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My Alpha mate is the enemy's son

My Alpha mate is the enemy's son



All Kirah ever wanted was to be a worthy Luna to her Alpha mate Ezrah and to do that, she must win a fight against the enemy and Kirah was fully prepared for the fight but in the end she lost and was badly injured and almost killed but was saved by Anhur, her enemy.

Chapter 1 Royal Luna


Today was the day I've been waiting all my life. The day I would finally prove myself worthy of becoming his Luna and just any Luna, but a royal Luna.

Been the only daughter and child of my parents and also the only Princess came with really great responsibility which is why since the day I learnt how to walk, use a fork, hold a conversation, my training began and so far so well all that training paid off and I was strongest wolf in the pack and also the best sword warrior in almost all packs.

My pack, The Royal blue pack was a royal one, we were Royalty and one of the most powerful packs in history, we had the best fighters and had a very low track of loss during fights.

We also came back victorious almost all the battles we've in which is how we got into the line of packs that were termed powerful.

My father, the king is a really strong Alpha and my mother also, a strong Luna and they've both won numerous battles and I can't be any different. My mother was also a Princess just like me before she got married to my father.

They were fated mates. My mother also went through the same training process like when she was my age and fought and won a battle before getting married to my father to prove she was worthy of being his Luna and she really was, my mother is the strongest person I know, she was my inspiration which is why I trained hard so I won't be any different when my time comes.

And finally that time is here.

I turned eighteen about two months ago, and I found my mate the same night of my birthday, Alpha Ezrah. I haven't really met Ezrah that much but I've seen him a couple of times but haven't really spoken to him because that was against the rules.

I wasn't allowed to have any kind of interaction with my mate Ezrah till after I won my fight and after that I would get married to him and become his royal Luna and then finally start my life.

I couldn't lose my fight, that wasn't even an option for me, I had to win cause if I didn't then it was a disgrace to my pack, a disgrace to my parents and my mate will reject cause I wasn't worth enough so i can't lose.

I wasn't really scared to go to this fight because I fought in battles side by side with my father and the other generals and I had the most kills among them so I had faith in myself but this fight was different because I would be leading it unlike the other fight where my father lead or the generals but it wasn't that much different, I just have to keep my focus and goal in my head throughout and avoid distractions cause that was the first step to failure so I have to avoid it at all cost and come back home victorious.

Recently, there has been an attack on our pack and the attacks were from the Royal crow pack, another royalty pack just like ours and we were in the same rank when it comes to who's most powerful. I barely know anything about the pack but from the information received, I learnt that the attack was led by one of the sons of the Alpha and we've sent word for him to stop his attack or we will retaliate and we won't take it easy on them but he ignored us and our warning so we have no choice than to fight back and I was to lead this fight.

About twenty servants stood beside me getting me ready for the fight. My long white hair that was in a long braids was loosen and straighten out my waist which was the length of my hair.

I had really long hair and my hair was special, it had powers of it's own. Not many people were born with this power but the few born were all dead and I was the first in generation to receive such powers.

Whenever my hair was straightened out, I was very strong, both I and my wolf were unbelievably strong which is why i always let my hair down whenever we go out for war and today we needed that power more than anything.

The servants finished with my hair and then went on to my outfit.

They put in a plain white gown that stopped at my knee and a sliver belt on my waist with long white sandals and did a little touch of makeup on my face, just something light.

I stood up from my chair and walked to the huge mirror on the wall to have a look at myself.

"The prettiest Princess to ever live" I turned back when I heard someone compliment me and I smiled when I saw that it was my mother.

"Mother" I bowed before her to show my respect

"Are you ready for your big day?" She asked while I was adjusting my hair.

"Yes mother I am. I've been preparing for this day for so long but I'm a little bit nervous, is that ok?"

"Yes, it is. But don't worry about anything I know you'll do just fine and return home victorious so just take a deep breath and do what you have to do out there"

"Yeah. Thanks mother"

"You're welcome and I know you aren't done admiring yourself but you need to leave now, the enemies are already attacking"

"Let's go I'm ready" the time to prove myself worthy is here.

"Wait" my mother stopped me, putting her hand inside her pocket and brought out a small box which she handed to me afterwards "here"

"What is this mother?" I collected the and examined it

"Open it"

I opened the box and found a long pointed object laying inside.

"That's a weapon, Kirah. It may small but it's very deadly. My mother gave it to me when I went for my own war as a backup plan incase my wolf was badly injured"

"Did you use it?" I asked her as I examined the weapon itself this time.

"Does it look like it has been used?"


"I didn't use it, my wolf was strong enough but I want you to have it and not because I don't think your wolf isn't strong enough, she is, you both are but I want to just have it incase ok?"

"Thanks" I placed the weapon in a small pocket on my belt

"You should go, your father would like to have a word with you before you leave"

"Yes" I gave her a little bow before leaving to go see my father first.


"Ten thousand of the best and strongest wolf warriors are going with you, don't disappoint me" my father said

I never really had a fatherly daughter relationship with my father growing up and I only shared that kind of relationship with my mother but I never complained or saw any bad in the way he treated me.

He was the alpha, he had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders so I believed the way he was treating me was also part of his responsibility as an alpha but not a father.

My father had always focused on my future, to become a great Luna just like my mom, he was in all my training sessions, took me with him during fights just to prepare me for my own battle and now today is the day to prove myself worthy and also show all his training didn't go in vain.

"I won't disappoint you father" i kneeled

"I didn't train you to disappoint, just remember everything I thought you and there won't be any cause for disappointment"

"Yes Father"

"Leave now" he ordered and I immediately stood to my feet and went out but I was yanked into a corner by someone before i could get through the door.

"Hey there" the person greeted and I immediately recognized the voice. I've only heard it a few times but I knew exactly who the person was


"Just wanted to wish my future Luna good luck before she leaves for her fight"

"Thanks" I smiled

I don't know why but I didn't really feel any connection towards Ezrah even my wolf stayed silent when he was around even when I found out he's my mate, she didn't feel excited but I didn't think too much about it because my mother also told me she felt that way towards my father but now look at them, they've grown to love everything about eachother and I know I and Ezrah won't be any different, i just have to win today and then we'll be together and grow to love eachother like my parents.

"You look beautiful" he complimented me.

"I have to go now, the warriors are already waiting and my father won't be too pleased if he finds out I haven't left yet"

"Yes but be careful and do your best. I prepared something for you to celebrate your victory but until you're back I'll show it to you"

"Then I better hurry up"

He took my hands in his and kissed it "good luck Kirah"

I smiled before leaving.

The warriors were already lined up outside the pack's territory and I went out to meet them.

I stood in the front ready to lead them.

I looked up to see my parents standing up looking down at me. My mother was smiling at me while my father just stood there staring at me. I smiled at them before turning back to the warriors.

"Let's go" I commanded fully ready to devour each and every one of our enemies. My wolf was also ready, she was born ready for this day so I let her take control immediately.

My eyes flickered from my natural eye colour blue to red.

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