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The Villaness Rebirth

The Villaness Rebirth



So this is how my life ends... "Behead her now!" "Such a villainous woman should die!" I can clearly hear the voices of my own friend's and colleague's condemnation in me while I am kneeling to the ground. My body was covered by many bruises and my hands were tied in my back. The glares in their eyes makes me feel that we don't share memories. Is this my karma? I only wanted to be brave, I wanted to be myself. I just don't want somebody to hurt me, why do they hate me so much? "Adelaide Reisel von Lascena" I began to lift my head slowly to see the man who spit my name. "Your execution will begin" he continued I smiled bitterly as I saw the man that I truly love was staring at me in resentment. Prince Alexis, I love him so much that I could do anything to make him mine. But, he's now furious with me and sadly that he's the one who will kill me. I look in my sister's direction and her smirk makes me sick. I'm here at the town's circle as my execution will be held in public. I was accused of harming my sister, Ivellina and ended up being persecuted. The truth is, although we don't have a good relationship with each other, I can't harm my sister. The bell of my execution started to ring and the people started to clatter. I looked back and saw many people want me dead even though I didn't know them and I didn't do anything to them, it's hurting me. My tears started to fall. I don't wanna die... Prince Alexis finally drew his sword. "Any last words?" he said I smiled as my tears we're falling non-stop. "It was sad..." I said in lamentation "My life is sad..." I look in his face but I see no guilt. My sister was smiling now, I bet she's happy because she finally got rid of me. He put up his sword and I began to feel more desperate to live. I don't want to die! I want to have a peaceful life! All of my memories flashed against me and I started to wail. Finally, the bell rang for the third time and my execution began. I suddenly feel numb and all I can see is darkness. In my second life, I wish to be a person that everyone loves. It was so dark and vivid when I finally opened my eyes. I began to wander my eyes in this familiar place. Was it my room? When did I get back? Didn't I already die? "Miss, you're finally awake" A maid confronted me while she was handling a tray with food in her hand. "Lina, why am I in my room?" I asked "Miss had a strong fever and haven't left her room in about 3 days?" he answered "Where's Ivellina? Where's father? Where's everybody?" I asked in confusion "Miss, what are you talking about. Who is Ivellina? Your father was in his office right now" Lina answered Wait, why did my voice suddenly change? Why did Lina not know who is Ivellina? I looked down and I was surprised to see that my body became small like I was just a 12 year old girl. Wait a minute.... "What's the date today?" I hurriedly asked "It's July 13, 980, Miss" she said What... is going on.. I glanced at the window and put a smile on my face. God must've given me this chance to correct my life. This time, I will live in happiness. I will change my fate and avenge my pitiful life.

Chapter 1 My parents

Chapter 1

Adelaide's POV

I'm Adelaide Reisel von Lascena, daughter of an infamous Duke, Duke Austin Regel von Lascena. My father was a great Duke and was a close friend of the Emperor. But then, my father was arranged to be married to a princess of a neighboring kingdom. Although there was a rumor that my father had a lover before my mother, he chose to marry Princess Leighny Rousel del Vough, which is my mother.

And then I was born. My father nor mother didn't like me. The fact that I'm a girl, I might not bring honor to the family. Since there's no love between my parents, I had no siblings to expect with. .

I died at the age of 18, because I am dumb and blinded by love because if the first Prince, Alexis Scar von Ancrest. It was just this age when I tried to seduce the first prince that's why the call me "Red-eyes vixen".

I inherited the red eyes of my father and the blonde hair from my mother. Even though many people resent me, they can't just stand against me because of the power of my father.

I lay back on the bed and sighed.

I will survive! I will live happily this time and then... I will be loved by someone else. Even if it's just one, I'll be happy.

I was thrown back when the door suddenly opened and my mother appeared.

"Miss, your mother, the Duchess is here" Lina said

I immediately stood up and paid my respects by bowing.

"Greetings, Duchess" I said

"I'm glad you're okay.."

I was so surprised that I looked at my mother even though I was bending down. It was my first time hearing such things from my mom.

"Y-Yes, I must've been cared for by you while I was sick" I stammered

"Not really, by the way you should be dressed by now. I heard Prince Alexis will attend the party later."

The old me must be very excited hearing this but now... I shouldn't bother the prince. I must not force him to love me.

"What's wrong dear, aren't you happy you have a chance to see the prince?" he said in surprise

My... I suddenly remember that I was banned from coming to the palace because I was so persistent to bother the prince while he was in duty. I pity myself though, I was head over heels in Alexis back then.

"Was that important?" I said

"Excuse me?" mother asked

"Being with my mother was more valuable than seeing the prince." I said

Her face was shocked and seemed to be flustered. I can see her teary eyes from within.

"My daughter..." she said while shedding tears

I walk closer to her and hand her my handkerchief. I smiled at her and she was left dazed while wiping her tears.

"Don't cry mother, if you will cry you will become ugly." I teased

My mother was once a cheerful and kind person. But when she fell in love with father and didn't get any love returned to her, she became cold especially to me. But now, I will give the love she deserves.

I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me. I hugged her back while I was in my tears too.

"Please forgive me for treating you badly, my daughter. I promise from now on, I'll be the best mother to you."


I shed some tears of joy. I feel so much better. Her embrace is warm and comfortable. I wish it could last forever, me and my mother.

The hug stopped and she held both of my hands.

"From now on, call me mom." she said

"Yes mom!" I smiled

"Go and get yourself ready, I'm sure we will withstand the beauties in the palace." she winked at me

I smiled widely as I waved my hands towards her since she's leaving my room.


"Yes, Miss" answered Lina

"Prepare my best dress, I will do what my mom's says"

"Yes Miss" she said with a smile

I flipped my hair while looking at my reflection in the mirror.

Thanks to the beauty of my parents, I, too, inherited their beautiful faces. No doubt, I was one of the most beautiful women in the palace but not until my sister, Ivellina came.

She stole all that is mine including the person that I loved. But I can't let that happen again. I will be happy this time.

"Is it done?" I asked

"Yes Miss" Lina replied

I looked at the mirror and I was amazed by my own charm.

"Well done" I said happily while keeping on twisting.

"Miss is acting strange these days but she seemed to be more beautiful" Lina said

I smiled as I heard that. I was clumsy back then to bully the maids and always throwing tantrums. But I have learned from my mistakes.

"I'm sorry for what I've done before to all of you. I promise that I will change." I speak happily

I saw them in tears and others were already crying.


"Our miss is an angel..."

Yes, a fallen angel to be exact!

"Don't you worry Miss, we will always be at your side!" Monica said

I smiled bitterly knowing that these maids including Lina will be the maids of Ivellina in the future. For now, I must steal their loyalty to me so that in the future, they will stay by my side.

"You're so beautiful darling!" Mama exclaimed as her eyes twinkled

"Thank you, mom!" I said happily and smiled at him

Mom smiled back and I was amazed at her beauty. I didn't know that my mom could be this beautiful when she was happy. The mom from the past was always cold and angry. I must protect that smile from now on, I will not let others take away those smiles from her again. They will pay.

"What's wrong, darling?" Mom pinched my cheeks and I was brought back to reality

Did she see me making a face?

"No, mom. It's just.. Your smile is beautiful." I replied

Her face became red as if she was flustered.

"I-I see... Thanks darling" he answered excitedly

Ha! I never thought mom would be this cute.

"Since when did you two seem to get along well?"

Suddenly, a cold aura surrounds us and it makes me shiver. I looked behind and saw my father wearing an elegant suit and seemed to attend the party too.

"D-Duke..." Mom said in shivers

It seemed like mom was afraid of father.

"Yes Papa, would you like to join us?" I promised smiling

I have to cut the awkward scene and my momentum might be broken.

Father was shocked at the name I called him. It was the name only Ivellina allowed to call him, I really wanted to call him Papa ever since.

As expected, he stared at me with madness in his eyes.

"What did you call me?" he asked in anger

I bowed and said,"It was a mistake, father. Forgive me."

"Watch your words. Even though you are a Lascena, I will never acknowledge you as my daughter." father said

Mom looked at me with sad eyes. Don't worry mom, I was used to it already. Dad never loved me. He loved Ivellina.

"I understood.." I replied

"I will have a separate carriage. Leighny, you will join your daughter. I will take my leave now."

After he said that, he turned his back and walked away with his guards.

That jerk! How dare he speak that against my mom, hmph!

"Adele, darling, are you okay?"

Mom rushed to me and hugged me. I saw her tears falling out of her eyes and I wiped them with my small hands.

"I'm okay mom, you shouldn't feel sad about what that jerk said." I said

Oops, my mouth is really tight.

"Pfft.." mom giggled

I was surprised when mom suddenly laughed loudly and patted my head gently.

"You meanie, shouldn't say any bad things to your father. But I can't help but to laugh 'cause it's so cute!" mom exclaimed

Luh, I'm cute?

"Mom is the cutest!" I protested

"Silly, there's no one else in the world who can contest the cuteness of my daughter."

I smiled because of what mom said.

"It's just yours" I said with a smile

He smiled at me and held my right hand.

"Let's hurry to the carriage, the party will start soon"


While we're in the carriage, my mom told me what was her life when she was young. She said that she was a former general of an army and already had experience leading a troop in the battlefield. She doesn't have an interest in marriage because the battlefield is her life. But when she saw her sisters happily married and already has a sweet family, she decided to have a normal life with a happy family.

But it never happened. His father, the king, sold her to marry Duke Austin of this kingdom, Laczero. The kingdom where my mother lived had a debt with Laczero and the payment was my mother whom they knew was a great general.

Mom doesn't want that kind of marriage but she agreed when she fell in love at first sight with my father. She thought there was a chance that her love would return to her but she died holding a hope that would never happen. I was 17 at that time when my mother died because of illness. She became insane and had a mental illness because she loved her father so much. After my mom died, father married his concubine and introduced me to his daughter, Ivellina.

I will not let the same thing happen. I will protect you mom! No matter what happen. I will be strong.

"We're here" I came back to reality when mom suddenly spoke

I peeked through the window of the carriage and was amazed at the beauty of the palace. Just like before. Do you know that I almost live here because of my daily nagging of Alexis?

Hey, remembering that cringe childhood stupidity is making me sick.

Soon we got off the carriage while our family guards escorted us. By the way, today is the Emperor's birthday. I already prepared a stitched handkerchief as my present to him. I knew that His Majesty likes Lotus a lot because it reminds him of the hair color of the late Empress, Empress Prescilla, the first prince's mother who died in assassination. He loves the Empress very much.

As we walked in the entrance, we were overwhelmed by the attention of the other nobles. I can hear their whispers from here.

"Why did they have a separate carriage from the Duke?"

"Is it true that Duchess Leighny wasn't favored?"

"Look at that golden hair"

"Red-eyes vixen"

Where is my rod? There are many bees here.

Honestly, I'm used to the prejudice eyes and blasphemous mouth of the people around me since I was perceived as a villain. But my mom can't handle it. I can see her grit her teeth for controlling her emotions.

I hold her stand, as I expected she was so stiff.

"It's okay mom..." I whispered

She took a deep breath and began to smile and she nodded.

I glanced at the nobles who bad mouthed me and my mom. They shivered in fear as soon as our eyes met.

I was a daughter of the Duke! No one can belittle us as long as we have the Lascena name.

We soon reached the throne and we both bowed down to honor the Emperor.

"May Valeria bless the emperor of the Laczero empire." Mom and I spoke at the same time

"I haven't seen your daughter in the palace for two weeks, what happened?" the emperor chuckled

W-What?! Why am I the topic?

"I-I was banned from coming to the palace, Your Majesty.." I answered shyly

"Hahaha! My son was too harsh to you, wasn't he?" laughed the Emperor

What the heck? Why am I being humiliated like this?

Suddenly my eyes caught my father who was looking at me badly. Hey, I guess he'll never forgive me for all the shame I've done.

To interrupt the emperor from teasing me, I need to change the topic.

"Your Majesty, I have stitched something for you as my present." I said

There was a knight who handed an embroidered handkerchief to the emperor. When he saw the lotus he immediately became quiet.

Did... something wrong with the handkerchief?

"This is..."

Everyone was surprised when the emperor suddenly burst into tears.

"Thank you for your wonderful gift, Miss Adelaide.. " The emperor said as he wiped his tears

"It's my pleasure, Your Majesty" I responded

"Don't worry child, I will help you earn favor to Alexis" he winked at me

"Thank you, Your Majesty"

Wait, what?!!

"Let's have a dinner together later, thank you for your presence. Enjoy the party." Emperor said

I couldn't bend properly because of the shock. Didn't I say I won't bother Alexis anymore? Why do we seem to be getting closer now?

To Be Continued...

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