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Pregnant by the Billionaire I still remember, I didn't think about having children so soon, but life crossed my path, and changed all my plans. As fate would have it, the man who got me pregnant was a billionaire, which left me in a distressing situation, he could take my baby away from me at any moment. I didn't know the power that man had, I didn't know the people who were on his side and who could greatly harm me. That's why I needed to hide, the less he knew, the better for me and my son who was growing inside my womb. But chance always seemed to be interfering in my choices, I knew it, the billionaire had the right to know about my pregnancy, after all I didn't have this child alone; but yes, I was afraid of being one of thousands of women. That's why I ran away, but he found me. It was a stroke of fate that he saw me with a baby in my lap, obviously he was suspicious and sent his men after me. I tried to escape, but I couldn't. I couldn't run away from myself, because the reason I ran away pregnant was that I loved that Billionaire. He was attractive, charming and there were many women after him, he was super powerful, I was very afraid of having to love him in silence, but at one point that whole feeling was bigger than me, I went to bed with him, and the result was the my pregnancy, but I don't regret anything. I love my son more than my own life, even though I'm pregnant with a billionaire. I love him, but I ran away, I had my reasons, but he found me. In the end he ran after me and my baby. And now I'm torn between telling the truth, that he had a child with me, or keeping this secret, and disappearing forever, but he won't leave me without knowing about the baby. Getting pregnant by the billionaire was the biggest adventure of my life. Logan – The Dominator I am married, I have always been faithful to my wife, I have always commanded the company, I have always commanded my wife. I've always hated the Oliveira family, just like my father did before me. My brothers are irresponsible, I don't even know how they run their companies alone. I'm the one who should dominate everything, I like everything right, surprises bother me, everything must be in its right place, it's always been like that. My life went normally, until she appeared, Vivian Oliveira, my biggest enemy, I hate her, I reject her, I disown her. But... but what no one knows is that every time I see her, I am immediately taken by a feeling, when I am in her presence, my p*nis becomes so erect...

Chapter 1 Without saying

grew up, I repeated the same mistakes, I entered the adult world, and became something that at frst I rejected, unfortunately childhood is sweet and feeting, so gives way to the overwhelming reality of our days

of adult responsibility. On the farm, there was only one rule: - Never go beyond the limits of the Oliveira lands.

there I still didn't know what had happened in the past, but it was clear that all the hatred was inherited, and it couldn't be any different... At seven years old, this It's the time of my childhood that I remember most clearly.

the rest seems too blurry to be able to concentrate, some say that memories flled with strong emotions are the ones that are most recorded in the unconscious, and I have to agree. But my memories weren't negative, it

was exactly at that age that I met a friend, at least that's what I thought she was at that time, I don't judge.

myself for my innocent childhood mistakes. She came to the fence every Sunday, and to my surprise, she smiled... The Oliveiras were painted as true devils in my early childhood, but that sweet girl, looked more like an angel than anything else... She looked, came and stayed on my side, we said absolutely nothing, we just

played, she ran, and I ran after her, it was something so innocent, that no inexplicable hatred could get in the way. The stormy days would defnitely come, the sweet childhood could never be interrupted, but it would, it

always is... These little lapses of memories always came towards me, on the nights when I couldn't sleep next.

to my wife, these memories were like ghosts, they wouldn't leave me alone, I was forced to disguise everything, I formed a barrier, a wall around me, and I named it with an endless hatred, which seemed to consume my insides, it was my way of protecting myself, it was the best way I could fnd to escape my

childhood friend. Another day of my life, I woke up next to my wife, that meaningless marriage, it only served.

to keep up appearances, not at all... There was no love, no passion, just resentment, but more than anything.

we were like crutches , one leaned on the other, but nothing stronger than that existed, no bond stronger. In our mansion, once again everything began to wake up, I took my shower, incessantly looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes staring, they couldn't deny it, that wasn't the life I had dreamed of for myself, I was surrounded.

by luxury, I didn't lack absolutely nothing, I was privileged for sure, but I felt like something was missing.

something that I don't know exactly what it was. Everything was cold, dull, monotonous, lifeless, I was rich and at the same time poor, but I just kept these things to myself, all I had left was my work, my life was the company. My father had died, my family was a little shocked, but Bravo knows how to hide it very well, they

pretend perfectly, it really seems like everyone is wearing some kind of mask, and it all comes down to a set of actions, whoever pretends best ends up winning. the game. Lauro was always the most determined.

Lorenzo was always the sweetest, what did I have left? Dominate, dominate... From a very early age, I always wanted to dominate the world, conquer everything I could, explore, massacre, I've always been like that, I

always wanted everything in its right place, I hate surprises, but I know very well how to deal with them.

adversities. I mastered everything, everything I could and what I couldn't master, I did my best and achieved it anyway, that's who I am, my name is Logan, and I don't give up... Chapter 2 One day... In my There were several

people living in the mansion, but I was lonely... I took my shower, went down the spiral staircase, and went to the large table that occupied the mansion's pantry, Carla was waiting for me as always, with the newspaper in her right hand, and the cup in her another... The maids started to serve us, and of course, like every day, the

discussions started... - Logan, I've already spoken to the doctor, we can start the treatment whenever we want! - I don't think this is the appropriate time, Carla, but we'll talk about it later! - What time Logan, I'm 37!

You know I waited a long time. - I already said Carla, now is not the most opportune time, I am full of problems.

in my life, both personal and professional! - You are selfsh, you never think about anyone but yourself! -

Understand one thing Carla, I'm not ready to be a father! - So we are experiencing an impasse, as I have wanted to be a mother for years! - When this is all over Carla, when this is all over! Who knows, we might not have matured the idea, but now is not the best time! - I've been married to you for years, and look what I get in

return, just selfshness! "When I solve my problems, when my company, when my family!" I've heard all this.

you know I dream of having a baby, and you always said it wasn't the time! - Don't blame me Carla, if you haven't gotten pregnant yet, I assure you it was because of you and not me! The weather weighs heavily... -

What do you mean by that?! - Never mind! - No Logan, don't be scared, come on! Say what you wanted to say! -

I don't want to hurt you! - What?! Say, say with words, what you said with innuendo! Tell all the employees to hear that I'm not a mother because I can't have children! - I did not say that! - But so what if you didn't say it.

you thought it, and for me that's enough! - Another day, another discussion, that's why I don't like going into this subject with you! - You know what I regret most Logan, having given my best days to you! That's what I

regret most, I gave everything to you, but on the contrary, you know, you passed by there, by my side, but I knew you weren't there, you were far away, I don't know where, I don't know with whom! - This is not true! - Of

course it is, you were never here, your head has always traveled through other felds, I don't know which one... I

mean... I know there is someone who must dwell in these thoughts of yours, great CEO. - Don't start Carla... -

Your worst enemy, right?! Or should I say your best childhood friend, Vivian Oliveira, you can't forget this woman! You had a past with her, and everyone knows it! - I honestly don't know where you get these things from! I hate that woman, I hate her! - Do you really hate Logan?! I'm not so sure about that! You try to hide it.

but deep down, I don't know, it seems like you're hiding something. - I don't have time for this, I'm late, I have to get to the company in half an hour. - That's Logan. Run away, that's what you always do... Without saying

another word, Logan takes the car keys, arrives at his luxurious garage, and chooses which car he will use on that fateful day... Among his options, Logan chooses randomly and enters his car, still a little confused, the

arguments with Carla became more recurrent every day, and he didn't know how long it would last. On the way to his company, some memories still tormented him, he thought about Vivian, but with hatred, Logan couldn't

stand her to such a degree, that when he saw her, he trembled, broke into a cold sweat, felt strange.

unnameable things, he really couldn't explain, However, it was noticeable that the CEO was bored with that.

little did he know what fate awaited in the next chapters.

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