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Eudoxia: An Alien on Earth

Eudoxia: An Alien on Earth



Eudoxia, an alien from another world, was sent to Earth by her mother. But when her spaceship crashes, she's taken in by Damian and his mother, who have no idea of her true identity. As Eudoxia gets used to her new life on Earth, she starts to wonder about her past - and the secrets her mother is hiding. But as she starts to unravel the mystery of her past, she uncovers something even more shocking - a secret so big, it could threaten the entire universe.

Chapter 1 One

A blue spaceship flying in the air suddenly came to a halt as another spaceship with a black color appeared by the side trying to stop the blue spaceship from moving.

***Inside the Blue spaceship***

!! Speaking in Greek !!

"Mom, what the hell is going on". A voice asked as the lady-called mom turned to face her daughter.

"Eudoxia, listen to me". Eudoxia's mother- Layla said, holding her daughter's two hands. "You have to get the hell out of here. It's unsafe". She said as her daughter looked at her.

"I don't understand mom. Where am I supposed to go, and why am I the only one leaving? What about you?" Eudoxia asked as her mother touched her blue and black hair with both hands. Eudoxia's blue eyes looked closely at her mother with questions she knew she'd never get answers to.

"Layla". A voice coming outside the spaceship called

"Eudoxia, do you trust me?". Layla asked

She nodded. "I trust you Mom... I do".

"Then do me this one favor and get inside this little spaceship. It's uncomfortable, but it will get you where you need to be".

"And where is that?" Eudoxia asked as the voice came again.


"You have to go. Take this". Layla said as she put a necklace around her daughter's neck. "You have to keep it safe. It's the only way you can get back home".

Eudoxia glanced at the necklace. It was a crystal blue necklace with a shape like a spaceship locket. When she opened the locket, a bright light shone so bright that it illuminated the whole spaceship. She closed the spaceship locket as she peeked at her mother.

Layla helped her daughter to get inside the spaceship as she pecked her daughter's forehead.

"Promise me you'll come back for me". Eudoxia said as Layla tried so hard to hold back her tears.

Layla nodded with a bittersweet smile on her face. "I promise", she said, when the door of the spaceship flashed open, revealing an Alien with black eyes and black skin and some other aliens standing together with him. Layla quickly closed the door to the spaceship Eudoxia was in as she stood to guide it.

"What do you want, Ramses?". Layla asked.

Ramses walked closer to Layla, trying to see what she was hiding. The moment Ramses was half an inch closer to her, he looked her straight in the eyes. "Where is it?". Ramses asked.

"Where is what?". Layla asked, pretending not to know what he was asking.

"Don't tempt me, Layla!". Ramses said, trying to keep his cool. "Where is the key?". He asked as Layla shook her head.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Ramses. I told you already, my husband left nothing to me when you killed him". Layla said.

Ramses smiled. "You expect me to believe that?". Immediately, Ramses pushed Layla out of where she was standing. Layla quickly pressed a button on her crystal glass necklace. Suddenly, the spaceship where Eudoxia was disappeared. As Layla tried to smash the crystal glass necklace, Ramses came to her and tried to collect the necklace. He struggled with her, slapped her, punched her, but Layla wouldn't let him have it.

Layla thought of a trick, then suddenly something came into her mind. She used the one chance she saw and used her forehead to hit his forehead, which caused him to feel dizzy. Layla took that as a chance to break the crystal glass necklace. As soon as she threw the crystal glass necklace on the floor, a silver knife that was thrown by one of the guards Ramses hit her straight on her forehead.

Layla fell to the ground with her eyes wide open.

"Check everything in here for information on what could have been inside that spaceship. Search every nook and cranny without leaving any stone unturned". Ramses said as they did as his guards did as he commanded.

Each Alien searched the Spaceship devices for a clue or anything to help them find what was in that spaceship and where it went.

After a few minutes of searching, one of the Aliens walked up to Ramses with a photo in his hand.

"What do you have there, Klaus?". Ramses asked as Klaus handed the photo to Ramses. He collected the photo as he looked at the picture. He saw a man and a woman carrying a baby.

"She has a daughter". Klaus said.

Ramses took the photo, folded it, and kept it at the opening part of his head.

"Search everywhere! She must have left a clue somewhere". Ramses said as the Aliens continued their search.

*** Eudoxia's Spaceship***

Traveling in a spaceship is something else, especially with Aliens. Aliens are also asleep when they are traveling in their spaceship. It makes them connect more with their environment and it increases their powers too.

Eudoxia's eyes were closed as the spaceship zoomed off at great speed, so great a speed that you can't take notice of anything in the air.

Suddenly, the spaceship started jerking up and down, from left to right. It continued for a few minutes when, all of a sudden, Eudoxia fell from the sky onto the hard ground as the spaceship disappeared.


"I'll see you later, boyfriend". Theresa said as she kissed her boyfriend - Damian.

"Don't you need me to drive you home?". Damian asked as Theresa walked away, turning back to bid him goodbye.

"I'll be fine. I'll call you when I get home, okay? I love you". Theresa yelled as Damian waved his hand, watching his beautiful damsel disappear into the darkness.

Theresa Holland is CAMP VILLE'S school actress. With her beautiful skin, so fair and shiny. Her brown wavy hair. Her eyes look brown, but when the sun shines and her eyes catch the reflection of the sun they turn an amber color. Talking about a model's body size and height, she's got the perfect features.

Damian Thompson, on the other hand, is a typical playboy lookalike. You can picture any Playboy you have in mind. He has this beautiful black hair that falls perfectly below the back of his neck. His eyes are green. His nose is pointed. His lips are sumptuous pink lips in the shape of a V. He goes to CAMP VILLE, but he works in a convenience store after school with his best friend.

After a few hours of reminiscing about the time he spent with his girlfriend, he was set to go inside the house when he saw something move at the side of his house. He moved closer to get a glimpse, but it was too dark for him to see anything.

"Mom is that you?". He asked, expecting to hear his mom's tiny voice, but no sound came. He continued to move closer until the sight of two glowing blue eyes stopped him from coming any closer. Damian had never seen anything like it before. He was so captivated by the eyes that his legs started moving by themselves towards where the eyes were glowing. All of a sudden, his feet couldn't move anymore. He struggled to get his feet to move, but it was like his feet were stuck to the ground.

Eudoxia looked at her environment, wondering how she got here and where exactly she was. "Is this one of the many planets?". She asked herself in Greek as she looked at the boy in front of her. She walked closer to him as Damian was still trying to get his foot moving.

Eudoxia stood in front of him as she touched his head, poking his forehead, touching his eyes, his nose, and his lips. She placed her two hands on his cheeks. She grabbed his hand, touching it. She bent down and touched his groin, which made him moan a little.

"Watch it, will you?". Damian said as he continued struggling to get his feet off of the ground.

Eudoxia stopped inspecting as she looked at him, touching his face. "You look nothing like me." She said in Greek as Damian froze.

"OK?? This is getting weird. I'm going to have to call the police". He said as Kiara looked at him, watching him take out something from his pocket. Immediately, Damian took out his phone, and she grabbed it and smashed the phone on the ground.

"Danger". She said in Greek as Damian opened his mouth. To Aliens, electric gadgets are dangerous to them. It triggers their anger mode in some way.

"What did you just do?". He asked as he looked at his shattered phone on the floor. "That's my phone you just smashed on the ground". He said, pointing to his phone.

Just as she walked away from him, his feet moved. Damian quickly picked up the scraps of his phone as he mourned them. Then suddenly his eyes went to the girl that destroyed his phone, only to find a naked girl walking towards him.

Damian slowly stood up, looking at the girl from the toes to her hair, which had a color of blue at one side and black at the other side. His eyes fell on her eyes and they were still glowing. Without thinking, Damian ran into his house, shutting the door behind him.

"Damian". His mom, Lucy, called, "Are you OK?".

"There's a weird girl in the front of the house". Damian said as he peeped through the window, staring at Eudoxia who was looking around.

"What do you mean?". His mom asked as she peeped through the window, only for her to find a naked girl alone outside. "Why did you leave her alone outside?". His mom asked. She quickly rushed to grab some clothes from the room as she opened the door.

"What are you doing Mom?". Damian asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm bringing her in of course". She said as Damian stood there dumbfounded as he watched his mom leave.

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