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Mistress Me

A love story set in Nigeria. Growing up together, Mel and Eric had been friends since either of them could make a meaningful sentence. Mel, a hopeless romantic, dreamed of a quiet life by the sea filled with the giggles of her kids and a man to call “husband”. Eric on the other hand wanted nothing of such. He would rather live life without a care in the world. But when their friendship turned to love, not even their spouses could keep them apart as hearts are broken and ties severed.


It had just rained, the smell of damp mud filled the streets, yet everyone was full of energy even with the cold that came after.

“Omalicha” a voice called out. “Mel” the plump light skinned woman in her early 50’s called out again. “Look who it is” Mrs dike continued as she walked into Mel’s room.

Taking a break from makeup brushes and her friend’s silly stories, She turned around and immediately wished she hadn’t.

“Eric is now all grown don’t you think”, Mrs Dike continued.

“How long has it been, two years?” She wondered, Two years that came to an end without an actual goodbye.

There was this awkward silence between them.

“What is he doing here?” she continued to herself.

Eric finally mustered up the courage to speak.

“How about a hug, my sweet Chinemelum”. As he spread his arms in anticipation.

His voice sent shivers down Mel’s spine. Who would’ve thought she would hear Eric’s voice again. It was soothing as well as heartbreaking.

They shared an embrace. An extremely uneasy embrace like it was their first encounter.

For two people that were inseparable as kids, it was strange.

“Babe, introduce me,” a dark-skinned silhouette in a yellow floral dress and very flat walled shoes whispered.

“Oh! Forgive me dear” Eric said.

“Mel, meet Sarah, my wife”. He said, as he tried to shake off whatever that was with Mel.

“It's been a year since we were married”. He continued as he pulled Sarah closer.

Wife! Wife. Mel could feel her heart sinking, She was utterly confused, she felt betrayed. She certainly had not experienced this level of pain since she had to leave him two years ago.

“It's good to meet you, Sarah,” she said, concealing the pain in her eyes. “Welcome to our family”. She added.

Although she was going to be married in a few hours, Eric’s revelation had shattered her heart into tiny bits.

“I finally got to meet you at long last,” Sarah said. Her voice was calming. “Eric told me such good things about you. I look forward to being friends.” She added.

Sarah seemed nice, causing Mel’s heart to sink even deeper. “He's not worthy of a delightful lady,” she thought.

“Chinemelum!” Grace called out. “There you are, my talkative bride to be, we’ve got to get you ready.” As she pulled her away from the couple.

Mel had never been more thankful to have met Grace, she felt like she was trapped in a shoebox together with Eric and his “wife”.

Mel, are you ok? Grace asked.

She knew all about Mel's relationship with Eric and how it ended about two years ago.

“He got married a year ago, I can’t believe he got over us so quickly.” Mel said in a trembling voice as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Grace embraced her.

She could tell Mel still felt something really strong for Eric.

“You are getting married to the best man on planet earth, my sweet girl. Don't let your past get in the way of that for you, for us.” She said in a bid to cheer Mel up.

“Now take a seat and let me work my magic, girl!”, she continued and managed to make Mel laugh.

I am getting married, after all, to the best man on planet earth”. Mel said. Repeating Grace’s words as some form of reassurance.

They both laughed and Grace got to work.

Grace, a beautician from the western part of Nigeria had become friends with Mel after they crossed paths accidentally in college.

She was 5'6 tall, with light skin, tiny eyes, a long nose and an oval-shaped face. “Chubby grace” as Mel teased her back in the day, had a shooting voice and what you might liken to the physique of a goddess.

Mrs. Dike walked in…

“Chinemelum, are you almost ready?”

“Have you met Sarah?” She continued.

“I cannot believe that Eric got married, and his family had absolutely no idea about it.” She added.

“You have one more hour to get ready,” she said as she left the room without waiting for a response.

Mel and Grace burst out laughing.

“Your mum is quite the character” Grace said as she continued working her magic on the bride to be.

The time had finally come for the wedding to proceed. The ceremony was taking place in the eastern part of Nigeria where Mel grew up. Isi-ala ngwa in Abia state to be precise.

She was dressed in a diamond studded navy-blue dress that perfectly snatched her body. And paired it with white and red traditional neck and hand beads for her first appearance (wine carrying) as is the tradition in eastern Nigeria.

It is customary for women to bring palm wine in a cup to whom they intend to wed and kneel before him, sharing the content of the cup. After which they can proceed to the dowry payment and finally, receiving blessings from both parents.

Mel was absolutely gorgeous. She wore herself gracefully as she sought her husband to be out among the quests. Teasing the young men in the crowd as they playfully urged her to bring the drink their way.

Eric looked at her longingly.

“She would’ve always been mine,” he thought.

Chinemelum was truly a sight to behold.

The caramel-skinned beauty had wide eyes, a refined nose and full cheeks. Her short black hair never went beyond her freckled shoulders. Like Grace, She was 5’6 tall, Slender with curves and equally soft-spoken.

After she had enough fun from teasing her quest, she finally approached Tunde, her husband to be. She knelt before him on both knees and offered him the cup filled with fresh palm wine. He received the cup, and they shared the content with each other. You could tell he felt proud to have Mel as his bride.

Everyone was gathered at the reception.

As both family and friends were seated accordingly.

Tables for the couple’s parents and their siblings were placed first, immediately after that of the bride and groom. Then that of friends and relatives were placed last.

“He seems calm, she doesn’t deserve a man like him,” Eric said.

Whatever was between these two must’ve ended badly, as neither Mel nor Eric were happy with how the other got a good partner.

“Dear, what was that?” replied Sarah.

“Oh nothing my darling” He said as he took a sip from his glass.

Eric and Sarah were obviously seated at the far end of Mr. Dikes compound with the rest of the relatives.

Like Mel, Eric was raised here as well. Their fathers were friends who became brothers. Eric’s father, Mr. Obinna Agubike, CEO of the only licensed cement company in the eastern part of Nigeria. Every brick home in the east was made from OA cements. Mr Obinna was always absent, causing him to send his son(Eric) to live with his friend Mr. Charles Dike as his wife (Mrs. Rachel Agubike) passed on when Eric was only 3 years of age.

Congratulations were in order, everyone made merry and came forth to wish the newly weds well. But Grace had disappeared. Mel had not laid eyes on her since the wine carrying ceremony. She waited until the time came to prepare for her second appearance and took advantage of the opportunity to look for Grace.

Mel felt uncomfortable as she caught Eric’s gaze as she made her way back into the house.

Her heart was racing, her legs trembled. She felt like she was dipped in water as her entire body was suddenly drenched in sweat.

She managed to walk past his table without acknowledging him or his “wife”. Almost like they were invisible.

“That was a lot of work,” she thought.

Hoping to find Grace in her room, she said, “You won’t believe what I had to go through on my way back inside”.

But Grace wasn’t there.

She wondered where she might have wandered off to. Mel checked the restroom, the living room and even the guest room. But Grace was nowhere to be found. Worry began to creep in as she became quite uneasy.

She tried reaching her over the phone, but her cell phone was turned off.

“Grace, where in the world are you?” she thought to herself.

She bumped into Tunde while she was looking for Grace.

“Mel, why aren’t you dressed yet?It is almost time for us to be called upon”. Tunde said as he put on his brown suede shoes from Demola bespoke.

“I can’t seem to find Grace. Have you by any chance seen her?” Mel asked.

“Grace?, I guess I haven't seen her all day” replied Tunde.

“Then i should keep looking, you know i can’t get ready without her”. Mel said as her eyes scanned the room.

She really wasn't concerned with getting ready, she was already married, after all. She was just worried about her friend.

"Hurry back to your bedroom," said Tunde. “She’s probably waiting for you there.” He continued.

Mel was about leaving when she noticed a red scarf by the bed stand.

It was the same red scarf she had gotten Grace last year on one of her trips to Lagos.

What was the scarf doing in Tunde’s room, and why would he deny seeing Grace all day?

Mel went up to her room and about 10 minutes later, Grace came in.

She was acting weird for some reason.

“Where have you been, babe? I was worried out of my mind” Mel said.

“I had to use the restroom, I think I had something a bit too spicy earlier” Grace replied.

Mel had checked the restroom earlier, and Grace definitely wasn’t in it.

“Help me get ready, Tunde is already all dressed up” Mel said.

“Those suede shoes look exquisite,” Grace said.

“Suede shoes?”, “Have you seen Tunde by any chance all day today”

“I stopped by his room minutes ago”. Grace replied as she helped Mel unzip her dress.

Something wasn’t right. Why was Grace in Tunde’s room? Why did he deny seeing her all day? And how come she showed up only when Mel had left. Why did she lie about having to use the restroom?

Beep! Beep! It was Grace’s phone.

“How is her phone suddenly not turned off”. “Is Grace hiding something from me?” “What has my husband got to do with it?”.

Mel felt dizzy, she had so much going through her mind. She wanted to confront Grace. She wanted to tell her how she wasn’t in the restroom when she checked earlier and how her scarf was in her husband’s room.

Furthermore, she wanted to clear the air so badly, but for some reason, she didn’t. Mel decided there and then that she wouldn’t let doubt get in the way of her happiness.

She looked at Grace through the mirror and said, "You are my best girl" I will trust you with all my being"...As she wandered off in her thoughts.

Her eyes opened slowly. She felt a sharp pain at the back of her head as she tried to sit up. She could see a tiny figure of a woman who was wearing a vanilla and almond fragrance. It was her mother. She didn’t only feel safe at this point, but dizzy as well as she went back to sleep.

About an hour later, she woke up.

“Chinemelum, my sweet child, how do you feel?”. “Is there something I can get you?”. “How about a warm bath?” Mrs.Dike said in her usual manner.

She was obviously worried about Mel.

“No mum, I’m fine” replied Mel. She sounded tired.

“I just need to rest a bit more,” she continued.

It was two weeks to the wedding. Mel had just returned from Lagos. She was an established event planner who was sought out across different states in and out of the country. She was hardly at a place for long, especially since work made her travel a lot. Especially during the year end.

The Dikes still had a lot to do, and the Ogunlana’s were to arrive in a week.

“Why did you have to travel even after I told you not to?” Mrs. Dike scolded Mel.

“I'll make you some fresh fish pepper soup, it'll help you feel better”. Mrs.Dike continued as she left Mel’s room.

Beep. Beep. It was a text from Grace.

“Babe, are you awake?”

“Do you feel any better?”.

Mel couldn't handle typing, so she made a call instead.

“Babes, tell me you are already on your way to the east. I don't think I can manage the wedding preparations on my own. And my mum is literally going to bite my head off if we aren’t at least halfway done before Tunde and his family arrive”.

“My flight is for 11pm tomorrow. I just have a few things to take care of here at Brinks,” answered Grace.

“Hotel Brinks?” asked Mel.

“Yes, brinks hotel” answered Grace.

“What a coincidence, Tunde is in brinks as well. I got a call from him before i got on the plane. He had a few things to take care of” Mel replied.

“Be sure to keep an eye out for him ok” she added.

“Very well, my dear, feel better soon, take care of you.” Grace said, and she hung up.

Mel suddenly remembered…

Although she wanted to trust her friend and husband, she still couldn't help but wonder.

“What's on your mind babe?,” a voice whispered in Mel's ear. She could feel warm hands pressing against her waist as a brawny figure pulled her close. Mel felt a burning sensation. Drowning in those arms she felt a sense of safety. It felt peaceful like they were alone in the house, as she lost sight of everything and everyone she realized she had not felt that way in almost two years.

Then she snapped.

Eric! She screamed. “Let go of me” as she pulled herself away from him.

Mel was practically lost in her thoughts. She didn’t realize when Grace left the room or even when Eric came in either.

“Already having trouble in paradise?” Eric said, almost mockingly.

Eric could still tell when something wasn’t right with Mel even after all this time. They grew up together anyway, and were first friends before whatever transpired between them.

“Why the hell are you here!?” Mel said angrily.

Ignoring Eric’s question and ridding her face of any emotion.

“I decided to follow you after you purposely ignored myself and Sarah as you walked back into the house” Eric replied.

Mel scoffed.

“Why are you here, Eric! Today, of all days. Why are you at my wedding”?

Mel was practically screaming. There were so many emotions in Mel’s voice. But pain, pain, was the summary of it all.

“I really wanted to see you. I heard you were getting married and I felt it would be a great opportunity,” replied Eric.

There was something in his voice, it wasn’t the renowned smooth talker speaking. There was something about the way Eric spoke. Similar to that of Mel’s yet different but without the screams. It was pain, love, and pain.

Mel couldn’t hold back the tears.

Sniffing in between sentences

“You decided to stop by and say hello on my wedding day!” “How cruel can you get?”. “It’s been over two years, and you still have a way of hurting me, you still want everything to be about you. You still are selfish” Mel

said with a shaky voice.

“And Sarah, you decided to come to my wedding with your wife! To say hello” added Mel.

“I hope you both are gone by the time i get back,” Mel said as she tearfully walked towards her room door.

Eric trying to prevent her from leaving held her by the waist. This time lovingly. And it wasn’t in any way awkward.

“Chinemelum wait” Eric said as he pulled her close, stopping her from taking another step.

“You have no idea what i had to go through”, “you have absolutely no idea what i did with hopes that i'll forget about us” He continued, with a trembling voice, almost as if he was about to cry.

“Oh I know” Mel, now crying, said.

“You went and got married one year after” She added as she pulled away from his grip.

“How could you? And you have the effrontery to show up on my wedding day?” Mel added.

Eric again grabbed her by the waist, tightening his grip, He pulled her even closer and poured out his heart.

“You left me Mel, you left us”

“Yet you act like you weren’t the one that turned your back on us” Eric added.

“I never understood why, especially since we are both still hurting from a decision you made all by yourself” Eric continued.

“I’ve not been the same Mel”

“I love you, I need you” He said as he looked longingly at her lips.

She was suddenly pinned to her bedroom door as emotions ran wild.

She couldn’t stop herself from wanting, from longing for his touch, his kiss.

Eric tilted his head and pressed his lips against Mel’s.

His hands moved slowly across her body.

You could tell they were both hungry for whatever was to come.

He kissed Mel and she reciprocated.

Grace was right after all. Mel still felt something strong for Eric.

Just then Sarah walked into the hallway.

Mel panicked and ran out of her room heading towards the quest room.

Eric called out to her but this time she didn’t stop. He was about to go after her when a voice called out.

“Eric, babe, baby”

He paused and took deep breaths.

“Baby, what’s wrong with Mel?” Sarah added.

It was time for Mel’s second appearance and Sarah had been sent to check on Mel since she didn’t answer after being called upon.

“Oh it's nothing,” Eric replied.

“Nothing?, I heard you call out to her. Why was she running off?” Sarah asked.

How long had she been there? How much did she see or hear? Eric wondered.

He had to come up with something, anything, to get Sarah to stop being inquisitive.

“It’s her husband, I think he is having an affair,” Eric said.

“Goodness gracious! I should probably go and have a talk with her, see how she’s doing” Sarah said.

Grace came out of nowhere, “That won’t be necessary guys, I got this”. And she made her way down the hallway.

Knock knock.

“Mel, are you ok?” Grace asked as she walked into the quest room

“What happened with you and Eric?” she added.

Mel was crying so much at this point. She felt like she had not only been betrayed by Grace and Tunde but she had also betrayed her marriage. Mel couldn’t hold in her emotions.

Then she spoke..

“Why did you lie about your meeting at Brinks hotel?”.


Grace was utterly confused.

“I thought this was about Eric. Why are we talking about my meeting?”.

“Why was your scarf in Tunde’s room?” Mel said, ignoring the fact that she answered her question with another question.

“How could you? I trusted you. Of all the men in the world to have an affair with, why Tunde?” Mel continued tearfully.

Her green dress had makeup stains all over and her face was swollen from crying. So much for her second appearance, right.

You could tell Mel was in so much pain as she spoke.

“Wait what?”

Grace finally realized what Mel was insinuating. Yes, insinuating.

She looked at Mel with so much hurt in her eyes. No, this pain wasn’t caused by the words Mel had just spoken, but by the pain the thought of it had caused her.

Mel had gone through so much with Eric. There was no way Grace would do anything to hurt her. She would never.

She let herself out, leaving Mel with no explanation whatsoever.

After about 5 minutes, Grace was back. She dropped a brown envelope on Mel’s wet lap.

Now her dress had become worse with black patches from her mascara.

“Open it and let me decide if I still want to be friends with you,” said Grace.

Mel scoffed as she picked up the envelope from her lap to find out its content.

It was a big envelope, but really light.

She opened it and burst into more tears after finding out its content.

So many tears, it’s a wedding after all.

“Oh Grace!” Mel said.

She felt a sense of relief and shame.

“I am so sor..”

“You don’t have to be sorry, sweet Mel” Grace cut her off.

“Now, let me decide if i want to be friends with an insinuating cry baby like yourself” she said with a warm smile and embraced her friend…

“Mel, can I come in?” Sarah decided to check on Mel, even after Eric told her to leave her be.

Then Mel remembered. Something else was causing her pain. Something so hurtful it made her lash out at Grace. Mel wasn’t one to confront issues. She was a runner, just like how she ran away from her relationship with Eric two years ago.

Today, she was glad she did and was feeling grateful for the pain Eric made her feel.

“Come on in,” Mel answered.

Sarah was surprised to see Mel. She looked as if she had been through a lot, but still had a big smile on her face. A genuine smile.

“It’s good to see you are better, Eric told me about your husband” she said

“I am so sorry,” Sarah continued.

Mel tried her best to avoid Sarah’s eyes. She felt guilty for the kiss with Eric and even worse for wanting him even after all this time.

“I'd rather not hurt Sarah” she thought to herself.

It took less than 30 minutes for Grace to work her magic, with Sarah’s help, of course.

Mel looked just as beautiful even with the alternative green colored dress Grace managed to find in Mel’s wardrobe. She had this glow that could only be gotten from pure joy. You could tell she looked even happier than she did during the wine carrying ceremony.

The content of the brown envelope must’ve been a game changer, or was it the kiss she shared with Eric that made her glow effortlessly.

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