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Conquer All (Love into my heart)

Conquer All (Love into my heart)

passionate books


It was just a night stand between them but he refused to let go of her, she thought it will be the last time they will meet but she was wrong,he wanted all of her, her body,soul and heart,not only did he satisfied her,he even made her his woman forever

Chapter 1 Unexpected experience

Under dim light, two bodies conjoined together as they move in rhythm

He raised Tiffany's legs up and continue thrusting wildly

Under the intense ecstasy,

Tiffany felt like she was in a hot volcano, a giant iceberg

Hot... Incredible hot

However, a hot as it was, she couldn't help but to move closer to the iceberg, she was thrown into the air, and then penetrated into her s*x fiercely.

She felt something broke and she whimper

"Pains... It hurts"

A volcano could not be stopped during it's eruption,she felt her entire body torn apart and split into half.

Tiffany sobbed under the strength of the volcano

"Pains...." She cried slowly

The man showed her no sympathy. With hard thrusts, Tiffany felt a kiss falling on her lips. With a steady rhythm she felt the pain disappearing, a great pleasure washed over her body and moaned loudly

Under the intense ecstasy, Tiffany could see man's face After everything othe man stood up from the bed and without glancing at the woman beside him, he got dressed and left the room slamming the door angrily.


Tiffany regain her consciousness, she found herself alone on the big bed, the other side was cold but her body remember what had happened last night vividly she was sore and hurting all over. Her eyelashes fluttered and she suddenly open her eyes and it fell on the unfamiliar room and she suddenly sat up she felt sore that she couldn't help but Yelp

To her surprise, she saw that she was naked, blue marks were laid all over her chest and collarbone looking scary due to the sex making she almost let out a scream but luckily she was able to calm herself down, she needs no soothsayer to tell her what had happened she had been deflowered by a random stranger,

Where am I? How do I get here?? She could remember getting drunk last night and also that Esmeralda gave her a room key so she could rest" but how did the man ended up on her bed? Did she entered the wrong room?? Her mind was in tumor as she can't really pinpoint the issue but all she knows is that it's the handwork of esmeralda that make her to get drunk tifffany got up from the bed and she almost fell

Her s*x was sore that she had to like to where her dress was laying she pick her dress up and put it on,she had no choice but to put on the same underwears she wore last night

She picked her bag and walked to the door just as she opens the door slightly,she heard a farmiliar female voice at the front of the door which is of her sister

Why are you all useless??? I told you it's room 69, how come you didn't find her there? Esmeralda voiced out angrily glaring hard at the two men before her

Tiffany frowned on hearing Esmeralda's words Room 69? That was the room she asked me to go last night she thought..

" I guess I entered the wrong room last night" she mumbled under breath

Esmeralda next words left her dumbfounded l gave you a simple job to act like you slept with her and also took her naked pictures before sending it to me but you couldn't!! She shouted furiously

"We are sorry Miss" the two men apologize

Just leave! Get lost! She dismissed them and they two men left immediately, "bunch of idiots" she muttered furiously

"Who knows where that countryside wench is? That slut had finally ruined my plans"She added before walking away

Tiffany couldn't move from her spot, Esmeralda true colour had a great impact on her

"This was all her intentions all along" she thought almost at the point of tears

" Damn* you Esme! Damn* you!! I will make you regret ever doing this to me She clenched her fist angrily and left the room


Tiffany walked into the big living room and met Esmeralda pacing around the sitting room and thought" little devil "

"Elder sister you are back" Esmeralda exclaimed rushing to Tiffany

" Where were you? My friend and I looked for you in the hotel but we couldn't find you,I checked the room where I asked you to rest but couldn't find you there" she said grabbing Tiffany's hand" Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?? She asked looking concern as she checked through Tiffany's body

Tiffany was disgusted with her acting and she almost puked

"She is really a white lotus" she thought with disdain

Tiffany snatch her hand away from Esmeralda's hold surprising her

"Am fine" Tiffany replied coldly

Esmeralda could noticed the difference in her and she panic slightly

"Are you sure you are not hurt anywhere? Esmeralda asked scrutinizing Tiffany's body

Thankfully Tiffany has covered the bruises with her foundation

"I told you am fine, and why did you think am hurt? Tiffany asked with a frown and she notice some changes in her

The question caught Esmeralda unaware

"Nothing..I was... just concern about you" she replied forcing out a smile

Don't be,am a grown up and I can take care of myself, don't meddle with my business" Tiffany warned coldly shocking esmeralda excuse me I need to rest early, school is resuming tommorow" she added and left for her room leaving the shocked Esmeralda behind

"What was that? Esmeralda muttered in shock


Yuna(Mrs Watson) was busy having breakfast when she heard a steady footsteps behind her

"Good morning Mom" Tiffany's voice was heard behind her

"Huh" Yuna replied without looking up

" Am leaving for school" Tiffany announced,it was then Yuna raised her head her eyes freeze on spot as she took in her daughter's appearance, Tiffany who was always in long overskirt and hoodie was putting on short high waist skirt with a crop top.

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