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Chased By My Billionaire Ex-husband

Chased By My Billionaire Ex-husband

Grace Daniel


I thought I was free from the grips of Frederick, the man who caused me so much pain, but little did I know he would come knocking on my door the next moment. “You can't escape from Liliana, so stop running and come to me," he muttered boastfully. “And why would I do that?” I retorted with a frown etched across my face, and a rueful smile graced his handsome face. Walking towards me, he cornered me, caging me between the wall and his strong body. “Because I know you want me. Your heart, your soul, and most, especially this body of yours… I can feel the heat radiating from you every time I stand close to you, with my hand around your waist," he whispered, his husky voice sounded like music to my ears. His hand slowly slid up from my hip to my waist, and he squeezed the skin of it gently, but enough to send a shiver down my spine. Leaning down, he murmured close to my ear. “You want me, just as much as I want you," he said confidently. I almost spat blood hearing his bold words. What exactly did I get myself into?

Chapter 1 A Second Chance

“What the hell do you want?” I said with a harsh tone that made the man in front of me freeze instantly.

“Lily,” he started, but didn't get to finish whatever he intended to say before I cut in.

“Don't you dare call me that!” I said immediately, a clear warning could be heard in my tone as I gave him a deadly glare.

“I don't want to do this. You know what I want, you know why I'm here,” his voice was masculine yet soothing at the same time, and it felt like a caress on my skin but hell with that because I'd rather be the last to enjoy the luxury, not after what happened.

“Oh really? Well, then I must've forgotten, so why don't you do the honor by reminding me.” I said, trying to calm my raging heart.

“I know I am the last person you'd want here right now but Lilian if you'll just please listen-”

“And then what? You'd like to defend yourself? Look, I'm not ready for your twisted and sick games so just go back to your fiancé.” I snapped as I cut him off.

“That was totally not my doing. I didn't give her the ring she's putting on. My mum is the one forcing this and not me. I just want you back,” he said desperately.

“Wow! That sounded so believable, and I wonder how many people would actually believe that crap. Frederick, so you're literally saying that everything that happened 5 years ago was your mother's doing? All the pain you caused me and as if that weren't enough, you almost got me locked behind bars for a crime I never committed even though I begged you desperately to listen to me. Did you listen to me then? So, tell me, why should I listen to you? In fact, what gives you the right to request that from me?”

He was suddenly quiet, which greatly surprised me. Was this the same man that I knew? He was never one to be quiet. He was known for always winning in everything, including arguments, and it almost seemed like he was obsessed with winning.

“Liliana, I know I hurt you badly and broke you beyond repair, but at least let me atone for my mistakes.” He said with a voice filled with regret.

I looked up into his eyes. His deep blue eyes almost penetrated into my soul whenever our eyes met, and it suddenly reminded me of the day we first met, the eye contact played a larger role during our first encounter. The intensity and attraction sparked everything between us and thereafter, it left us in regret.

Even now, I could feel the surrounding tension, the room seemed like it held its breath and everywhere became hot as I struggled to keep myself sane. I would be the last to repeat my past mistake. Though, as seconds passed, I started doubting my self-control. The more I stared at his ever so handsome face that any lady would literally die for, the more I questioned myself. Why did I fall for him in the first place? But with such looks, money and power, who wouldn't fall for him?

Amidst of my thoughts, I gasped when I realized that he was walking closer to me while keeping me spellbind with his eyes. It bothered me with how he could keep me still with just a look.

My back was pressed against the wall as he kept coming and finally stood only a step away from me. The air became stiff, and I quickly thought of running away from his intoxicating air, but my knees failed me even before I could make an attempt.

“I want you back, Lilly. I missed you…" He leaned forward, and our forehead kissed, his warm breath fanned my face, sending a flattering feel in my stomach. “I missed your touch, your eyes,” he said, looking into my eyes. “Your skin,” he traced my face and I felt a ting on the place he touched. His gaze fell on my lips.

They suddenly felt dry under his intense gaze, and I subconsciously licked them. His gaze darkened, alarming me of what to come.

“Your lips…" He said in a whisper that was almost inaudible. He leaned in, and I instinctively closed my eyes while I shockingly awaited for his moist lips to touch mine.

I was expecting a kiss from the man who had the power to break me. The same man who hurt me the most.

As if snapping out of the trance, I instantly pushed him away with everything I got, and he staggered back a little, not expecting it.

Shocked by what almost happened, I quickly turned to leave and to hide my embarrassment. Was I really that low and cheap?

“Lily, wait.” His strong hand suddenly came around my wrist, stopping me from leaving as he pulled me back.

I clenched my teeth upon hearing the name I hated to the core.

“I thought I said you shouldn't call me that!” I yelled, pushing his hand off mine.

“I just want you to listen.”

“And why should I? You haven't answered my questions yet. Do you want me to listen now? How pathetic.”

“I know my mistakes and I deeply regret it, Lilian.”

“What part of your wrongs do you regret? Is it the part where you married me after a one-night stand just so you can claim your father's company? Or is it when you ignored me after using me?” I raised a brow at him. “Is it the part when you locked me in my room for days without food while you gallivant with other ladies? Or probably when you believe the lies they told you, and you almost locked me behind bars. I was in jail for two weeks and throughout I was begging you to listen, but you never did. I craved your attention.”

“I might've been set free by the court, but my life would never remain the same because the past will keep haunting me and no one would ever trust me again. If I had been proven guilty by the court, then we wouldn't be here in the first place!” I was already yelling by now, tears stung my eyes as I croaked, unable to conceal my emotions under the fake facade.

That last thing I wanted was to be vulnerable in front of him because that was how I've always been in front of him. But not anymore, I wasn't the same weak and lonely girl he could manipulate anymore.

He couldn't just show up suddenly after 5 years and act like he still had legal rights over me while looking all tall and mighty.

The audacity he had to even show up here was infuriating. I wondered how he found me, but I shook my head almost immediately. He was Frederick Wilton for heaven's sake, that was what he did best. He could undoubtedly find my whereabouts even if I hid in space. That was how resourceful and powerful he was .

Just knowing that alone irked my skin, and I gritted my teeth in both anger and frustration.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snapped.

“I miss us, so just give me a chance. For just this last time.” He said seriously.

I chuckled, but it didn't end there as the laughter rose from within, and soon I burst into fits of laughter.

“Are you sure you're the same Frederick Wilton? Or within these 5 years you've changed from a monster to a clown.” My voice resounded with a mocking lit.

He clenched his jaw in disapproval, but I wasn't affected, not until he suddenly grasped my arm in a firm hold, yanking me towards him. His eyes turned darker than ever, making my heart skip a beat as I felt a lump in my throat, sensing the forthcoming danger.

“I am mainly not here to battle words with you, and nor am I requesting anything from you. I am simply here to inform you of my intention on getting you back. I would go to the extreme by hunting you with any slight opportunity I get. And I'll stop at nothing until I finally make you mine again, whether you like it or not!” His baritone voice echoed in my ears as he threatened, but it sounded rather like a promise.

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