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Spoile Me With Your Love

Spoile Me With Your Love



He hurriedly looked for the Restroom because he felt it was too hot inside that party. But before he could enter the Restroom, someone pulled him and made him enter a staff room. In shock, he almost screamed but when he saw the man's bulk, he was just as shocked "H-Hades? What are you "Hi Darling, don't you miss me?" he asked while coldly looking at her "H-Hades, I have to go back." I'm slowly getting up in fear "Why baby? I thought you're glad to see me here!" he said and rested his hand on the wall while the different looks that he shot at him little by little "If you ask me now, I will tell you that I don't want to see you anymore!" he cares "Oh come on!" "Why? Is the man you replaced me with better in bed, sweetheart? So you don't want me anymore? Is that so?" he answered with a smile but you could see the burning anger in the young man's eyes "Stop it Hades I'm going home!" "Is he better than me?" he continued and grabbed her shoulder Fuck you Asshole! You turned your back on me! "Did he fuck you harder than I did?" anger can be heard in its voice "Oh!" He screamed at the weight of what he was saying "Oh yeah!" "That's how good you growled Namy, Was he also attracted by that so the man you're with now is also crazy about you!." the eyes it was staring at him were almost glaring "You're insane!" he asked the young man while looking up at him and was about to slap him but the young man immediately grabbed his hand and smiled "Yes! I'm a crazy Asshole Namy!." "And you will see even more how crazy I am Namy." he said while grinning I tried to take my hand that he was holding but Hades just tightened it even more. In an instant, he locked her in his own arms so that he couldn't let go at the same time his lips were on hers The young man's kiss pressed her, at first she was hurt by his kiss so she struggled even more but when he stopped and gave up on struggling with the man, she just gasped. He opened his mouth at the same time as his kiss gradually eased. His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. That kiss became familiar to him from the man, that was a kiss five years ago and he always wished he could feel that again in the past year. How I miss this kiss! How I miss this man! On the other hand, she felt relieved again because she felt the kiss of the man she loved the most.

Chapter 1 Our Class

Chapter 1

He took a deep breath before raising his hand and softly knocking on the door.

He heard footsteps going to the door and when it opened, the old man who was their professor appeared before him.

He stared at her while looking at his wristwatch which he immediately returned to her.

"You are 5 minutes late Ms.Adams". The person in front said at the same time the nervousness came out of his chest because of his bold appearance but it also disappeared because he was very used to this.

Before he could speak, the old man spoke again.

"This is your Fifth time that you are late!". He snorted at her and pointed at her

"And this will be your last time too! It's a shame and you're smart, because you're always late."

It's red with anger but you're still shaking your head....

He secretly giggled at his thoughts because he doesn't like to answer old people like this unless the person he's talking to is talking about his personal life, he can't agree to that.

"The new student is always late! Now take your seat!"

Without saying a word, he went to the chair with his eyebrows raised, he wouldn't answer but his face would change because he could see that the prof's blood was hot on him, even though sometimes what he was doing was right.

He will be scolded and humiliated, this is the only thing that does this to him among all their professors and he has no use for it, the sita from him will only go in and out of his ears.

He knew that all the students in the room were looking at him as he approached his chair, he even caught the mischievous smile of the man next to his chair.

I won't copy you later you're king!

"Okay class let's start our class". Said the prof in front so I looked up at the old man and frowned

Look at Padre Damaso, the class will start if you come to see me, and I was half an hour late!

He and his troops call this old man Padre Damaso because he is single, so maybe he always has a hot head.

I finally took out the notebook to take notes.

He is in the 1st year college of tourism here at EASTERN UNIVERSITY in Aurora province and he has been here for four months since he moved, the sem is also ending this month so everyone is very busy.

"Pst! Attitude!". I immediately looked at the person who spoke from my side who was in the other row because I knew it was one of my slobbery friends.

When I turned around, he was grinning widely at me as he looked at me and even peeled me.

Sometimes I wonder if I have become friends with these idiots.

I widened my eyes and looked at him evilly, it was Donald who had only been around for two months. He admitted that the young man had a crush on him but I only felt guilty because while the man was saying that I was drinking water and in shock at what I heard from young man, I threw the water I drank on his face.

How is it that he really only thinks of the man as a trooper, apart from being a comedian and his trip is strong, the young man also has good looks, don't scrunch up his face because he looks like Mr. Bean.

How is it that he really only thinks of the man as a trooper, apart from being a comedian and his trip is strong, the young man also has good looks, don't scrunch up his face because he looks like Mr. Bean.

In front of my chair was Mica who is also one of my friends and next to me was Gemma who was my first friend in that university.

He has made many friends in this university even though he is new, especially since he is not difficult to be close to, it's just his attitude.

The word attitude has almost become his nickname, especially as his friends call him this.

There is nothing he can do to get her to call him back because they will only tease her more.

Soon the bell rang because Padre Damaso's class was over so he left the room without hesitation without even saying goodbye.

"Mr. Baltazar must have been born with a bad heart". Mica looked while chewing an apple

"I will feel worse if you don't give it to me." Donald smiled and held out his hand

"I said it's Mr. Baltazar not Mr. Bean!". Mica teases Donald and tortures him

Donald was nicknamed Mr. Bean because even Mr. Bean's movements were imitated and resembled

"Do you want me to letchon you, that's right, you have an Apple in your mouth". Donald returned to Mica and peeled Mica

"Oh really sharmaine? P*kyu". Mica's imitation of memes from facebook

"You know there isn't a day that you and Donald don't go for a walk, right?" I scolded the two and made them suffer

"Why babe? Are you jealous?" Donald said as he stood up and held her hand

He's used to the man being like that sometimes when he's not in the mood he can adjust it and make him happy.

"If you don't let go of my hand, I will cut off your balls".

"She has two eggs Namy, which one is that?" Gemma next to me giggled

Before he could speak, the second prof arrived so everyone went back to their seats.

"You'll come to me later". Donald whispered while looking at Gemma but Gemma just showed the scissors in her hand so she just made him suffer.

The bell rang again so the prof shook his head and turned to us

"Next week we will be dancing tiklos guys so prepare yourself and it is better if you practice at home so you don't have difficulty with the steps". Our PE subject Mrs. Saballo is still chasing

"Next week we will be dancing tiklos guys so prepare yourselves and it is better if you practice at home so that you don't have difficulty with the steps". Our PE subject, Mrs. Saballo, is still chasing

"Now you may take a break". He said goodbye and left the room completely

His fellow classmates dressed up when prof. even if he is like that too

The work is very tiring, this is how college life is.

It's like it's good to be a fish, just swim and swim.....

"When I was in college, there was no PE, I was going to dance anyway". Mica said nothing.

"Ma'am even did the midterm, it was great!" Gemma said shaking her head

"That's really how PE will leave you, they say you don't want to be with him". Donald

"Look, I'm not going to leave Namy because she doesn't like me." Donald joked and winked at her, she just shook her head.

I can't help but think that it's not normal to swallow...

"It's like you said that Namy's life will be hell Donald". Mica grimaced

"That's right, Donald, I might be the one to cut your egg." Gemma shook her head

"I hope you just killed me?" Donald said and stood up

"Come on, let's go down to the cafeteria, I'm hungry, you guys." Donald continued to stretch his legs so that they obeyed.

After a while they entered the Cafeteria, there were too many students here because the college students could be heard mixed together but the University cafeterias are also big

"Take a table, I'll take your food." Donald immediately said turning to us

"Wow gentledog". I said patting it on the back so that's why it gave me such a bad look

"This is it oh". I took it back and grabbed the two laughing

But they still looked around as if he knew someone was chasing him.

A lot of gossip between the two of you...

"Look for the Knight later! They won't run".

"Look for the Knight later! They won't run".

The two gasped and turned to the man

"You really have to go!". Mica snorted and tormented the man

"Don't give me vegetables, even hotdogs." It was Gemma who started walking

"And don't bark at that!" Gemma shouted after her and giggled

I knew Donald was looking bad so I didn't look at him

We just looked for an empty seat especially since there were already many students

"Let's go there!" Mica pointed to an empty table so I just nodded

I know that next to that table is the KGG or better known as the Knight Golden Gang that they like at the University, and not only by friends, almost the whole University is very popular, even high school students like that group.

That group of syndicates is este!

Of five boys from the 2nd year college of engineering.

Almost all women are crazy about them, the really handsome ones but the prickly ones, certified playboys are the ones who are blown away!

Once he spent the night in the library of that University, he was about to exit the main door of the Library when he heard a woman moaning, he was even scared because it was past six and all he knew was that she was the only one inside the library but he was strong enough to find out where it was coming from, he was so surprised to see one of the Knight members, Hades, who was there and kissing a student!

Being rich children can do what they want to do.

Didn't that woman even think about whether the girl she was going to kiss was brushing her teeth?! Yaaaakk!

I sighed and looked at their behavior before following the footsteps of my friends to the table we chose which was right next to Knight's table.

When I sat down, I saw two of the boys, especially the one next to him, Mica.

Fall in love with the talipandas ah!

What does that feel like?!

He grimaced as he followed their gaze but when he followed his gaze he stopped wondering who he was looking at because he was also looking at their behavior and at him!

He was referring to Hades, he couldn't understand why he was burning at the sight of the man who was hitting on him, he wanted to know if the attraction was coming from the eyes of this young man. And if he didn't know the man, he might have been blown away because the young man is really handsome.

Maybe it's like this for him because of what happened between him and the young man


"The one who fails the exam will have the consequences!". Mica who is strong-willed while holding her test paper

They are currently on the second floor of the University and the students have gone home

Went home early because they only released test papers that had been checked by the profs

And they made a bet with their friends that whoever scores the lowest in the test will be the one who will make the consequence

It's juicy! I'm still weak in the Reading in Philippines history subject!

"Hey fix it, you should do it!". Gemma who is also his friend

He glanced again at the test paper that had been checked by their prof


I'm really 50/50 in this game too!

Our scoring is true even in history!

I was absent last time when the prof reviewed, so I only reviewed little by little for myself

"The landing is at the same time, ha". Donald while laughing looked at him because he knew that he only reviewed little by little

I can drop this man from up here!

"Okay! 1!".




Together, they placed their test papers on the table there

Mica is 75/100, Gemma is 80/100 while Donald is 55/100!

He is the lowest!


Donald's laughter echoed in that hallway.

"Shut up Donald, you seem to have raised my score very high!" I was in awe of the man

It only raised five points if these an*mals can laugh!

"How is that Prenny! You will make the consequence!". Gemma still giggled

He just sighed and thought that it would be easy for his friends to do this

"Well we have thought of something". Mica said

"Go down to the gate!" Gemma said pointing to the gate that can be seen from the window

"The first person you see, kiss them on the cheek!"

His eyes widened at what his friend said

"That's legit?!" I shouted

"Don't complain!" Gemma said

"I just hope you don't see the teenage old security guard!" Donald said with a smile

Mang paco is right!

"It's his break time now, don't come back early". Mica said pushing him

"I curse you!" he said before storming off

King! Bat kiss was the consequence of these monsters!

After getting down, he started to go to the gate and looked around

He even saw his three friends on the second floor who immediately gave him the middle finger and tortured them, he even heard the giggles of the talipandas!

You know I can get revenge too!

He waited a little longer because there are no more students at that university, I just hope Mang Paco hasn't come back yet!

He heard footsteps from behind him that he knew was coming from the Gym

Jusko looks like there are still some left in the Gym!

Who can be a basketball player!

To Be Continued..

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