This story begins with a young girl who grew up in the country side living life in simplicity totally unaware of her true past and ancestry. Struggling with the difficulties that comes with being a teenager her whole world suddenly changes as the truth is unveiled . Thrown into an endless cycle of pain and betrayal she walks the difficult journey to alter her destiny which was written before time. Can she? Join me on this exciting journey as the story unfolds
It was very early in the morning when I heard someone screaming my name at the top of their voice Kiaraaa!!
Of course like every other morning in my "wonderful life" my big sis Chloe needed something from me . Off I go ugghh . Am coming!! I yelled back.
What do you need? I can't find my mascara Chloe said where is it? How am I supposed to know I don't do makeup and you know that I said with an annoyed look I can't believe you woke me up for mascara Chloe you're unbelievable am going back to bed . Why do you want to go back to bed it's not like you need any beauty sleep Chloe said whilst laughing you know normally this would hurt anyone but am so used to it by now . Ever since I turned thirteen my sister never stopped calling me ugly and taunting me , I mean I know my sense of fashion isn't really that great cause I always put on very long skirts and oversized sweaters but that's just me I know am not good looking but hearing it on a daily basis for five years from my sister and her friends really played on my confidence but at least my mom says am beautiful (sighs) I know that sounds pathetic but hey that's the best I've got
But I've seriously been thinking about changing my wardrobe though after all I'm turning eighteen in a few days might as well start looking like a young girl instead of a granny hehe anyway I better take a bath soon or else I'll have to wait an hour if Jeremy gets in before me . Before you ask Jeremy is my little genius brother who just got selected for the final round of the little z's competition and get this it's gonna be in S city the place where I spent the early years of my life I wish I could go back there , I wonder if my childhood friends would still remember me.
So after Kiara takes a bath she heads downstairs for breakfast and finds her mom Zerina , staring off in to space so she sneaks behind her and gives her a tight hug which startled Zerina . Good morning my beautiful mother how are you doing today she says with a big smile on her face . Good morning my beautiful Kiara it's good to see all cheered up this morning can you help me dress the table while I get your father and brother down for breakfast . Ok mom Kiara replied knowing fully well that something was deeply bothering her mom.
During breakfast while everyone one was quietly eating Greg Kiara's father says Kiara I would love if you could take Jeremy to the science competition this weekend something just came up and your mother and I won't be free we have to go see our relatives up North.
Ummm Dad why are you asking me and not Chloe I don't even have a driver's license so I can't take Jeremy but Chloe's twenty one.
Kiara I asked you cuz I know you've been wanting to go back to S city to check on Kyle and Christen your childhood friends that's why I asked you and also I know Chloe will be busy having fun and taking pictures to get Jeremy ready for any TV appearance and interview. Don't worry Chloe will still drive you guys there and Chloe make sure you take them for a tour around so they can visit our old neighborhood
Yes dad I promise replied Chloe just make sure you take them to see our old neighborhood ok
I'll give you enough money for gas and snacks deal? Deal Chloe said with a big smile
I can't believe it am going back to my childhood home Kiara whispered as Chloe sneered.