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The Shadows of Rosewood

The Shadows of Rosewood

passionate books


In the depths of Rosewood Manor, secrets lurk in every shadow. A young woman's memories are shrouded in mystery, her past life a mere whisper. But when she discovers a cryptic ring and a childhood toy, the veil of forgetfulness begins to lift. As she unravels the threads of her forgotten life, she uncovers a tangled web of love, loss, and deceit. Will she embrace the truth and reclaim her rightful place, or will the shadows of Rosewood consume her forever?"

Chapter 1 Mysterious Life

Luna's heart was raced like a wild animal as she dodged through the crowded streets, her eyes darting over her shoulder like a hunted prey. Her swollen belly felt like a heavy burden, the pain of her pregnancy a constant reminder of her desperate situation. The sound of footsteps behind her grew louder, echoing off the buildings like a sinister whisper. She knew she had to find a hiding place - fast.

That's when she saw it: a sprawling junkyard, its rusty gates hanging open like a mouth agape, inviting her into its labyrinthine depths. Luna sprinted towards it, her feet pounding the pavement like a drumbeat. She darted between the rows of wrecked cars, their shattered windshields and crumpled hoods like the skeletal remains of some metallic graveyard. The air was thick with the stench of rust and decay, a morbid perfume that clung to her like a shroud.

As she ran, the junkyard seemed to close in around her, its shadows deepening into dark alleys that stretched out like skeletal fingers. Luna's breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding in her chest like a hammer. She knew she couldn't keep running forever, but for now, it was her only hope.

Finally, she spotted an old sedan, its doors hanging off their hinges like broken wings, a relic of a bygone era. Luna wrenched open the creaky door, the sound echoing through the junkyard like a scream, and slid inside, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She huddled in the back seat, her eyes fixed on the junkyard entrance, praying that her pursuers wouldn't think to look for her here. The sedan's interior was a tomb of faded leather and dusty air, a sanctuary that seemed to shrink around her as she waited.

The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the creaks and groans of the old car, its rusty heartbeat a reminder that she was not alone. Luna's mind raced with thoughts of the baby growing inside her, the father she couldn't escape, and the future that seemed increasingly bleak. Her blindness heightened her other senses, and her ears strained to pick up any sound. She heard the distant hum of a car engine, the murmur of voices, and the crunch of gravel beneath footsteps, each sound a thread in a tapestry of fear.

As the sounds drew closer, Luna's heart skipped a beat. Her breath caught in her throat, and her hands instinctively wrapped around her belly, as if to shield her unborn child from the danger that lurked outside. The footsteps grew louder, heavier, and Luna's senses screamed at her to flee. But where could she go? She was trapped, blind and helpless, at the mercy of her pursuers.

Suddenly, a car screeched to a halt outside the junkyard, and the voices grew louder, more menacing. Luna's palms grew sweaty as she recognized the voices of John and Kate, their tones laced with a sinister intent. "We know you're in there, Luna," John called out, his voice echoing off the metal wreckage like a taunt. "You can't hide from us forever." Luna's mind raced as she tried to place their voices, her memory sketchy from her time in the hospital. Who were these people, and why were they after her? The memories were hazy, but the fear was all too real.

Kate's voice cut through the air, her tone dripping with malice. "You think you can just leave and start a new life? You owe us, Luna. And we'll make sure you pay." The words sent a chill down Luna's spine. She owed them? What could she possibly owe them? The questions swirled in her mind like a maelstrom, but she knew she had to focus on escape. Luna's heart raced as she frantically scanned her surroundings, her blindness heightening her other senses. She heard the creaks and groans of the old car, the rustling of the wind through the junkyard, and the heavy footsteps of her pursuers. She knew she had to move, and fast.

Luna's grip on her belly tightened, her heart racing with fear. She knew she had to escape, but her blindness made her vulnerable, trapped in a sea of darkness. With a surge of adrenaline, she pushed open the creaky door and slid out of the car, her hands outstretched like tentative antennae. She took a tentative step forward, her ears straining to pinpoint the location of her pursuers. As she moved, the sounds around her shifted, the footsteps closing in. Luna's breath came in short gasps, her senses on high alert. She knew she had to keep moving, to find a way out of this dangerous game before it was too late.

Just then, a stranger's voice cut through the chaos. "Get in, quick!" it urged, the car door opening wider. Luna's heart raced as she hesitated, her hand on the car door. She didn't know who this stranger was, but she knew she had to get away from John and Kate. With a deep breath, she felt her way into the car, her senses on high alert. She collapsed onto the seat, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The door slammed shut behind her, and the car roared to life. Luna's heart still raced, but she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she had found a way out of this nightmare.

As the car sped away from the junkyard, Luna's mind raced back to the events that had led her down this dangerous path. She had thought John loved her, but it was all a ruse, a clever trap to ensnare her in their web of deceit. He and Kate were involved in loan sharking and gambling, and they had used her as collateral to pay off their debts. The memories flooded back, each one a painful reminder of her naivety. She recalled the way John had once showered her with affection, only to reveal his true colors later. The way he had demanded money from her, his eyes cold and calculating. The way Kate had egged him on, her eyes gleaming with cruelty.

Luna's hand instinctively went to her belly, her heart aching for the child growing inside her. She knew she had to protect her baby from these monsters, no matter what it took. She felt a surge of determination, her senses on high alert as she turned her attention to the stranger who had rescued her. Who was he, and what did he want from her? She steeled herself for the unknown, her mind racing with questions. What were his motives? Could she trust him? And what lay ahead on this uncertain journey?

As the car drove on, Luna's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the driver's voice, his tone gruff and commanding. "We're here." Luna's heart skipped a beat as the car door opened, and she was pulled out into the night air, her senses disoriented. She stumbled, her feet scraping against the pavement, her hands grasping at air. "Where am I?" she demanded, her voice shaking, but instead of an answer, she was pushed forward, her body propelled into a luxurious penthouse apartment. The door slammed shut behind her, and Luna's heart raced as she realized she was trapped.

Her eyes adjusted to the dim light, and she saw him - Elian Blackwood, the Mafia Boss, standing by the window, his eyes fixed on her with an unnerving intensity. Luna's mind reeled as she realized she had been thrust into the arms of the one man John and Kate had hoped to extort through her. The irony was staggering. Elian's gaze locked onto hers, his eyes burning with a fierce determination, and Luna felt a shiver run down her spine. She knew she was in the lair of a dangerous predator, and her survival depended on her wits and cunning.

And then, without a word, he was upon her, his lips claiming hers in a fierce, possessive kiss. Luna's senses reeled as he swept her up into his arms, carrying her to the bedroom with a primal intensity.

The night was a blur of passion and pleasure, Luna's senses overwhelmed by Elian's skilled touch. He was a master of seduction, and she was helpless against his charms. She felt like a puppet on strings, her body responding to his every command.

But when she woke up the next morning, she was alone, the bed cold and empty beside her. Elian was gone, leaving her with nothing but a faint memory of his presence, and a small note on the bedside table. His words chilled her to the bone: "You're mine now, Luna. And soon, so will be the child you carry."

The possessiveness in his words sent a shiver down her spine, and Luna knew she was trapped in a dangerous game of power and control. She felt like a pawn in Elian's game of chess, with no way out. The thought sent a surge of fear through her, and she knew she had to escape before it was too late.

But for now, she was at Elian's mercy, a prisoner in his luxurious penthouse apartment. And she knew she had to play along, at least for a little while longer. With a heavy heart, Luna got out of bed and began to get ready for the day ahead, wondering what other tricks Elian had up his sleeve.

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Massy was once a bully and rich before her father went bankrupt after getting married to her stepmother, all she had dreamt die at the drastic change of things, when she was adapting to the new world,one of the guy she once bullied was back for revenge, to give her a taste of her medicine. Who is he?? MALIK HAMPTON,a CEO of the famous Hampton, who was once a weak and timid highschool boy with a surviving single mother who was lying sick in the hospital because of an incident that happened during his highschool days which Massy was part of. After finding his wealthy father came back for his bully who was once his crush to pay for her crime, he is ready to break her, make her miserable till she would hate her existence. He made her contract for five years of his slave and personal maid for his sweet revenge. When she found out, she realise she couldn't prompt out of the contract without a lawyer and payment of five hundred million dollars, not having a dine, she decided to endure his torments, torture and maltreatment. During her endurance, one of Malik's personal guards became her friend. Will she be able to survive his revenge? Will the guard help her? Will he ever fall in love with her? What happened when he found out she wasn't involved in his best friend's death? What happened when his mother woke up with great love for massy? What happened when he found out she wasn't what he thought she was? These questions would be answered as the wheel of the story moves.

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The Shadows of Rosewood

Chapter 1 Mysterious Life



Chapter 2 Trapped



Chapter 3 The mafia bargain



Chapter 4 Elian's decision



Chapter 5 The wedding



Chapter 6 A house without home



Chapter 7 A piece of home



Chapter 8 Memories



Chapter 9 Web of secrets



Chapter 10 At the party



Chapter 11 Elian ruthless move



Chapter 12 New ally or vows



Chapter 13 The new ally



Chapter 14 At the sitting room



Chapter 15 Driven into confusion



Chapter 16 At the restaurant



Chapter 17 The mystery of the woman



Chapter 18 The Accident



Chapter 19 Sudden encounter



Chapter 20 Threats in dark



Chapter 21 Secret plan



Chapter 22 Secret and Shadow



Chapter 23 Uncovering the truth



Chapter 24 Luna's thought



Chapter 25 The meeting



Chapter 26 The revelation



Chapter 27 A new path



Chapter 28 Unrevealing Secret



Chapter 29 Web of Deceit



Chapter 30 Shadow of Deceit



Chapter 31 Meeting Again



Chapter 32 Secrets Revealing



Chapter 33 Secret revealed



Chapter 34 Luna's plan



Chapter 35 A new ally



Chapter 36 Arian's couriousuty



Chapter 37 Luna's dark past



Chapter 38 The weight of protection; Elian's consern



Chapter 39 Trapped in deception



Chapter 40 The Blackwood take down
