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Natalie Brooks, an unfortunate young woman haunted by tragedy, finds herself at the crossroads of despair and determination. From the moment her parents tragically perished in a car crash, Natalie's life has been a series of heartaches and misfortunes. But when she becomes a victim of violation at the hands of a married man, her spirit ignites with an unyielding desire for justice. Driven by her unwavering resolve, Natalie makes a daring decision to leave her troubled past behind and seek solace in the vibrant streets of Mexico. There, fate takes an unexpected turn as she crosses paths with a captivating billionaire cartel leader. In a twist of destiny, Natalie finds herself entangled in a whirlwind romance, ultimately marrying the enigmatic tycoon. Years pass, and Natalie's life transforms beyond recognition. As the billionaire cartel leader tragically meets his demise, Natalie inherits his vast fortune, becoming a force to be reckoned with. Armed with her newfound wealth and success as a renowned fashion designer, she returns to America, ready to execute her meticulously crafted plan of vengeance. Now, as a billionaire and a formidable presence in the fashion industry, Natalie is poised to unleash her retribution upon those who have wronged her. With her keen intellect, unwavering determination, and a network of powerful allies, she sets out to dismantle the lives of those who have caused her immeasurable pain. In this gripping tale of resilience and redemption, Natalie Brooks emerges as a symbol of strength, defying the odds and proving that even the most unfortunate can rise above their circumstances. Will her quest for vengeance consume her, or will she find a way to heal the wounds of her past while forging a brighter future?

Chapter 1 Emergency

The sun shone brightly over the bustling hallways of Mayfield High School as students hurried to their classes. Among them was seventeen year Natalie Brooks, a seemingly ordinary girl in her senior year.

As Natalie entered her English class, the intercom crackled to life, interrupting the usual morning chatter. "Natalie Brooks, please report to the principal's office immediately," the stern voice of Mrs. Johnson, the school secretary, echoed throughout the building.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she gathered her belongings and made her way to the principal's office. Thoughts raced through her mind, trying to come up with a plausible explanation for why she was being called in. She couldn't let anyone find out the truth.

Upon entering the office, Natalie was met by Principal Anderson, a middle-aged man with a stern expression. Sitting across from him was Officer Jacobs, a local police officer known for his no-nonsense approach.

"Natalie, please have a seat," Principal Anderson said, gesturing towards the chair in front of his desk. "Officer Jacobs and I have received some concerning information about your involvement in drug-related activities on campus."

Natalie eyes widened in shock, but she quickly composed herself. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Principal Anderson. I would never do something like that," she protested, her voice trembling slightly.

Officer Jacobs leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "We have received multiple reports from students and teachers who claim to have seen you selling drugs during school hours. We take these allegations very seriously, young lady."

Natalie's mind raced as she tried to come up with a convincing lie. "I think there must be some mistake. Maybe someone is trying to frame me. I've never been involved in anything like this," she insisted, her voice laced with desperation.

Principal Anderson sighed, his disappointment evident. "Natalie, we have to take these allegations seriously. Given the evidence and witness statements, we have no choice but to suspend you for two weeks. This will give us time to investigate further and determine the truth."

Tears welled up in Natalie's eyes as she realized the consequences of her actions, even if she denied them. "But I didn't do anything! I swear!" she pleaded, her voice cracking.

Officer Jacobs maintained his stern expression. "We will continue our investigation, but for now, the suspension stands. I suggest you use this time to reflect on your choices and consider the impact they have on your future."

Feeling defeated, she nodded silently, her heart heavy with regret. She stood up, her legs feeling weak beneath her, and made her way out of the office. The once vibrant hallways now seemed dull and lifeless as she walked towards her locker, her mind filled with questions and uncertainty.

As Natalie walked home, her mind filled with worry and anxiety. She had just been suspended from school for something she never thought she would be involved in - selling drugs. She knew she had made a terrible mistake, and now she had to face the consequences.

As she approached her small, rundown house, Natalie's heart sank. She had no idea how to explain this to her grandmother, the only family she had left. She took a deep breath and opened the creaky front door, stepping into the dimly lit living room.

"Grandma?" she called out, her voice trembling. "Are you home?"

Silence filled the air, and a sense of unease washed over her. She walked further into the house, her footsteps echoing through the empty rooms. Panic started to rise within her as she reached the kitchen and saw her grandmother's frail figure lying motionless on the floor.

"No, no, no!" Natalie cried out, rushing to her grandmother's side. She dropped to her knees and frantically checked for a pulse, her hands trembling. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized her worst fear might come through which was losing her grandmother.

She reached for her phone, her fingers fumbling as she dialed 911. "Please, please hurry! My grandma... she's not breathing," Natalie pleaded, her voice choked with tears.

The operator's calm voice came through the phone, offering reassurance and instructions. Natalie followed them as best she could, her mind racing with a mix of grief and guilt.

As she waited for the paramedics to arrive, Natalie knelt beside her grandmother, her hand gently brushing against the old woman's cheek. "I'm so sorry, Grandma," she whispered, her voice choked as she cried relentlessly. "I wish I was here"

Minutes later, the sound of sirens filled the air, and the paramedics rushed into the house.

She watched as her grandmother now laid on a stretcher, being carefully loaded into the waiting ambulance.

Natalie's eyes welled up with tears as she watched the paramedics work swiftly and efficiently, their faces masked with determination. She couldn't bear the thought of her grandma in pain, and without a second thought, she made up her mind to accompany her to the hospital.

"Wait!" she called out, her voice trembling. "I'm going with her!"

One of the paramedics, turned towards Natalie, her eyes filled with empathy. "Are you sure, sweetheart? It might be a bit overwhelming."

Natalie nodded, her determination shining through her tears. "I need to be there for her. Please, let me come."

The woman exchanged a glance with her colleague, understanding the girl's heartfelt plea. "Alright, but you need to stay calm and listen to everything we say, okay?"

Natalie nodded again, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. She followed them into the ambulance, her small frame feeling lost amidst the medical equipment and the sense of urgency that filled the air.

As the ambulance hit the road her eyes never left her grandmother's face, her hand reaching out to hold her grandmother's frail hand. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the sweat of anxiety.

"Please, Grandma, hold on," Natalie whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "We're almost there. Just hang on."

The paramedics worked frantically, monitoring her grandmother's vital signs, their urgency evident in their furrowed brows and swift movements. Natalie heart pounded, each second feeling like an eternity. She couldn't bear the thought of losing the only family she had left.

Finally, the ambulance screeched to a halt, and the doors flew open. Natalie was met by a team of doctors and nurses, bustling with purpose, ready to take over her grandmother's care. They swiftly transferred her onto another bed, wheeling her through the hospital doors.

Natalie followed closely, her eyes darting from one medical professional to another, searching for any sign of hope. As they entered the emergency room, a doctor approached her with a grave expression.

"Miss, I'm afraid we'll need to perform immediate surgery on your grandmother," the doctor said, his voice filled with concern. "However, there is a complication. We require a payment of $10,000 before we can proceed."

Natalie's heart sank, her mind racing. She had no savings, no insurance, and no means to gather such a significant amount of money. Panic gripped her as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"But... but I don't have that kind of money," she pleaded, her voice cracking. "Is there anything else we can do? Please, she's all I have."

"I understand your concern, but medical procedures and treatments come at a cost. We need to ensure payment before proceeding." she doctor responded

Natalie's desperation turned into frustration, her voice filled with determination. "I don't have the money right now, but I'll find a way. Please, just save her!"

"I'm sorry, but we can't proceed without payment or a guarantee of payment. We have protocols to follow." the doctor said remorseful as he was just following the hospital orders.

Natalie's eyes welled up with tears once again, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "She's my only family. I can't lose her. Please, there must be something you can do!"

"I understand your situation, but we have limited resources. We can provide emergency care, stabilize her, and then discuss payment options."

Natalie nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "Okay, please do whatever you can. I'll figure out the payment."

As doctor left, Natalie stood there, feeling helpless and alone. She knew she had to find a way to save her grandmother, even if it meant reaching out to friends, family, or even strangers for help.

She whispered to herself, determination in her voice, "I won't let you down, Grandma. I'll find a way. Just hold on."

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