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Mysterious CEO

One of the city's biggest businessmen, Henry Bueno, collects enemies wherever he goes and is used to having women throw themselves into his arms. At thirty-five, he has a rule not to engage with or hire single mothers as his secretaries, as he believes they are trouble magnets and never put work first. With a degree in administration, Vitória did not hesitate to accept the first job opening that came up. Executive secretary, she needs to juggle work and her five-year-old daughter. Everything was going well, until her boss, from one day to the next, fired her for a futile reason. She hates him and doesn't hide it from anyone. He “seems” to agree with this feeling. But how can you keep the rules when your body reacts to the unknown? Is it possible for love to be born between clashes and arguments? PROLOGUE I don't usually care about this intuitive nonsense, but the moment I found out my secretary had a son, I should have dismissed her. If I had done that, I wouldn't be on the verge of collapsing right now. It's not just a fucking meeting, it's something we've been planning for months, after all, we're about to close a million-dollar contract and I don't have the necessary documents because my dear secretary told me at the last minute that she wouldn't be able to go to work. , because your brat woke up sick. If she had informed me in advance, she could have found a way to organize all the documents and even ask someone from the board to help me. She didn't answer my dozens of calls, I searched her entire desk and couldn't find the folder with the necessary documents. Result? I had to postpone the meeting, this is terrible for our image. I walk to the minibar in my living room and grab a shot of very strong cachaça, at that moment, I need alcohol in my blood. I drink the liquid that burns down my throat. Angrily, I throw the glass at the wall next to the door, which opens seconds later. ─ Damn, were you trying to kill me? ─ João enters, looking at the broken glass on the floor. ─ What happened to take your anger out on the poor glass? ─ The meeting with that multinational company had to be postponed. ─ Why? ─ Because Larissa didn't come to work, she's not answering her fucking cell phone and I have no idea where she put the folder with the documents that were supposed to be shared with them. ─ I unbutton my suit, sitting down in my chair. ─ There was no way to do it without these documents? ─ No, all the important information that would make a difference in the negotiations was in them. I can't believe all this shit is happening, something tipped me off about hiring her but I was innocent and ignored my intuition. ─ There must have been an emergency, she has been working with you for months and I don't remember you commenting on any problems ─ he says thoughtfully, sitting down in front of me. ─ I received a message from her informing me that her son woke up sick in the morning, so she was going to take him to the emergency room and wouldn't be able to come to work. If only I had been warned in advance..

Chapter 1 Do you swear

don't care, João. She should have at least answered my damn calls. She's a fucking executive secretary, she should be prepared for every situation. If we lose this contract, I swear I will be able to lose my first offender. ─ You're being an idiot, Henry. Larissa has always been an excellent secretary, I bet it's not just you who must be feeling frustrated, she has to worry about her job and her son who is sick. Don't be a son of a bitch! I don't intend to pay to see it, I will ask HR to dismiss you, we will cover all our obligations, but I urgently need a new secretary. ─ Let's drink.

─ I get up in a hurry, I need alcohol or I'm going to take it out on the first person who appears in front of me. ─ Have you gone crazy? It's still ten in the morning, Henry. ─ If you don't want to accompany me, I'll go alone. ─ Damn, you are very stubborn. I'd better go with you, the way you're angry, you'll be able to pick a fight with everyone and tomorrow you'll have your face plastered all over the city's newspapers. I don't care, it won't be the first nor the last time I'll appear on the pages of the newspaper. I'm not the type of person who is easy to deal with and I don't care about my position, if something displeases me, I make it obvious. We leave my office and some employees greet us, I respond with a nod, heading to the parking lot. My cell phone rings and my sister's name appears on the display, it was just what was needed to make my day more fucked up. ─ Keep it brief, Luz. ─ Mom wants you to come have dinner with us tonight. ─ I'm not in the mood. It was just that? ─ I ask, getting into the car, João will follow me on his motorbike. ─ When are you going to stop acting like a grumpy teenager? Do you know how many times you refused an invitation from our mother? ─ I hear your irritated voice. ─ Stop acting like an idiot and come or I will pick you up at your house. ─ Luz, today is a bad day for you to fill my fucking patience. I had to postpone an important meeting, I don't know if we'll get this contract and my secretary let me down. So do me a favor and keep quiet. I end the call, impatient. I know I owe my mother a visit, but today, of all days, is a bad time, because I know that when I start saying that I need a wife and all the silly demands, I will release some response that will definitely hurt her. I get sex when I feel like it, so why lock myself into a relationship? CHAPTER 1 You know that day when we want to throw the alarm clock at the wall? That's my wish, but then I remember that I can't break my beloved and only cell phone. This routine is killing me, I urgently need to find a school closer, without being able to wake up at five in the morning every day. I force myself to get out of bed, go into the bathroom and take a cold shower, perfect for waking me up completely. I opt for a knee-length dress and throw a jacket in my bag, you never know when the weather might get cold. I prepare Carina's backpack, putting in some extra clothes, since my ex is going to spend the weekend with her. I have custody of our daughter, but he stays with her on the weekends. Even though he was a terrible boyfriend, I can't say the same about his father figure, at least for that he was good. I drink a good cup of coffee, I don't have time to get sick. With the clock showing six in the morning and with a heavy heart, I walk to my little one's room. ─ It's time to wake up, darling. ─ I leave kisses all over her face. ─ Come on, daughter, you don’t want to be late to see Aunt Débora, do you? He mumbles something incomprehensible, turning to the other side. This girl doesn't deny that she is my daughter, if she could, she would spend the whole day sleeping, because she is only five years old. ─ Come on, daughter, mommy can’t be late for work. Before we moved, I had a steady job, but I thought it would be better to look for new opportunities and that included a new job. After almost a month working as an executive secretary, I will finally meet the all-powerful Henry Bueno, one of the biggest hotel entrepreneurs in the city. We haven't met yet, all stages of the selection process were carried out by the company's HR. The man is always traveling on business and we only spoke via email and phone. It was actually good, with a man as handsome as him, the risk of not being able to concentrate on my duties would be enormous, especially because I'm not blind and I know how to appreciate what is beautiful. ─ Mom, I want to stay at home. ─ Place a pillow over your face. ─ Daughter, you know that if it were another day I would even let you, but I have to work, little one. ─ I mess up your blonde hair like mine. ─ I'm sleepy ─ he mumbles again, refusing to get up. ─ I am too, but that doesn't mean we can give up our responsibilities. ─ I kiss your forehead affectionately. ─ Go to the bathroom quickly, we can’t be late. Even though she was upset, she got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. Today you didn't need me to call your favorite princess to tell her that she didn't like taking baths, that's already a big step forward. I watch her take her shower. Ever since she was four years old, she wanted to bathe alone, I've been watching from afar in case anything happens. Ready for school, we went downstairs for breakfast. I check my agenda for the day, I can't miss anything, otherwise I'll mess up Mr. Henry's schedule and I shouldn't make mistakes. Almost an hour later, I park the car in front of the school. ─ Have a good day, daughter. Once you're with your father, ask him to send me a message, please. ─ I give him a kiss on the cheek. ─ You can leave it, mother. I love you - she says, as soon as I take her out of her seat, entering the school. I have half an hour to get to the office, I hope the blessed traffic cooperates with me. As it couldn't be any different, I got into a huge traffic jam, arriving twenty minutes late. God, is today one of those unlucky days? ─ You're late, Vitória ─ Carmen, one of the secretaries says. ─ Do you swear? I thought she was early. ─ I roll my eyes in a completely childish but necessary attitude. ─ What animal bit you today? ─ I woke up at five in the morning, it took me a while to wake up my daughter, I was in a miserable traffic jam and I still forgot my damn cell phone at home. Is it good for you? I throw my bag on my desk, turning on the computer. ─ The person who spoke is no longer here. ─ Raise your hands in a false sign of surrender. ─ I heard that Mr Henry will arrive in the afternoon, apparently his flight was delayed. ─ Good news at least. ─ I'm going to work. Unlike your boss, mine arrives at any moment and will definitely fill me with work. He blows a kiss in the air, leaving my sight. Carmen is João's secretary, one of the group's directors. He is a sweet person. Slutty

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