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The Twin Heiresses Gambit

The Twin Heiresses Gambit



Twin sisters Juniper and Ophelia St. Claire must battle for the heart of a billionaire Haedon Radcliffe in order to inherit their dead mother's business empire. As easy as that sounds, it becomes the single most challenging feat in their lives, as new love interests unfold and new powerful obstacles arise, who will marry the deceptively handsome Haedon Radcliffe? will it be Ophelia? who has had a hateful obsession with him since her college years, or will it be Juniper, who is tangled up in her own mystery shrouded life? Dive into this beautiful, fascinating world of drama and revelry to find out.

Chapter 1 The Gala


I glanced at the gold-rimmed mirror briefly before flushing the remnants of my afternoon meal down the toilet.

I rinsed my mouth briskly and held onto the alabaster sink as I studied my reflection. My copper coloured hair that was arranged at the top of my head had some loose strands escaping the ensemble to brush my cheeks that a light shade of red had tainted. My sea-green eyes matched the stones on my dress and they were vibrant and bright, but truly my eyes were not the window to my soul, as my soul was dark and bothered.

I could still hear the sounds from the jubilating gala downstairs. The music was just loud enough for people to still hear the sounds of their voices while they engaged in prideful conversations. Another wave of nausea washed over me instantly.

The Carmichael's truly were extravagant. In all my 21 years of living, I had never seen an occasion that held so much splendor. I should have been happier to be there, but I couldn't.

How could I have any fun, or even bring myself to smile when the most devastating news of my life was delivered to me just hours ago?

I had an idea of why the lawyer wanted a hearing with Juniper and I, but I was not ready for what she had to say.

"I don't know how to tell you this" she let out a loud sigh, the sunlight from the emperor sized windows in our living room made her blonde hair appear golden, bringing a little colour to the white minimalistic interior of my mother's mansion.

"Your mother left a will, as you both are well aware," the lawyer continued. I did not get to know her name. There was never any need to.

Juniper and I exchanged looks, wondering what the issue was about and why the blonde-haired woman before us looked so troubled. I had always wanted to inherit part of my mother's company. I knew the whole thing could never be mine. Even if my mother was a raging bitch, she was impartial. I would give her that.

With a heavy sigh, she said "your mother's will stated that in order to inherit her business empire, you must first marry into the Radcliffe Family, the first among you two to marry into that family, would be the one to inherit the empire" The lawyer said "all of it, all the shares, everything"

"What?! "Juniper screamed, rising to her feet swiftly. She looked like she was processing the horror of what she just heard. I was momentarily too stunned to speak.

"How could she pit us against each other like that? "Juniper asked the lawyer.

"Those were the contents of her will. It is unfair and horrible, I know that, but I cannot change it"

"Even in her death she still tries to make us compete! "Juniper said, emotion filled her voice. "I guess we will never truly be free from her"

Now, as I stared at the mirror in the Carmichael's mansion, I did not see my own eyes; I saw the eyes of Haedon Radcliffe, his ocean blue eyes that seemed like they could stare at the very depths of my soul. Those were the very eyes that haunted my dreams all throughout my college years.

He probably never noticed me, probably never noticed how hard I tried to surpass him, to even reach his level. He was just effortlessly good at everything and he made me feel worse than the dirt under his feet, and to add to all of that, he was a 6'4 epitome of walking gorgeousness and his family owned one of the most successful companies in the country. How could I possibly beat that?

It simply was not possible, and that was the sole reason I gave up. I gave up trying to keep up with him in college; I gave up trying to make myself attractive, hoping he might someday look at me the way he looked at the popular girls. It all just seemed like a hopeless dream.

Haedon made me feel so hopeless and I hated him for it, I hated him so much that even after all these years, seeing the elegant pictures of him on magazines made my body temperature rise to an alarming extent and caused my heart to beat so damn fast. Oh, how I hated him.

Seeing him in the flesh at the Carmichael's dinner did something to me, he looked so much better than what I thought he would look like, and that was not supposed to even be possible.

He was not wearing a mask, and I could clearly see his face that was perfectly symmetrical, flawless and painfully gorgeous. He had a body that women would literally kill for, and that cleanly cut, all black suit was not helping matters at all. His aura was powerful. Every movement he made showed superior intellect and elegance. Once again, I was in college, admiring him from afar and challenging myself to be just like him.

When his eyes met mine, jet black hair falling over his dark, perfectly arched eyebrows as we locked eyes, the world seemed to come to a halt, I could no longer hear the songs being made by the live band, I could no longer see the shimmering lights and shiny dresses, I could only see him, Haedon Radcliffe, my biggest opponent, that never even knew he was my opponent. It couldn't get more humiliating than that.

Imaging struggling for years to surpass someone but the person never even took a moment to notice you, just like a little rat trying to become a cat and be loved by humans, highly impossible, we were two entirely different beings, and Haedon would always be better than I was.

As the world seemed to come to a halt with Haedon's eyes still on me, the contents of my stomach turned, and I gagged violently.

My black, emerald studded heels clicked on the glossy marble flooring as I rushed up the massive steps to find the nearest restroom to empty my churning stomach.

It truly was 'delightful' that Haedon Radcliffe still had such an effect on me. I would never get used to his eyes on me. That much was clear.

A banging knock sounded on the door, startling me momentarily. I gave myself one last look at the mirror before wearing my emerald green mask and opening up the door.

I half expected to see Haedon standing there. He. It saw me gag, after all. But of course he wasn't the one there. It was a middle-aged woman that looked dazzling enough for me to believe that she had centuries of generational wealth passed down to her.

"I almost thought someone was having a baby in there. Humour," the woman said. Humour laced her voice, and her cheeks were tinted pink. She definitely had one too many drinks already, and the party was just getting started.

"My apologies, miss," I said politely, smiling sweetly at her.

"Oh, no worries," she said.

I left the restroom area and headed back down the stairs, but before I took the first step, a movement caught my eye. Most people were meant to be downstairs for the masquerade gala, yet I saw the unmistakable silhouette of a person rounding a corner.

It could have been anyone, a couple looking for some privacy perhaps, but it could also be an assassin trying to murder one of the prestigious guests... That was probably going too far, but still, my curiosity won.

I gathered up my dress and walked on my tiptoes to the slightly darkened area of the hallway, where the lights were low. I wondered what someone could be looking for in that darkened area.

My curiosity peaked as I rounded the corner. Coming to a halt, my eyes widened as the sight before me unfolded. It was not one person, but two people, and their lips were locked in a sensual kiss.

I did not know what I was expecting to see, but it was not this.

I wouldn't have thought anything about it on a normal day, but it was Haedon Radcliffe, and he currently had my sister, Juniper against the wall, kissing her like he was teaching her to kiss for the first time.

I knew Juniper never hesitated to grab an opportunity, but damn, that was fast, and Haedon was currently betrothed to the daughter of the Carmichael family, Isabella Carmichael, so how could he do this right under their nose?

I must have made a sound because Haedon's eyes opened up and met mine. His darkened eyes were pinned on me, trailing the entire length of my body while his tongue licked the seam of my sister's lips and his skillful hands fondled her body.

I could feel my body overheating.

My body was frozen in place, and swear I could see the hint of a small smile playing on Haedon's lips, or perhaps I had started imagining things, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case because what the actual fuck was even happening? And why the fuck was Haedon Radcliffe looking at me like that?

I turned away from the scene quickly and walked away as fast as I could. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to explode.

"You're going to pretend that never happened, for your own sanity, Ophelia," I muttered to myself as I went down the stairs back to the gala.

My face was probably as red as a tomato, and I probably looked like I had just gotten the most mind-blowing sex ever. I could only hope people would not notice.

The glittering lights reflected on the gemstones on my dress as I walked across the room to a dark corner where I knew I wouldn't be noticed.

The music was slow, and the room was lively, with people dancing elegantly with their fancy masks and pretty outfits. I found myself wishing I had someone to dance with as well. Just for tonight, I wanted to be someone else.

I needed to clear my head. I needed a distraction.

"Excuse me, miss, would you like a dance? "A bold, polite voice said to me.

I looked up to meet a smiling man. He looked gorgeous. His hair was a curly light brown and his eyes were hazel... Not blue enough.

"No, I'm sorry," I said, picking up my purse and rising from the black velvet sofa. "I was just leaving"

I smiled at him sweetly before walking past him. He looked dumbfounded.

"Can I at least know your name? "He asked, grabbing my wrist softly.

"Ophelia St. Claire," I said simply.

"Beautiful name, I'm Jamie Carmichael" He stated proudly, like his name spoke for itself. There was indeed pride in his name, but I was not a fan of it.

"St. Claire... "Jamie hummed "I believe I've heard that name somewhere before"

"Yes, my mother was really popular in these circles," I stated plainly. I truly did not enjoy talking about my mother.

"Was? Does that mean-" Jamie was saying.

"Might I have a word with the lady?" Haedon interrupted suddenly, startling me briefly. He did not even bother to sound nice.

"Of course... Ophelia" Jamie said with a tight smile. It was quite obvious that he did not like Haedon very much. "I will see you around" Jamie lifted my hand and kissed the back of my palm, his eyes never leaving mine.

It was a really nice romantic gesture, but still, his eyes were not blue enough.

When Jamie left, it was only me and Haedon; the room was with many people, yet it feel as though Haedon was the only one there. That was how heavy his presence was.

I could barely breathe.

"Ophelia." my name rolled off his tongue and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body. His voice sounded so fucking sexy, like molten dark chocolate. I wanted to close my eyes and swim in it.

"That is your name, isn't it?"

I lifted my eyes and looked at him from underneath my long, dark lashes. He was so damn tall I had to crane my neck to look at him properly.

"Yes, Haedon, I'm Ophelia," I responded, my eyes never leaving his. It was as though he locked me in a trance, a trance I didn't ever want to get out of.

But then his lips parted in a stunning smile that sent a chill down my spine and I remembered what those lips were doing just minutes ago.

"You know my name? Have we met before? "He asked, his eyes scanning my face, the smile still playing on his lips, his lips that were just so beautiful, so perfectly shaped...

That's when I realized I fucked up. He probably thought I was some sort of obsessed stalker.

"Pretty much everyone knows you. You are quite popular," I said, hoping he would believe my words and not find me suspicious or think I was obsessed with him or something.

"That's news to me," he said. His voice was icy, and it held no humor, a perfect match for his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure," I agreed with him. "Now I must take my leave. I am running quite late, pleasure meeting you," I said, taking hold of my purse once again. I was probably being foolish. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get closer to Haedon and I was chickening out. Yet I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Before I walked past him, he grabbed my wrist, causing me to halt my steps. My heart was now pounding so violently that I was a hundred percent sure he heard it. My skin felt like it burned where he touched it, the first time Haedon touched me.

"Cut the bullshit Ophelia" he said, his voice was sharp like a blade, I glanced up at his eyes, they had gotten two shades darker, I swallowed the knot in my neck and watched as his eyes trailed the movement of my throat as it bobbed, my body seemed to heat up wherever his eyes landed, it was like his gaze held a caress.

"Come," he said, leading me to the dance floor. "Dance with me. I believe we have something to discuss"

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