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A Child For The Lycan King

A Child For The Lycan King

Grace Daniel


I lost my stepbrother to the war between my pack and the Lycan kingdom. I was loathed by my family, hated by my pack, rejected by the man I loved. I was the wolfless and useless daughter of the alpha. I decided to leave the pack but got attacked and almost killed by rogues when a handsome stranger saved me and took my virginity in a small cabin under a candlelight. The next day I returned to the pack, I discovered I had been betrothed to the ruthless Lycan king, the man responsible for my step brother's death. However, the handsome stranger I had a one night-stand with, was the ruthless Lycan King and my soon to be husband.

Chapter 1 Betrayal

Sylvia's POV

With tears in my eyes, I bit down the sound that almost escaped my lips. Why was life this hard? Today, I just lost my stepbrother in the war. He was the only one who was there for me.

My father despised me, my stepmother and daughter hated me to the core. He was the only one there for me and treated me like an actual person. The feeling of losing someone who mattered a lot was really devastating.

I remembered how shocked I was when they brought his cold corpse soaked with blood back to the pack. The war finally took him away from me, it finally took the one thing dear to my heart. The enemy won at last and though that hadn't been concluded but I knew for a fact that they won.

Killing the next alpha was how far they could go, and they had just proved how strong they were and I hated them for it. The Lycan kingdom and my father were to blame for this. I'll never forgive either of them.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door before the door was pulled open. A maid stepped in, and her eyes darted around the room before they landed on me. I could see the disgust in the maid's eyes before she looked away.

Looking everywhere except my way, she spoke. “Food is ready, I'll serve it in your room.” I sighed, they never treated me fairly. I always ate in my room because I was not worthy enough to eat on the same dining table with my family.

I nodded at the maid and the maid walked out unbothered. I could already predict how my life would be starting from this point, and there was no way I was going to keep up with it.

Not after the death of my beloved brother. No, I needed to leave here, but not alone. I was glad I had someone I could turn to in secret, and he was none other than the Pack's beta. He was the only person I could rely on, although he never stood up for me against my family, but I understood that his position was why he couldn't choose sides.

Standing up from the bed, I began to toss all my clothes into a bag. After doing that, I slowly opened the door carefully and looked around to ensure that it was clear before I ran out of the building. I headed straight to the beta's place and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door was pulled open, and a man stood in front of me with a raised brow when he saw the bag I held tightly beside me.

“What's wrong Sylvia?” He asked, still not letting me in.

“My brother is dead.” I whispered to him, but he remained unfazed.

“I know, but what is the bag for?” I turned my gaze back to the bag I held.

“I thought it would be best if I leave this place. I can't continue to stay here,” I revealed. This time he slightly widened his eyes.

“Are you crazy? You can't leave, Sylvia. This is your pack.”

“But no one likes me. Not even my family. Do you know how that feels?” I said, hurt by the fact that he wasn't trying to understand me.

“Why are you always selfish? Of course people like you, but you only want to believe that no one does. And unlike you, I have a life here, and I am the beta for crying out loud.”

“So you're not coming with me then.” I whispered, scared to hear his reply. My heart felt like it would explode.

“Of course not. What made you think that I'd give everything up just for you?” He asked calmly. My heart clenched at his reply.

“Because I thought you loved me.” Now there were visible tears in my eyes. Luca scoffed.

“love? Look, I understand that you are beautiful and mostly desired by men and if it weren't for the fact that you're an illegitimate child and wolfless, men could've been dancing to your tone, but I am not one of those men.” My lips quivered as I felt a pang of pain in my heart.

“Why were you with me all this time? Why did you make me believe that you had my back, and that you were the second person I could rely on? Why?!” I yelled, slowly clenching my fists as I bit my lips to fight back the tears.

“Because I was lusting over you and not because of love. Besides, I want nothing to do with you.” He said harshly. My body trembled as the tears started falling uncontrollably.

“Luca, please,” I pleaded unexpectedly as I moved closer to him, but he jolted back as if my touch was something repulsive.

“Shut up and leave.” He growled at me and just then I felt someone walking behind him before the person pulled the door a bit wider. I was startled to find my stepsister with a smirk.

“Who do we have here? If isn't the illegitimate child and wolfless daughter of my father.” she said scornfully. I moved my gaze towards Luca, surprised by Elizabeth's presence.

“Oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?” She said while looking between Luca and I. "I doubt. You see, Sylvia… I think it's better if I tell you this. Everything was a plan from the very start to get back at you for stealing my brother's attention," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

She continued. "Luca has no interest in you or whatsoever, he just manipulated you and deceived you. You are quite dense actually, or perhaps desperate. Fortunately for me, Luca echoes the hate I have for you. Oh, and before I forget, he has been adding a drug to your food. A drug that would make you barren.” She revealed, her voice dripping with venom.

“W-what?” I stuttered, unable to believe my ears.

“You heard me. You're worthless, Sylvia. You should be thankful we're saving you from becoming a single mother at a young age because no man would want to spend the rest of his life with you.” She spat more hateful words. I lowered my head with streams of tears on my face.

“Why do you hate me this much?” I croaked. I thought I was immune to this level of hate but it just hurt so much that I couldn't stop myself from asking.

“Because you'll forever be beneath me, since you have no place in this world. You should've never been born. And for your information, Luca is my mate and we're getting married.” She said with so much hate that was visible in her eyes. I took a step back, taken aback by the news, my gaze moved between them with a look of betrayal. My heart was hammering in my chest while everything became blur around me.

Unable to bear the shame, I turned on my heels and ran off to nowhere in particular. I wanted to keep running, hoping that everything was a dream. I fell to my knees, my hand flew to my chest. I knew my knees were bleeding because of the stone that dug into my flesh, but the pain in my heart was way worse than that.

My days were filled with the echoes of my past mistakes and the haunting memories of his betrayal that cut me to the core. Little did I know that he would do something this cruel to me and the shadows of my past were about to resurface, threatening to consume me once more.

The shadows of vengeance loom large over my fractured soul. The line between justice and revenge blurred out as I grappled with the demons of my past and the darkness within my own heart. With their sinister influence spreading like a poison No! I would leave even without him and I promised to make them pay for this heartache, either by hook or by crook.

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A Child For The Lycan King

Chapter 1 Betrayal
