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aurora langit malam


Farah Maharani is a village girl who is forced to accept an offer by a businessman. The twenty-five-year-old girl was willing to rent out her womb for Kairo juang. The wife named salsa could not have children. Salsa was fed up with all the people talking about her being barren. So she was forced to let her husband marry another woman. At first everything went well. Until one day the catastrophe came.

Chapter 1 ONE

"I'm tired mas! I have to listen to what your mom says!"

"You take it for granted. You don't have to listen,"

"But mas, I'm already really annoyed. For years I've been julitin by your mom. Does it feel good?"

Salsa snorted as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Maybe I should let you marry another woman. But after she has a child. You divorce her. The baby will be yours to keep."

Kairo coughed as he sipped his coffee. His heart was shocked to hear the words from Salsa's mouth.

"Be careful mas. The sheets are dirty," Salsa said with annoyance while taking the cup that was in Cairo's hand. She put the cup on the small table.

"Wait! Didn't you say something wrong? I married another woman. Then I divorced her," Cairo said in surprise.

"What we need is a child! I don't want to keep getting insulted by your mom. Even the neighbors! I don't want to. I'm tired!"

"Alright, alright. Let's sleep first. You must be really tired, right? We'll talk about that tomorrow," Cairo said patiently. He stroked his wife's long hair.

A few days later on a quiet street.

"Where should we go, Mom? Oh my God, they have the heart to evict us."

"We'll try to find another rent. Insha Allah, tonight we can sleep on a soft mattress," Salamah said weakly.

"Oh my God mom, what's wrong mom? Mom?" Farah, a twenty-five-year-old girl, kept trying to wake up her mother who was now unconscious on the street.

"Oh my God, it's already late at night. Who can I ask for help?" asked Farah in confusion while looking at the deserted street.

"Help! Help!" she shouted loudly several times. But there was not a single person or vehicle on the road.

"Oh God, what's going on?" Farah cried sadly. She was very confused.

"Mom, wake up mom," Farah patted her mother's cheek. She hoped her mother would open her eyes. But it seemed her mother was too weak to wake up.

Farah saw a light up ahead. The headlights of a car were clearly visible. As quickly as possible, Farah stopped the car. In fact, she almost got hit.

"What a brainless person!" Cairo opened his car quickly. looking at the girl in front of him. seeing the tears on the girl's cheeks made Cairo feel sorry.

"I'm sorry sir! Help my mother sir, please. you're the only one who can help me sir," Farah begged hopefully.

"What happened to your mother?" asked Cairo while looking at the woman lying on the road.

"The two of us were evicted from our rent because we couldn't pay the rent sir. our mother is sick. we walked to find a rent but our mother fainted now sir. help me sir. please sir..."

"Hurry up and get your mom to the car." Kairo said firmly.

"But sir I can't sir," Farah looked confused.

Cairo with all his might carried the fainted woman quickly.

"So we're going to the hospital."

"Yes, but sir I don't have any money. Please sir, let me borrow some money first. I'll pay you later," said Farah pleading for the second time.

"It's okay if you don't have to pay. I'm sorry I can only take you to the hospital and pay the hospital fees. After that I have to go home," Cairo said firmly.

"Yes, sir. Thank you very much sir," said Farah with a big smile. She was very grateful to be able to get help from Allah.

Arriving at the hospital. Salamah was immediately taken to the room. Cairo immediately gave the money to Farah.

"This is money for the hospital fees. Is this enough?"

"God willing, it's enough sir, thank you very much sir, I promise I'll replace it,"

"It's okay if I don't have to pay. I'll go first," said Cairo in a hurry. Because it was already late at night. He wanted to immediately lay down in the room.

"Oh my God, that man is really kind. Hopefully his kindness will be rewarded by Allah. His wife must be really happy to have a husband like that. Already handsome and kind again. Eh, astaghfirullah why am I so rich like this!" Farah tapped her forehead hard.

Farah is now waiting for the doctor to come out of the room. She hoped her mother would be okay.

"How is my mother?" asked Farah seriously.

"Sorry, your mother must be hospitalized immediately," said the doctor firmly.

Salamah had to be hospitalized. Because her condition was so weak. The doctor also had to take Salamah's blood for tests.

"Ya Allah, your mother must be hospitalized. This money is not enough. Where else am I going to find the money?" Farah said to herself in confusion.

"Did you know that your mother has blood cancer?" Asked the doctor seriously.

"Yes sir, I know sir. Indeed, my mother has also had chemotherapy. But it stopped halfway. Because the cost is not enough sir," said Farah sadly.

"Well, then as much as possible you have to do chemotherapy again. Because if it's not done, it will be fatal."

"Yes doc, I will try,"

"The hospital can help pay for your mother's expenses. But that's not enough. You also have to make an effort Farah,"

"Yes sir, I will find additional funds for my mother. I want my mother to make a full recovery sir," said Farah with a glassy face.


"So what do you think? Did you agree with what I said at that time?"

"Which one?" Kairo was busy working on his laptop.

"You focus on me. I want to talk seriously with you," said Salsa while closing the black object in front of her husband.

"Okay okay, what do you want to talk about honey?" asked Cairo while stroking his wife's cheek intimately.

"I'm serious mas, I'm serious about you mas. I have to marry you off to another woman. So that we can have children,"

"Geez, why do you insist on discussing that again," said Cairo with annoyance.

"Dinda is my friend. She has a girl friend who needs money. I'm sure she'll want to marry you. She's a village girl. I'm sure she can keep a secret and she must be a good person," said Salsa confidently.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, you don't need to be silly ah," Kairo with a crumpled face just left the room.

"Mas, mas, wait mas!" salsa called loudly.

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