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Loving My Abductor

Loving My Abductor

Grace Daniel


In her wet wedding dress, she slowly closed her eyes, and her mind went blank as she willingly let his soft and firm lips move against hers while she wrapped her arm around his head, bringing him closer. His hand slowly snaked around her waist, pressing their bodies intimately. Vanessa felt lost in the heat, but before she could delve deeper, the door to the church got slammed open. Men in uniforms marched in. “Police! Freeze!” Vanessa snapped her eyes open. What were the Police doing there? She turned to look at Ezekiel, and the look on his face made her heart sink. ***** Hector Vanessa Matteo Gonzalez, a rich lady set to marry the wealthiest man, however, a day before her wedding, she got the news that her grandfather, her only surviving family had passed on. Distressed, she walked outside to calm her mind. She wanted to stop herself from feeling depressed and isolated. Nevertheless, that one innocent and harmless move created a twist in her life. Vanessa was attacked, which resulted in loss of memory. Left on the cold ground to die, Ezekiel, one of the attackers, felt guilty and found it difficult to leave her there. He took her and hid her from her fiancée, knowing very well that he had made a big mistake, but that wasn't the worst that could happen. The moment Vanessa woke, she fell in love with him, believing he was her boyfriend due to the spark she felt. But what will happen when her fiancée comes to claim her back? Will Vanessa hate Ezekiel once she finds out that he isn't her boyfriend but instead her abductor?

Chapter 1 Before Her Wedding

Vanessa laid on the king-size bed with her head buried in it while her shoulders shook uncontrollably.

A knock came shortly, but she ignored it. The knock continued, no matter how much she wished to ignore the unwanted disturbance, she still involuntarily answered with her head still buried in the bed.

“Yes?” It sounded like she was drowning, and the person outside must have contemplated for a while before reluctantly opening the door to step inside, just to see the lady laying on her stomach.

“Miss Vanessa, sir Xavier is waiting for you in the dining room.” The maid informed her.

Vanessa lifted her head at last, dark circles were visible under her eyes. She stared at the maid blankly. The maid got a hidden message from the stare, a signal that the lady gave for her to go and leave her alone.

Willingly, the maid stepped out of the room after bowing to her. Vanessa dragged a breath. Starting from tomorrow, they would change her last name to her fiancé's name.

Things seemed to be moving faster than she could barely comprehend, and she was getting left behind. Her grandfather just passed away today, and a part of her died with him, knowing that he was the only family she had left.

Yes, she was engaged and would soon build her own family, but she felt empty, so empty that she seemed so light weighted as she stood up on her feet and grabbed a shawl close by, wrapping it protectively around her fragile body before walking out from her room to the main entrance of the mansion.

She had no place in mind to go, however, staying in there felt suffocating thinking about the incident that happened today.

How her grandfather was brought out from his room, unmoving and lifeless. She got a phone while she was picking a dress for her wedding, happily, as she intended to show it to him.

The smile that dropped dead on her face, her hands weak and cold, how she mindlessly let the dress slip from her light clutches and down to the marble floor.

Without a second to spare, she rushed to the hospital, abandoning the plan she had that day. She found him laid lifelessly in the mortuary. His warm features were cold and pale. She would never forget that sight of him and even though she tried to remember the past where he smiled tirelessly at her, all she could vividly remember was how cold his fingers were when she tried to hold them in her warm ones, with the thought of warming him up.

Vanessa let out a yelp as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

“Grandpa!!” She cried, burying her face in her palms.

She grasped her chest, she felt like ripping her heart out. Her heart ached just knowing that she would never see him again.

She imagined him to be the one walking her down the aisle to meet her husband while smiling from ear to ear the next day.

“Why did you leave me here? Why?” She kept asking between hiccups, her feet taking her to a place she didn't know.

She was still walking absentmindedly, and she heard whispers amidst her tears. She furrowed her brows and tried to pay attention to the voices.

She heard a masculine voice that spoke not too far from where she stood. She looked around the place confusingly, and just then she realized that she had walked to an unfamiliar place while in her trance.

Vanessa wondered why she was hearing quarrels from close by, and she walked even closer, with curiosity urging her to take a look.

To her disbelief, she saw two men in black. They both were putting on black face caps and face masks. One was average and the other was tall and masculine. The average one backed her, facing his partner as he spoke.

Who were they and what were they doing there?

She could tell they weren't guards in the mansion. Their dressing said otherwise.

They kept whispering, and she curiously stood there as she tried to comprehend what they were arguing about until the shorter one hit the other man's chest and the man growled at him, obviously disapproving of the man's action, however the man repeated the same action but this time more rudely as if to piss the other man off.

He kept hitting his chest as his voice increased to a loud whisper. She paid proper attention and grasped a few words that made her gasp.

Did they come here to steal?

No! She must warn everyone immediately. She made a step back to rush back inside but fear filled her heart, causing her legs to feel numb. She ended up dragging her feet on the ground, gaining the men's attention. The tall man was the first to look her way. The average man followed suit, and he quickly rushed towards her before she could turn on her heels.

He grabbed her hand and tried to stop her. His partner rushed over to help.

Vanessa gritted her teeth and finally freed herself from the man's hold before the other man could reach them.

He started pulling on the shawl around her neck instead. She struggled to pull it from his grips desperately. Her heart was pounding in her ears.

His hands eventually got weak and his grips suddenly loosened, letting her shawl slip from his hold.

Vanessa, who was still pulling with force, was caught off guard. Due to the struggle, she fell back in full force, hitting her head hard on the pavement, and she blanked out immediately.

“What have you done?” His partner asked as they both stared at the lady lying unconsciously on the floor.

“This was not the plan,” he added.

“Fuck! Let's get out of here,” the average man said in anger and frustration.

Stepping backwards as he pushed the other man back. His partner still unblinkingly stared at the lady as his body refused to move.

The average man pushed past him hastily, running away.

He looked at the lady on the floor and contemplated. Blood was already pooling beneath her head. There was a high possibility that she could die out there.

He found himself crouching down after cursing himself for a thousand times for what he was about to do. He picked her up from the ground, and into his arms, before he walked away.

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