the most iconic way, smashing record after record. What would Sharon Miles' new life look like? Would Sharon Miles make Denise Johnson pay for his sins, or would he get destroyed by his deceit?

Chapter 1 Worst Night Ever

8 pm. One Alluring Night!

Travis Arthur was being driven by his assistant when he spotted a body laying lifeless by the roadside.

"Master, I think there is something wrong over there." James Pink said to Travis Arthur when he realized the body was on the floor.

"Stop the car!"

"Yes sir."

James Pink drove towards the direction and stopped the car immediately. He rushed down and ran to the body laying on the floor.

"Master, it's a woman!"

"Bring her in, let's take her to the nearest hospital."

James Pink carried her up and put her in the car as he started driving to the nearest hospital in the area.

Travis Arthur felt surprised, he had never had such an encounter before. He wondered what a woman was going in a place like this. It was such a dry environment with tall grasses by the left and right sides of the road.

What if he had not seen her and someone else who was not pure had seen her and taken her away? He shook his head as he tried to think of every possibility.

James Pink was really quick. In ten minutes, they were already at the hospital and were being attended to. James Pink came out of the hospital room as he approached his master who was waiting outside.

"Master, I think all is well now. She's better." He said as he bowed.

"I will see her." Travis Arthur said as he stood up and entered the ward. He frowned a bit. He hated visiting the hospital because of the smell of antiseptic that was always in the air.

The woman opened her eyes to the gaze of Travis Arthur. When she saw him, she froze. What would a man like this be doing close to her, she thought. Looking around her, she noticed she was on a bed and in a different place.

Shocked, she tried to stand up.

"Don't." Travis Arthur's voice sounded in the ward.

On hearing the voice, she stayed back as she viewed the man in her presence.

He was tall and had a well-structured body with clean white skin. His aura was something else, like that of a king with his godlike features.

"Ho...how did I get here?" She stuttered even though she wasn't expecting any answers from him.

The last thing she could remember was her walking down the road with a strong headache. She could not tell how she got here.

She held her heart as she remembered something.

"He must not get me here, else I will be in hot trouble." She said aloud as she tried to come down.

"Stay put!" Travis Arthur said.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. I don't want to get misunderstood anymore. Thank you so much for your efforts."

"If he cares about you in the first place, you won't be here."

On hearing that, she froze. How did he know that my fall had got to do with a man? What else does he know about me?

"You will leave, but, not tonight." Travis Arthur finally said and walked out of the ward. She then succumbed as she lay down and slept off.

On the other side of the town, Denise Johnson was pacing up and down the whole house. His face was red. He looked so scary as his tongue thirsted for blood.

"I will kill you if I get you. You had better run and run for life. You bitch." He pounced on anything that came to his view. He hated her. No, he hated her so much. He had to make her suffer. He thought as he walked about the house.

"Master, she is asleep already." James Pink said as updated his master on her current condition.

"Ok." Travis Arthur said as he stood up and left. Remembering something, he turned to his assistant. "Stay here and look after her. Have her cleaned up as well, I will be here in the morning."

"Yes master"

"I will leave now" Nodding his head, he left.

The next morning, James Pink walked into the hospital ward to check up on her.

Seeing as she was awake and alive again, he felt relieved.

"I believe you are okay now!"

Looking up, she looked at the door like she was expecting the man from last night. Seeing as no one came in, she frowned.

"Was it a dream?"

"What dream?"

"Uhh erm never mind."

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel better, good morning."

"Thank you"

"Actually, I owe you that thanks. Thanks a lot for everything. I truly appreciate it."

"All thanks go to my boss. I am James Pink, Master Arthur's assistant." James Pink said as he stretched his right hand.

"Um, I am Sharon Miles! Thanks once again."

"It's okay. Get ready, my boss ordered me to drop you off."

Sharon Miles could not stop the feelings that were coming from within as she looked at her surroundings. He just said boss, that means it was not a dream but a reality. She wondered what the boss would look like in the daytime. Was he good? Was he bad? The thoughts kept running through her head.

Soon, Sharon Miles was sitting in the back passenger seat. On the other side was Travis Arthur, while James Pink drove them.

"Thank you for everything. I am Sharon Miles, you can call me Sharon." She said as she looked at Travis Arthur who kept on working on his laptop.

It was like he didn't hear her. She turned and looked outside of the car as it moved. After what seemed like forever, "You are welcome! Call me Travis." Travis Arthur said aloud as he kept on viewing documents.

Sharon Miles' heartbeat stopped for a while. She then turned as she looked at him.

So indifferent, she thought. His voice pierced through her heart like a sharp sword. For some reason, she smiled.

Travis Arthur noticed her reaction but kept mute. He looked at her and continued but his heart could not stop racing. There was something about her that he could not place his fingers on. She looked younger today, unlike yesterday when she was tattered.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Uh ... I am twenty-three," she said, surprised at the sudden question. She kept looking at him like she was expecting another question, but he didn't ask anymore.

Like feeling her gaze, he looked up. Sharon Miles didn't expect him to look at her so their eyes met.

Shocked, she looked away.

"I will drop down at the end of the road." She said aloud to James Pink.

"Sure miss!" He responded.

Whatever was going on at the back was none of his business as he concentrated.

As they got closer to the gate at the end of the road, her countenance changed. This place was Luke a horror movie to her. She thought of all the possibilities as she felt sweat tickled down her skin.

Travis Arthur observed her reaction. Something really bad must be going on in this woman's life. He thought. He felt so connected to her. There was something about her that he was trying to understand. The more he thought about it, the more complicated it became.

"I will drop here." She said in a low tone.

James Pink stopped immediately and she came down.

She thanked them very well. Waving her hand, she walked towards the gate.

Her heart started beating faster when she walked into the compound. She would never be able to run away from whatever it was that was waiting for her inside the building.

It was a big duplex, painted green, and in the middle of a big compound. On getting to the main door, she stopped.

The door was open, he was inside.

After standing for some time, she summoned courage and walked in.

Denise Johnson sat on a couch, facing his door when he noticed that Sharon Miles was coming in.

When she saw him, she froze.

Clapping his hands, he smiled as he looked at her.

"I must commend your courage."

"Denise, really, this is not what you think." She sobbed.

"Not what I think? Please tell me what to think of." He replied.

Sharon Miles fell on her knees as she pleaded with Denise Johnson to let her go.

Standing up, he smiled as he walked towards her. "Since it's like this, how about you make up for it?" He asked her as he looked at her.

Sharon Miles understood what he meant.

Her stubbornness then came out. She had to protect herself.

"Hell no Denise, I am not ready for..."


Before she could finish her statement, a hard slap landed on her face.

Sharon Miles froze.

Coming back to her senses, she busted out crying.

"Why me Denise, what have I done to deserve this from you?"

"Go in, later, you will have to explain where you have been since last night. For now, I need to go get what you can't give to me. Useless bitch."

Sharon Miles understood what he meant. She was not surprised. Standing up, she tried to be strong to hold back some of her tears, but could not.

After some time, she staggered out of the sitting room to her bedroom, holding her cheek.

Picking up his phone with a disgusted expression, he dialed a number.

"Hey! Come in."

Soon, a half-naked woman walked into the building and went straight to Denise Johnson. Like knowing what she came for, she went straight to work.

Denise Johnson smiled. This was the kind of woman he preferred. Not those so-called innocent whores, he thought.

"Follow me." He said as he led her to a room close to Sharon Miles' room.

Sharon Miles played on her bed as she listened to the moans that were coming from the next room. Her heart did not stop breaking. This was her fiance. Her to-be husband who she was in love with.

"When am I going to come out of this God?"

Tears streamed down her face. She felt hopeless and worthless as she folded herself. She took the two pillows on her bed and closed her ears as she rolled all over the bed. Despite all her efforts to prevent herself from hearing anything, she could still hear every single thing.

When Denise Johnson was done in the other room, he smiled and went out. Getting to Sharon Miles' room, he pushed the door open and looked at the figure laying painfully on the bed. This was what he wanted to see. The picture of her being in pain makes him happy.

"You seem like you need it. I can come in and have you feeling satisfied if you want. Pttf... What the fuck am I saying?" Tapping his fingers on his head, "I am very sure you would have had enough from last night. You will go out and have open your legs for strangers then come in here and act innocently. Tell me, how was it?" He said to her mockingly.

Sharon Miles could not speak up anymore. This was already too much for her to bear. She felt dumb as she kept rolling on the bed painfully.

"Why do you look so pained? The door is always open for you to leave if you are not okay with the situation of things. I don't even need you around. Leave if you want to, THAT'S IF YOU CAN!" He sneered as he left, hitting the door so hard that Sharon Miles had to jump out of bed in shock.

"Ah! Ah! ah!" Frustrated, she screamed out loud and wailed in pain.

Travis Arthur sat on his office chair as he kept thinking about Sharon Miles. Her smile, and the pain she expressed when she saw she was almost home.

That woman needs help, he thought.

Picking up his phone, he dialed a number.

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