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My billionaire playboy

My billionaire playboy



Nora, being new in the entertainment industry, didn't know how deep the waters ran. Until one day she was drugged by her director who wanted her to sleep with one of their investors. In a rush, the director misplaced the room number and brought her to the wrong room. "What will she do when she wakes up to the realization of having a one-night stand with a stranger? How will she react when she finds out about his billionaire identity? And what will she do when he presents a contract marriage to her?

Chapter 1 Nora

Nora woke up with a groggy headache and looked around subconsciously. What! She was shocked when she saw a man lying on the bed with her. She looked at the bedsheets and saw they were blood-stained. She felt herself and knew immediately.

She had done that deed. Tears started welling up in her eyes. It was her first time. She had always saved her virginity, believing that it was the only pride of a woman and should be given to the one she truly loved. Now she had given it to a man she didn't know. What the hell happened last night?

She turned to the man who was lying beside her. He is quite handsome and looks masculine. Somehow his face seemed familiar, but she couldn't tell where she met him.

It was at that time that the man woke up. He saw that she was looking at him and smirked. "I know that I am too handsome that you couldn't resist, but if you keep looking at me like that, even with my thick face, I can't stop myself from blushing."

'Idiot,' she cursed him in her mind before seriously looking at him.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am nobody," the man answered with a smile on his face. I so much want to wipe out the smile from his face.

"How did we end up like this?" Nora looked very angered.

"Oh that, I'm not quite sure. Last night I was drunk, and when I woke up, you were lying by my side and started caressing me. It looked as if you were in heat and kept kissing me. I was drunk already so I wasn't able to control myself. The rest is history.

When Nora heard what he said, she knew she had messed up big. Last night, as far as she could remember, she was indeed very drunk and didn't even seem to remember when she passed out or what happened later.

She buried her head in the sheets in shame. "How could you have done this, Nora? Why did she drink too much? She could remember that she was having a meal with director Noah to celebrate her new role as the female lead in a new movie.

The movie has lots of investment and a good prospect. According to what she heard, one of the main investors is the one who offered her the role. She was supposed to meet him that night because director Noah said he would come to the hotel and celebrate with her.

A bad premonition rose in her heart immediately. "Are you an investor in Headway Entertainment?" she asked him.

"No," the man replied casually, "or else you want me to," he added with a smile. I ignored him and rushed towards the bathroom as his laughter echoed at her back.

She sank inside the bathtub trying to clear her mind and understand exactly what was happening. It doesn't seem like she was really drunk. After all, she can still recollect that she only had a few glasses.

Yet she can't deny that she passed out, before then she was feeling hot and stuffy, after which, she couldn't remember anything else.

Soon she was out of the bathroom with only a towel. The man must have been in the living room. The hotel is a huge five-star hotel, it isn't surprising that it has both a bedroom and a living room.

She saw there was a cloth on the bed. It was a female cloth. He must have ordered it for her; she took the clothes to the bathroom to change.

When she came back, she saw the man in the towels. It seemed like he was about to take his bath. She looked at his well-chiseled and masculine body. He was so sexy that she gulped unconsciously.

"Do you wish to swallow me whole?" he asked with a suggestive smile.

"Whatever happened between us last night is a mistake, we should all go our separate ways and pretend like nothing happened," she said seriously.

The man laughed, "you wish." He didn't say anything else and handed her a business card before walking to the bathroom. Nora watched her for a while before grabbing her handbag and putting on a scarf she always carries with her and bolting out of the door.

When she had reached the hotel lobby and was about to make her way out, a group of interviewers from many media outlets rushed towards her. She seemed to want to interrogate her, but it made her more confused.

She is covering her face with the scarf so how the hell did they find out her identity? She was about to panic when two strong men blocked her front facing the interviewers.

"Sorry, this is my boss's woman, you are not allowed to interview her or you face the consequences," one of the men said showing them an identity card. The interviewers looked scared when they saw the card.

It was the personal security of Sir Williams O'Connell, the CEO of the Williams group and young master of the mighty O'Connell family. There are many mysteries surrounding him, but one thing the media knew is that no one dared cross this young master.

They felt bitter; this time they received the wrong information. If the person who gave them the information is here right now, he will probably be beaten to death.

Nora was delighted. She looked at the business card that the man gave her in the hotel room. "Williams O'Connell CEO of Williams International Group." No wonder the media were scared. He is a very big name even in the entertainment industry.

Her phone rang; she looked at the screen and saw that it was an unknown number.

"Hello, who is it?" she asked.

"It's me," a cold voice answered. She knew it was the mysterious man from last night immediately.

"What do you want?"

"Do I need to have a reason before I call you? Being my woman is enough reason."

"I am not your woman," she argued.

"That's not the matter now. What do you think of the media? Why do you think they will want to interrogate a nobody? I think what happened last night must have been a scheme, just that they made an error. I am sure you know what I meant.

Anyway, since you are my woman now, I will help you investigate; don't thank me, that's what I ought to do." The phone cuts off before she can retort.

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