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"Wait..." Camille breathes, eyes wide. "So you don't work for Mr. Ford?" "Camille..." "You are not a driver, are you...?" "I..." "Who are you? Who the heck are you?!" "I am not Mr. Ford's driver, Camille, because," Tristan swallows. "I am Mr Ford. Tristan Ford." ---- After Camille finds out that her boyfriend of three years sold her restaurant and savings to run away with her best friend - She is heartbroken. But when they air their marriage on National TV, A spiteful Camille Impulsively weds the closest man on a whim - Little does she know, she just married the WEALTHIEST MAN IN MIAMI!

Chapter 1 (1) MARRY ME, NOW.

For the first time in four years, Camille Anderson wished she died in the fire.

It felt like her heart was being torn apart — Each moment was an excruciating wait for her impending doom.

It had to be her bad luck, because why did her fiance — the man she loved and given the past four years of her life to — choose to not only cheat on her twenty-four hours before their dream wedding but also marry her sister on live television?

The audience was the cherry on the icing and with each passing moment, Camille felt her breath being knocked out of her lungs.

She was not about to cry though, not in front of thousands of people and not on the day she envisioned becoming the head of marketing at Prescott International.

“Miss Anderson, Can you explain what is going on?!”

“Is this a publicity stunt for the campaign?”

“Are you still moving forward with the press conference Miss Anderson?”

“What do you have to say about your sister and fiance’s betrayal?”

“Do you think Prescott Internationals will ever want to work with you after this?!”

Camille pushed past the reporters, tears blurring her vision as she raced out of the building, a sob threatening to escape her red-coated plump lips.

The live video being aired replayed in her mind like a broken record, twisting the dagger that had been lunged into her chest.

She had met Damien Thorne five years ago — It was her first day of work at Prescott International.

He was the blonde-haired guy who offered her coffee when she barged her way into work after another nightmare.

He never stopped giving coffee and soon, she stopped waiting for him to bring it to her and started going to him for them.

Damien was any woman’s dream, not only was he the son of Prescott’s most valued investor, but he was also a sight for privileged eyes.

So, when he popped the ring a few months after — Camille did not waste any time accepting her new life.

It was about time she let go of her past and the boy in her dreams, after all.

Damien had one condition for the wedding, though.

It would only happen after his father retired, so they would never lack anything in life.

Camille didn’t care about his power or wealth, she just wanted to be with someone who did not remind her of her past — so she accepted.

However, she did not expect her step-family to move to Los Angeles two years ago.

They had disowned her years ago after her father died — leaving her stuck in an orphanage, with her father’s final will crumbled in her grasp

Get married before twenty-five and become the heiress of the Andersons — Or more like, get married, become the heiress, and find out who killed her father.

The orphanage she grew up in burnt to the ground when she turned eighteen and Camille was the only survivor.

Damien knew.

He knew how terrible her past was, he knew about her night terrors and how insecure and terrified she was of losing her career and the life she had built.

So how the heck did he think it was a good idea to sleep with her step-sister a night before their wedding?

Worse, he married to her in front of millions of people on a live stream, on the day she envisioned becoming the head of marketing for Prescott International?

The day she envisioned achieving her dreams?

“Camille? Cammy—”

“Lily!” Camille’s voice broke through and she hugged her best friend, allowing the sobs to rack through her body.

From the corner of her eyes, Camille could see the wedding hall they should have gotten married in.

Camille gave everything up for Damien, the position of director at Prescott, working on several projects because he was insecure about her being more successful than him.

Damien wanted to be the head of the family, and Camille just wanted to please him — keep him.

After all, no man would want a woman with a scar like hers.

She had been told that enough.

“Camille,” Lily pulled away. “Please calm down, okay? Just breathe?” The dark-haired woman begged.

“Everyone knows,” Camille whispered with glossy eyes, her stomach churning. “Don’t tell me to calm down when everyone knows!”

“Camille!” Lily snapped, biting back a sob herself, “Everyone knowing should be the least of your worries right now!”

“So what should I freaking worry about?!”

“All the bank accounts are empty Camille!” Lily choked, “Everything,” Her eyes widened, “Everything you’ve saved, the company funds, everything under your care — He took it.”

“What do you mean?” Camille’s legs felt like jelly and she wiped her tears.

Lily ran her hands through her long wavy hair before she stared her best friend dead in the eyes. “Damien not only stole all the money in your joint bank account, but he also took huge loans from the bank and company under your name”

Camille's lungs shut down for a second, “W-what?”

“You heard me, if you are going to cry, It shouldn’t be because he left you, it should be because he gave you a one-way ticket to prison!”

Tears leaked from Camille’s eyes, crawling down her cheeks and leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.


“I won’t let him have his way, no, no way, He can’t do this to me, Lily!” Camille shrieked, tugging on her hair.

“What do I do?”

“Get married.”


“Get Married, Camille, you said it yourself, the only way to get your Inheritance is to marry someone,”

“Well, should I marry the freaking pole over there?” Camille spat, leaning against the wall

Lily sighed, and was about to comfort Camille when she caught sight of something — someone “I think I have a better option,”

“What is it?” Camille asked, wiping her tears and grimacing at the smeared mascara.

Lily gestured behind Camille. The brown-haired woman turned and caught sight of one of the most handsome creatures she had ever seen.

Not only was this man taller than Damien, but he was also clad in a black suit that could barely contain his muscular chest, he was leaning against a wall, glaring at his watch at intervals, before huffing right after.

“Someone got stood up,” Lily teased. “But who would leave him hanging? He’s so hot!”

“What’s that supposed to do with me?” Camile asked even though she could feel herself melting inside.

“You asked for a groom, well there he is! Get married to him, get your fortune, and get back at Damien with a hotty!” The woman smirked.

Camille glanced at the man. He looked neatly dressed and was out of the world — purely ethereal with his curly hair, styled just enough for a few curls to fall his perfectly sculptured face.

Drooling was not an option now, though. She had to make a decision, marry him or marry prison.

“What if he does not agree?”

“You beg him!”

Camille was no beggar.

“I have a better idea,” Camille marched over to the man and once their eyes locked, all the words ran up her throat.

“Are you lost?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly irritated.

“Your bride isn’t here,”

“I suppose so, Miss Obvious.” His husky tone sent goosebumps across her skin.

‘What a rude man’ Camille thought, wrinkling her nose.

The brown-haired man brushed past Camille, ready to leave.

“Wait, what are you doing?”

“Going home, there’s no bride, so no wedding.” He spoke like he was talking to a five-year-old.

“What? Am I chopped liver?” Camille offered, heart racing in her chest.

“Excuse me?” The man narrowed his eyes at her.

“Look, I don’t know what you want, But —”

“Marry me.” She choked out, clenching her fist. “I mean, I want you to marry me, I can be your substitute wife,”

The man seemed unfazed, almost like he was used to women throwing themselves at him. Camille frowned.

“You’re bold, I’ll give it to you,” He almost seemed amused. “But what’s in it for me?” The taller man lowered his gaze to meet Camille’s

“I’ll make you a millionaire.”

He laughed. To Camille’s horror, he laughed!

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