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Blind Lost Her Trances

Blind Lost Her Trances



I was sitting quietly on the carpeted floor of my room, at the foot of my bed when I heard a soft knock on the sliding door of my balcony. At first I ignored it because it might be windy outside but it repeated itself until the knocking became one after another. I stood up to approach it and when I opened it I greatly surprised the man outside. I quickly went to the door to lock it and turned back to him as well. "What are you doing here, Miko? D-It's dangerous here. How did you know this place?” I asked nervously and pulled his arm so he could go inside. Maybe someone will see him from outside. He didn't let me go and hugged me tightly. He buried his face on my neck and I could feel his body trembling. My lips parted at his reaction when he saw me here. "I'm sorry..." he apologized to me and his voice broke immediately. "Miko..." "I'm sorry, Donna..." "Please...h-don't come here, Miko." "How can I not come here if you are here?" he asked and pulled away from his hug from me. He cupped my face and stared at me intently. Since he found out that I'm alive and that I'm Donna Jean—his ex-fiancé has been making a way to see me even though he knows that he will be destroyed if he approaches me again. He knows what my...husband can do to him if he doesn't avoid me yet. "Miko... Please, don't be stubborn. Don't come any closer to me... Avoid me... You'll just perish," I said in fear. "How many times have I let you go, Donna... I don't care if I risk seeing you and being close to you. I've fought with death once and I'll do it again for you, baby...” The corner of my eyes warmed because of what he said and my heart beat even faster. “M-Miko...” “I'm the reason... I'm the reason why you ended up in this situation, Donna... I'm to blame. Because my brain was narrow then. My ears were closed to listen to your explanations to me before... So I must find a way to get you out of this household. Donna...we need you... We and our children need you...” "But Miko... The four of you are safer without me... You will be given a peaceful life if I am not with you. Let me go..." I said but she shook her head several times and her tears started to fall. "How can you say that? How can you say that to me when I know you are having a hard time living with that man?” he asked, his jaw still agape. "Miko, your safety is more important than my own life," I promised firmly. "I don't want to, Donna," he said and shook his head. "I can't allow him to lock you here," he said coldly and his facial expression darkened. "Miko." "I went to several hospitals that day to look for you. But what did that man do, Donna? He ran away from you and forced you to marry him!” I quickly covered his mouth. He closed his eyes tightly and his chest heaved violently. "I still owe him a lot, Miko. Because I had surgery and was able to...see again.” "I can do that too... I can do that too if I'm not...blinded by anger and jealousy... I can treat you too, baby..." When I heard footsteps from a distance, my body stiffened I. It was like cold water had been poured on me. "Baby, what's wrong?" I quickly pushed Miko outside and she looked at me in surprise. "Go away, Miko. Please...he's coming. He's already in the corridor of our mansion—” “This is not your fvcking house, Donna Jean. We have a house...” "Alright, please. Go away, Miko...” I knew the sound of those footsteps was far away. During my time in the dark world, my hearing is strong and I have memorized the way it walks. "Donna..." He grabbed me by the waist and pressed me to his body. The nervousness in my chest just doubled. "Miko, please..." He sighed before he kissed me firmly on my lips. It was only a few seconds but it already gave me a strong impact. His eyes are bright and also have a sparkle. I only really saw it now because I was deprived of seeing the beautiful sight in the world for several years—the eyes of the man I love are now the same. "I'll be back. I'll get you back and get him back, Donna. I cannot allow him to have the mother of my children. You're all mine, Miss. You're only mine," he threatened and I swallowed because of the coldness of his voice. "I love you. I will do anything and just go home to my house—to our house with the triplets.” I just bowed down because of the growing sadness in my chest. I miss them so much. "Answer me, Miss. Or else I won't leave here." "I-I love you too. Go ahead, do—” he pressed me even harder with a kiss. I also responded quickly to his kisses until he also loosened himself. I still closed my eyes when he kissed my forehead sweetly. He took my hand and gave me something small. Cell phone? "Take that and keep it, Miss. He's a keypad and that won't get much attention. That battery is strong. Open it just in case something bad happens to you. Call me right away, Donna. I use a prepaid sim card and my number is the only one in your contact. Just please, don't hesitate to call me if he does something bad to you again. Miss...”

Chapter 1 Donna's Introduction

Chapter 1


"DJ Donna, what am I going to do? My boyfriend was angry with me because I made his cousin jealous! I didn't know that girl was his cousin!" I scratched my eyebrows when I heard his complaint. It's a simple problem but it's difficult for them to give a solution. Because doubt precedes them.

We are on air now and I have my own confession booth. My Brother Daizo Hart himself gifted it to me while I was still in the dark world and he was still working on my surgery.

Yes, I'm blind and I've been like this for several years but I'm used to it. That even sometimes my operation was not successful but I never lost hope of seeing again.

Because I still believe that I will also be given a chance to see the beautiful scenery in the world. I want Brother ​Hart to be the first one I see. My dearest older brother and my only big brother.

I was still in high school when our parents died in a car accident and I was one of the victims of that accident. But I survived because it wasn't my time yet. That's when I woke up from coma, all I could see was darkness.

IIl Brother wasn't by my side, maybe I wouldn't have been able to handle it and then he's still thankful because he said I didn't leave him and I still fought death.

It was difficult at the beginning, because who can get used to seeing nothing but darkness? I did have a hard time but Brother Hart supported me and for him I can handle it. As long as he is by my side, I will continue to fight.

“DJ! What else?! I can't live without my boyfriend!" I was startled because I heard the voice of one of my listeners again. Because I fall into deep thought.

"Brother, behave," I said weakly to my brother when I heard him refrain from laughing.

Really, oh. My older brother will only listen and then laugh at my harty's complaints. How about it, he has never been in love even once. He would rather take care of me than have a girlfriend.

He will be an old man if he doesn't find a woman to love because I have no plans to let him go. That's just a joke. My brother deserves to have a family that he can love besides me.

"What did your boyfriend's cousin do that made you so jealous of him, Harty?" I asked.

Harty 10.3 is the station of my booth because I want it to be my brother's name, because he is the reason why I became a DJ and we also have our own studio and once again when we invite a singer we also have a bus. Of course, we have our own dbrother Hart is because he is a doctor. He is also busy sometimes but he never lost time for me. Because I am his first priority. I am 24 years old but he treats me like a child.

"Dj Donna, I'm only slightly jealous. It's not really flashy," he added, accompanied by a really loud sniff.

I looked in Kuya Hart's direction, even though I can't see him, I know his right place and I can still meet his eyes. That's why sometimes it's not obvious that I'm blind.

My fingers moved to press a button and without us being heard. Because I will visit Kuya Hart.

"Brother Hart, eh," I said.

"He said he wasn't jealous, baby girl. Because he said it was only slight but he was screaming on the other line and still crying.”

"Brother! Don't laugh! Maybe later on, you will be even more jealous of your future girlfriend. You'll see! I'll be the first to laugh at you!" I threatened but as if my brother would take it seriously.

“That won't happen, Jean. I don't know the word jealousy," he denied. He is really strong. Since he doesn't even have a girlfriend yet. Psh.

I also pressed it again so that I could answer something to the woman. “You know, Harty. You wouldn't really be jealous of your boyfriend's cousin if he didn't do something bad—”

"It was just a hug and they were really close!" he answered me. Oh...didn't let me finish talking.

"Ka-harty, jealousy is a part of our lives, especially in love life, but you must always remember that jealousy has its proper place and if it is not in time, everything will be really complicated. All you have to do with your boyfriend is let him relieve his temper with you and wait for him to be the first one to go to say hello," I said in a long litany.

"He's really angry, DJ..."

"What did you do to make him angry?" I asked her again.

"I told her to go with her cousin and we're going on a break!" he shouted and I felt my senses.

"That's what I'm saying that jealousy has a place. If we are jealous, don't let the word separation come out of our mouths. Even if you just said it out of spite, it can still end up in a real divorce. Always remember, Harty friends. Even if the word break-up is a joke, it's still not good. Sometimes it becomes painful emotionally because it seems that the hastily saying those words seems to immediately ignore your feelings. Ka-Harty, let's not exaggerate the one small thing you are arguing about," I promised at length and I reminded them all one after the other before I said goodbye.

I played a song that the girl requested earlier and somehow the weight in her chest disappeared. She said that she should just wait for what I said that her boyfriend would come to greet her. I am not wrong in my predictions. Because everything I say has come true.

"Eat first, Jean." I just started my wheelchair and I felt someone stop it to fix it in place.

I immediately grabbed the spoon. My brother didn't make me feel that I was useless. Because he also trains me in everything.

Kuya removed my hair that was blocking my face so that I could eat properly.

"Thank you, Brother," I thanked. Brother Hart cooked caldereta.

Our bus has a mini-kitchen and also a mini-bed. That sometimes we sleep here but it's necessary only in a place where the police won't catch you. But my older brother is very connected to his superiors.

"Zed, come on first. Eat here first," he begged our driver who was my brother's friend. I forgot to call him to eat our dinner. Yes, it's just dinner time.

I felt him slowly walk towards us and he sat next to my brother.

"Aren't you stressed, Jean?" Ate Zedian asked me. She is a woman and Kuya Hart intended to take her so that I would be comfortable as well.

"Not at all. I'm used to it, eh," I answered while slowly eating.

They are both the same age and Ate Zed is not really a driver anymore. Because he is also a writer, he said that being his driver is only a part time job because he wants our bus to always roam.

"Who can't get used to it, how many years has he been like that?" brother promised.

"He doesn't know how to be jealous, Sister Zed," I said.

"It's like that when you're not in love, Jean," he agreed, making me frown.

"Eh, is that you?"

"Neither. Is jealousy eating him, DJ Donna?” he asked amused and I frowned even more.

"Oh, maybe you and brother don't feel jealous because you really have a secret look at each other that you both don't obsess over other people!" I exclaimed and I just heard something that seemed to fall on its plate. sister Zedian coughed one after another.

I grinned because my guess and the atmosphere I felt around us were still right. When did I make a mistake?

I've been really feeling this for a long time but I only said it now because they agreed. Is jealousy really edible?

"Damn, are you okay, Zedian?" brother asked worriedly.


I was still eating with a smile and I knew that they were both staring at me.

"Brother, Sister. It's not good if we hide our feelings. Because we might get caught, we'll regret that we didn't convey that to someone when he found someone else. But you said you don't know the word jealousy because you have feelings for each other. You see that no one person can enter your life. The question is... How long will you be like this?" I asked and they didn't answer.

Donna Jean V. Lodivero, 24 years old and I became a teacher in coming to love, a DJ and in my dark world I delivered good lessons, love life of others. But believe me, I still have no experience when it comes to love. But I believe that the day will come when I will also meet someone and feel that love.


but when I was reading the email I received 15 minutes ago it was from Del Labiba's Hotel branch and they will have a new project. They chose our firm.

I know the del Labiba family because they are also one of our firm's business partners. Grandpa himself knows about it, because the owner is also his friend. What surprised me even more is that they wanted to personally get Mikael to handle their new project but why? Why Mikael? I was shocked because why would they choose our youngest brother to handle their project?

I thought about it and I knew that was a good idea for Mik. But I'm also just wondering why del Labiba chose my brother? Instead of my other cousins ​​and siblings?

I can't either, because I also have a project to handle that Kuya Markus gave me. When our other older brothers also find out, they will not agree. They don't want Mikael to work for someone else. They are that strict. It's time for Mikael to be independent in his work.

I want the best for my sister—yes, girl. She is a woman even though we are not allowed to have a female member in our clan. But I don't believe with our own beliefs. That's not true.

It's just a secret about his personality and it's only Mommy who hides it, but because Mikael and I are only a few months apart, I feel close to him.

It was just an accident, eh. When we were young, his stomach hurt. I was worried about her. So, I went to her room and there Mommy was taking care of her and I saw everything. Of course I was surprised but that was not bad news for me.

I became stricter with the children around him and became his overprotective older brother. Something that our older brothers didn't do. I just wanted to protect Mikael so I didn't leave his side.

I typed on my laptop keyboard and answered their email. I immediately agreed even though I hadn't asked my younger brother about it yet. He will not refuse when I want him to handle the project.

Our unit is in the same condominium. I meant it too. I woke up early and got ready then went to Mikael's condo. I know his passcode.

I went straight to his kitchen because I had gotten used to cooking our breakfast. We eat together, eh.

"Good morning, Mik," I greeted her as she entered her dining room. He has also fixed up and is ready for his work.

"Good morning, Kuya," he said smiling and sat down. My cooking is also ready. I'm just waiting for him.

I only cooked fried rice, bacon, omelet and scrambled eggs, mango juice and coffee. He likes coffee.

I brought his plate closer to him and spooned him more. I was always like this to her because she was the only girl in our family.

"I received an offer. Our new client, Mik," I said and he glanced at me.

"What is that, Kuya Miko? Are you and Kuya Markus under?" he asked not paying much attention. He was just focused on what he was eating.

To be honest, I really feel sorry for him, eh. Just because of the belief of our clan, he has to pretend to be a man too just so that Dad, especially Grandpa, won't reject him.

Mikael is smart and he does his impersonation well. It doesn't matter if he fools us, I will cover him up and do everything to really protect him. I love my sister so much, even if she is also an outside child, I don't care anymore. He's my brother, eh.

But I hope one day will come when he can do everything he wants and he will be free. He's not just tied to us.

"New project and they have chosen a new engineer. You are the one they want to hold and you have become exclusive. You will not accept any offers from clients unless the construction is finished," I explained, stopping him from eating. Only then did I pique his interest.

"Yes? What project is that? And who is our client?" he asked in surprise.

"Del Labiba, Mik. We met the CEO yesterday. Remember that?”

"How did it happen, Brother? Why did I become the exclusive engineer of Del Labiba?” he asked me with a frown. Did I say that he will be surprised when I tell him that.

To Be Continued....

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