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Child Is Your Actors

Child Is Your Actors



Camilla's POV I crossed my arms and thighs while looking at him with raised eyebrows. I could see on his face that he was stunned by what I said. "I'm sorry but I think I'm hearing things." I noticed the rise of his shoulders while catching his breath. He was holding her chest. I even rushed to his condo to say that. He's Terrence Quentes. A famous actor, 29 years old. Even though he is quite old, he became famous at only 25 years old despite his debut when he was 18. He is now the most famous man in the entertainment industry. I understand that he's anxious right now. I could imagine him, imagining his life ruined because of this news. Last month, Terrence and I met on some rich club. I liked him because he's handsome and I got him drunk, so we could do it. We had sex, so I could get pregnant and I succeeded. I am here at his house. I really meant to come here just to tell him. He needs to know. "How could I tell this to May?" "Is my life ruined?" "How about my career?" I took the orange juice that was on the table that he prepared and drank it. "Are you sure it's mine?" "I'm sure." I answered sparingly "Oh my! What should I do?" He walked in front of me. I have to admit. I slept with a lot of men. I wasn't a virgin when we did it. Why? Because I'm infertile. It's hard for me to get pregnant. I slept with a lot of men just to find someone who can get me pregnant. I'm already 28, I'm about to be removed from the calendar and I don't have a family. I am alone in life. I don't want my legacy to end here. I stand. He was stunned. "I'm going." I said and walked away. "What do you mean you're going? You can't! You're pregnant!" He blocked himself in my path. There is concern in his eyes. I stopped walking and sighed. "Mr. Quentes. I'm here to tell you about the child I'm carrying." I took his hand that was holding my arm. "I didn't ask you to take responsibility." He was stunned by what I said. "I planned to get pregnant that night. I'm here to tell you that you have a child with me but you don't need to take responsibility for it. My child and I are going to be fine without you. You can still continue your work and I'm not here to destroy your dream. I'm just here to inform you because you have the right to know." I smiled at him. "You don't need to worry a thing. I won't tell anyone else." I passed him but he grabbed my arm so I looked at him again. "What?" "What do you mean by that?" He looked at me. "I can't do that! Even though it's not obvious because I always play a playboy in movies, I'm also a playboy in real life. I'm not a playboy, ok?" He smiled suddenly. "Infact. I was raised in a good family and one of the things that my parents taught me is not to abandon my responsibility." "Uh... You can. You don't need to-" "I will marry you!" My eyes widened at what he said. He held both of my arms so I wouldn't let go. "I will take responsibility and marry you." Oh my... This isn't going as planned.

Chapter 1 Responsibility pregnant

Chapter 1

Camilla's POV

"Mr. Quentes." I called him while he pressed something on his cell phone.

He stopped and looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked worriedly. He came closer to me and looked at my whole body.

"I'm fine."

He looked at me and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good. Then, what's up?" He asked softly.

For a guy who's afraid to lose his career, he's still able to smile after knowing he's going to be a father of an unplanned child.

"You don't need to tell anyone. I already told you." I took a deep breath. "I'm not here to ruin your career-"

I was stunned when he suddenly held my hand. I would have taken it back but I saw the pain in his eyes.

"I may not be reliable to look at but I'm responsible. This child is mine. I can't - I can't just let you go knowing that." The pain and begging was obvious in his voice.

I slowly took my hand and looked away.

Terrance Quentes. Famous artist. I don't think he is responsible for the child. It's not in my plan.

"I can't accept the marriage but it's your right to be a father." I looked at him at the same time.

His face slowly brightened.

"Thank you." He said with a smile.

I returned to sitting on the sofa.

One of the facts about me. I'm weak towards people's kindness. When they're kind, I get soft.

"So, when will you move in?"

My eyes widened at what he said.

"I don't want to move in." Am I going to move?

"B-but who will take care of you? You're pregnant. It's better to have me on your side."

I was stunned because he had a point. I need someone to be with while I'm pregnant. It is good for the child and the mother. I also don't want to risk stress on my child.

As much as possible I want my child to have the best environment and having a dad beside me is not that bad.

"Do you have a job? I have money. I can take care of us."

"For now, I'm on leave because of the baby." I said. "And you're right, I'm going to live here from now on. Be on your best behavior, I have a lot of things I don't like."



Suddenly the door of Terrance's condo opened and a gay man entered.

"Ter, are you ready-" he stopped when he saw me.

"May, this is..." Terrance looked at me questioningly.

I stood up and looked at May.

"I'm Camilla." I will briefly introduce myself before facing Terrance. "I'm going to get ready."

"Will you be alright?"

"Of course." I smiled at them both before leaving.

Ter's POV

I was stunned by the door he came out of. I just returned to my trance when May flicked her finger in front of my face.


"What 'huh'? Who is that?" He asked sternly before placing his things on the sofa.

"My future wife."

"Your what?"

"Future wife."

May looked at me with a frown.

"Did that punish you?"

"It hurts, ah."

"That's your girlfriend? You know I forbid girlfriends, right?" He said disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I need to marry her. She's pregnant with my child."

He was silent so I looked at him. His eyes widened and he gaped.

"You've been scammed!" He suddenly shouted while slapping his forehead.


"That girl is obviously a fan! And also a stalker! Aren't you wondering how she found out about your condo?!"

"That's uh..."

"That woman is dead to me! When I see her, I will file a case against her."

"But May doesn't look like he's that kind of person."

"That's how they are! They're after you because you're the most famous artist right now. Hey! Let's go!"

We also spent the whole day taping for the series that aired on television every night. I was a villain in that series.

"It's tiring. Tomorrow we will go to a resort to shoot the scenes there and we will stay there for 3 days." May said while in the elevator going to the floor where my condo is.

The elevator opened. My eyes widened when I saw Camilla outside my condo sitting on the floor while using her cell phone.

"Camila!" I immediately ran to him.

"You're here." He stood up.

He has a suitcase. "How long have you been?"

"I just got here." He gave me his suitcase.

"Hey, girl! You can't be here! Get out!"

I looked at May in shock and blocked myself from her and Camilla.

"There is, well... She's pregnant."

"That's not your son! Hey, girl! You! Get out of here! You won't get anything from this man!" He pointed at Camilla who was behind me.

"May, please..." I begged but he didn't seem to hear.

"I can leave-"

"No!" I shouted at Camilla while facing May. "May, please. It's already midnight. I can't let her go in the middle of the night. She's going to stay here and we're going to talk it over tomorrow, please?"

May gave me an evil look before sighing.

"I will also sleep here because I will watch over that girl!"

Camilla remained silent while May continued her chatter.

Camilla just sat while watching TV.

"I'm here to protect Ter from all the cowards who abused his kindness and you girl, you can't get anything from him as long as I'm here!"

Camilla looked at him emotionlessly before her gaze went to me.

"Where can I sleep now?"

"That's my room."


May and I answered together. May glared at me so I shut my mouth.

"I will not allow that girl to enter your room."

"Then I'm gonna stay here." Without a second thought, Camilla lay down on the sofa and turned off the TV.

She stuffed the throw pillows. I went to the room to take a shower and get dressed. When I came out, May was gone. He is in the guest room.

I brought a blanket with me. I saw Camilla still awake. I winked at him and sat on the floor next to the sofa where he was lying

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about earlier. May is just worried."

He just looked at me. He was facing me while lying down. It was obvious in his eyes that he was sleepy. "Are you sleepy?"

He nodded.

"Shall I go?"

"No. Stay." He whispered but I heard it. I smiled and he started stroking my hair. "You could still back out, you know."

I shook my head. I held his hand and kissed it.

"I would never."

He plays with my ears and hair.

"Tomorrow, I won't be able to go home. We'll be shooting at a resort. We'll be there for three days."

"Be careful. I'm gonna wait for you here..." He said before he fell asleep.

Camilla's POV

I suddenly opened my eyes when I felt a very intense look towards me. I wasn't even surprised to see that it was May. He crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow.


"Get out of here. Because I don't believe that you are pregnant or that Ter is the father of the one you are carrying."

Even though my head hurt, I sat and looked at him.

"I will do everything to stop Ter."

My eyes widened at what he said. "You what?"

"Yes, you heard me. Huh! I knew Ter would listen to me and leave you alone!"

"Can you do that?" I can't believe it said

"Sure! It's easy-"

"Then tell him to stop. I'm not here for him to take responsibility. I'm counting on you to do that. I mean it."

Ter's POV

"Are you going to be alright here?" I worried about asking him.

"I'm going to be fine."

"Call me if something happens, okay?"

He nodded and looked away. I know he is forced to live here, I don't blame him. He has said several times that I don't need to hold him accountable. It only means one thing, he doesn't want me in the child's life.

That's not possible.

He was shocked when I held his hand.

Even though he doesn't like this situation, I'm still happy.

"Thank you for coming back." I smiled at him.

"Ter, let's go!" We looked at May who was impatient at the door.

I looked at Camilla and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. He was shocked by what I did and looked away. I smiled when I saw his face was red.

For this year's goal. I'm going to make you fall in love with me.

Camilla's POV

Calm down! Calm down, Camilla! He's handsome and kind... It doesn't mean he's my type.

I looked at the door he exited and took a deep breath. My heart was still beating fast.

Do I have a weakness for a very handsome man?

My cell phone rang suddenly.

I thought maybe at work but I immediately smiled when I saw the name so I immediately answered it.

"Ryan." I congratulate him.

"Camille!" I put my cellphone away from my ear. "What did I hear that you took a leave? And really for one year?! What is that?!"

"Ryan, calm down." I also took a deep breath because of the pleasure I feel now. "I'm pregnant."

A long silence prevailed between us.

isn't it?" That was his immediate question. There was joy in his voice and it was obvious that he was about to cry.

I can't stop crying. I know he is happy for me.

"Stop joking." I heard him sniffing.

I laughed softly. "You don't believe me? Should we see each other?"

Ryan and I met at the nearest coffee shop to the condo because he didn't want me to travel far. I arrived before him.

I only bought a cake because I don't know if coffee is okay for a pregnant woman.

A few minutes later he also came. When he saw me from the door, he immediately walked towards me.

"Ryan." He just stopped in front of me. He just stood there.

He looked at me as if he was about to cry.

"Why? Aren't you happy?" I asked him.

Suddenly he fell down and knelt in front of me while crying on my stomach while hugging me.

"Ryan, people are watching."

"I don't care! We've been waiting for this! You've been wishing for this and now it's here!"

"Ryan, calm down. I don't want people talking."

He took a deep breath and stood up. He calmed himself down and sat in front of me. I took a tissue from the bag and gave it to him. He immediately sniffed there.

"You okay? You're still a crybaby. You never change."

"I'm just so happy. I remember when we found out the news about your body."

I smiled bitterly.

It was a horrible story. Ryan was my best friend, my childhood best friend actually. We've been together.

He knows and he knows me. We don't hide anything from each other. He was the first to be sad when we heard that it was difficult for me to have children.

Now I can't believe that he was this happy when he found out I was pregnant.

"So, who's father?" he asked.

We heard a scream from the girls at another table.

3 series.

"He's really handsome!"

I fell down while looking at the big TV.

Terrence really looks like a playboy, the way he dresses and the way he looks. His smile can really make everyone go wild.

"So, sexy." I raised an eyebrow at Ryan's comment while looking at the TV.

"Are you gay?" I asked suddenly.

"What? No! I just appreciate his... Face and body."

"He really has a good body alright."

I remembered what happened to us one month ago. I couldn't stop laughing at what I remembered. But I stopped when I saw Ryan looking at me like I was delirious.


"You're laughing." I lost my smile and ate cake. "I haven't seen you laugh in a long time. Is it because you're happy that you're pregnant?" He asked himself. "By the way. Who's the father? I need to know."


"Just because..." He looked away.

I rolled my eyes. "Terrence Quentes."


"The artist."

"What?!" He suddenly shouted while slapping the table and us.

I was surprised by what he did as well as other people here.

"Sorry." He sat down suddenly. "You're joking right?"

"I'm not."

"Does he know?"



"He wants to marry me."

"Oh no..."

I nodded. Ryan knows my plan that when I get pregnant and I will raise my child.

"But he's leaving, isn't he?"


"You're alone at home."

"It's fine. I can do it myself."

"No! You should be with someone! It hurts a pregnant woman to lose her child's father by her side."

I was stunned by what he said and slightly scared.



Ryan's POV


That was a lie.

I just really wanted to see Terrence so we decided to go see him at the resort where they were taping.

When it comes to pregnancy, I know Camill is careful but I don't think she will follow what I said just because it could harm her baby.

We didn't bother anymore and went to the resort.

Ter's POV


I immediately walked away from Tina when Director Ramon shouted.

"Nice one, Ter!" Tina and I got together.

The shoot is when I scare her that I will hurt her and I will force her to come with me.

"Are you okay? Did I grab you too hard?"

"No! I'm fine!" He smiled at the same time and approached his Phile May approached me.

To Be Continued...

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