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Renewed Opportunity

Renewed Opportunity



"I need more Peter" My fingers held on to his bare back. "What did you say?" "Please Peter , fuck me hard. I want all of it." He kissed my forehead. "That's my girl." His voice husky *** Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that the enemy to my happiness would be standing at the altar with me,still holding my hands. I watched as the man I had dedicated more than a year of my life to rejected me and chose someone I would have never guessed. And what was worse was that my father wanted nothing to do with me after the rejection and I ended up not too far from the bed of the man who had disgraced me; his flesh and blood. His twin brother!

Chapter 1 Alice

"Wh...what?" My voice croaked on the word as I stared into George's eyes intently.

"I, George Hansen. Son of the Alpha and prince of the Shadow Moon Clan hereby reject you Alice Fomin as my mate" George repeated.

My mind kept replaying the last words of the pack priest as he had previously asked if there was anyone against our union.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that the enemy of my happiness would be standing at the altar with me, still holding my hands.

"George " I whispered and searched his eyes to know if he was playing a prank on me or if he was been real.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed impatiently and like a dream, he let go of my hands as though it burned him.

"What? No. No!" I shouted and the audience gasped in my misery, I didn't even remember that we were in front of thousands of people.

That we were in front of the whole kingdom.

If George thought that he was going to destroy a year of our bond, a year of me making plans for this wedding, a year getting to know all parts of him. If he thought he was going to throw our whole life away then he got anything coming.

"You can't do this to me. To us!" I screamed, the pain searing through me destroying me from within.

"I can and I have," he said curtly and nodded his head.

All eyes turned in the direction of his eyes and from the side of the hall, an image of white started to form behind the glistening of the tears that blurred my vision.

Like the thief that she was, she carefully walked down completely ignoring the aisle. An aisle I had worked countlessly to make perfect.

I swabbed at the tears, my mascara smearing my face as my eyes caught a dark colouration on my hands.

George opened his hands for the bride to walk in and I stood there on the altar, flowers aloof and scattered like an art across the floorboards.

The woman moved closer and the moment she stood in front of George, his smile reached both ears and she matched it.

My hands balled into fists as I waited for her to open the veil to reveal herself to me. The crowd began to whisper and the priest looked uncomfortable.

I looked at the crowd and back at the drama that unfolded right before my eyes.

"George. You cannot marry her, you were marrying me. Remember?" I asked, anger steaming confusion as I pointed to myself but George ignored my presence and began to lift her head scarf.

The more I stared into George’s smiling face, the more I realised that this wasn't a joke.

I moved quickly, unable to wait for the painstaking moment when George revealed the harlot he chose over me.

The crowd gasped in horror as I succeeded in tearing down her veil and scarf, ruining her hairdo in the process.

My eyes searched as the bride quickly evaded her face from my view but I saw something that caught my attention.

"It can't be" I spoke, my voice coming out barely above a whisper.

Slowly, she turned her face and a grin settled peacefully on her lips.

"George!" I screamed, rushing forward to grab Katrina’s neck.

My best friend and confidant for over five years.

I was restrained by guards, guards who had promised to me to make sure this event was my happiest.

Those guards were now the ones holding me down so that I didn't tear Katrina apart.

"You cannot do this to me. What about us, what about everything?" I asked, my eyes developing pain as tears stung the back of my eyes.

"I already have, cupcake," he said so smoothly, as though he had revised it in his head.

Melissa's grin was so loud but her betrayal was louder.

"How could you do this to me? You planned every detail of my wedding! You were my—

"Point of correction Kayla. It was never your wedding. Why do you think I made such an effort and look at the glory of the place? For a befitting queen!" She exclaimed into the crowd and more gasps and whispers rang out in volumes.

"I'll show you what befits you!" I screamed and charged at her again but this time, my claws only got an inch to her face before I was snatched up like a yolo and hurled on the shoulders of one of the guards.

"I will not have you embarrass yourself more than you already have and I will not have you disrespect the queen! Get her and her wretched family out of my sight. Now!" George ordered and my face crashed into tears. The last thing I saw was Katrina hugging George as though her life depended on it while my family were escorted out of the premises with me just a few inches behind them.

The moment the guard crossed the threshold of the halls, I was again hurled and thrown to the floor, my hands brushing against the granite earth, bruising in the process.

I got up with speed and rushed towards the entrance of the halls, if I could get back inside I would tear Katrina bit by bit till nothing remained.

But the moment my feet touched the stairs, the sharp sounds of doors banged against my face, sending waves of abandonment through me.

"George!!" I screamed as I banged on the door with ferocity.

"Alice Fomin !" His voice boomed

" How dare you embarrass the family name" his voice came out slow but roared me to a halt.

For the first time, I realized that I wasn't alone and by the time I turned back, I was met with the eyes of a very angry man and even angrier relatives.

"You get yourself rejected, that wasn't enough. You had to make a scene? Who raised you!" My aunt shouted and hit her palms against each other.

"I have never been as disgraced as I was in all of my moons. You are a failure! A complete nuisance! And a disgrace that brings more disgrace!" My father thundered as I crumbled on the steps of the halls.

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