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Transmigrated to a World Where S*x is Considered Boring

Transmigrated to a World Where S*x is Considered Boring



Nox, bound to the Omnidrive system, transmigrates to a world where sex and physical intimacy are frowned upon. His mission? To help the women of this world reconnect with their desires and discover the joy of intimacy. As for how he'll achieve it? *cough* *cough* Of course, by using his charisma and by showering them with love. ---------- DISCLAIMER: English isn't my native language, there's bound to be some errors here and there. NOTE: This story is purely fictional, And as it's my first time writing, So I can't promise high quality content but I would try to improve quality over time, Please be patient. Its a degenerate piece of work that I have written to explore all kind of kink. (No Yuri or NTR) Release Schedule: 5 chapters or more weekly What to expect: Harem(✔) lemons(✔✔✔✔✔✔) Decent Plot (✔) Slice of life(✔) Yuri(〤) NTR(〤)

Chapter 1 Transmigration

"Are you Nox?" An abrupt female voice pierced through Nox's blissful sleep, waking him up from slumber.

Nox groaned, And thought to himself, "Who's calling me?"

"Ugh! Damn it... My head feels like it's being split open!"

He slowly recalled the office party from last night. He had indulged in a bit too much alcohol during the celebration and had obviously blacked out at some point. The last memory he could dredge up was losing his balance and collapsing to the ground in a drunken stupor.... What happened after that?

The voice continued, cutting through his thoughts. "I tried reaching you through the intercom, but you weren't responding," she said briskly, her tone devoid of emotion. " So I took it upon myself to bypass your door's laughably outdated security protocols."

"By the way! I am Lyra Winterbourne," the voice declared. "I am here for Virginity Clearance. Elysium recommended you to me."

There was a pause, then Lyra bluntly added, "On another note, do you require neutering service? I can do it for free. Although I am still an intern, I am confident in my surgical abilities."

"Then shall we proceed with the clearance?" There was a hint of impatience in voice as Lyra Continued. "I have a cybernetics lecture to attend promptly after this, so let's be quick."

Virginity Clearance? Elysium? Neutering service? Cybernetics Lecture?

As he tried to refresh his memories he heard the person's voice once again Making him confused. Although the voice appeared cold without warmth or emotions, he struggled to process the information along with it.

He could catch the gist of the individual words well enough. But strung together in sentences? It was like his brain short-circuited.

Nox forced his bleary eyes open, immediately regretting it as harsh light flooded in. A blurred figure stood hunched over nearby. Blinking rapidly to clear his vision, the figure sharpened into focus - a woman standing not far from him.

Her jet black hair was pulled back in a slick, tight ponytail that coiled neatly at the nape of her neck. A few rebellious strands had escaped, framing her face, but the rest was tucked neatly behind her ears. The polished ponytail contrasted against her smooth pale skin and delicate facial features – high cheekbones, an aquiline nose, and a defined jawline.

Under the harsh clinical lights, her slick black hair absorbed the white glare but it was her eyes that drew Nox in the most - they were an icy, piercing shade of blue-gray that glinted like emerald stone under the clinical white lights.

And right now she was... Removing her clothes?

'Oh crap!'

Yes, The woman, who had introduced herself as Lyra, was currently disrobing.

She was wearing a sleek, form-fitting sheath dress in a dark neutral shade of charcoal that hugged her slender curves. Over it was a sleek tailored jacket in the same dark neutral tone.

The woman expressionlessly reached up to slide the jacket off her shoulders, letting it fall to a heap on the floor. Fingers trailing down her side, she took hold of the metal zip that ran down the front of her sleek charcoal dress. And slowly, she dragged it down, With each inch, more smooth pale skin was exposed.

Nox's gaze inadvertently drifted down as the zip parted to reveal the black lace edge of her bra cupping full breasts.

"What in God's name are you doing?" Nox croaked, hastily averting his eyes as a deep flush spread across his face. He fumbled to grab something to shield his vision, While trying to make sense of the bizarre situation.

Last night he passed out due to excessive drinking and just after waking up a woman stood before him saying some incomprehensible things and then started stripping down.

This had to be some kind of set up or scam. As a veteran businessman, Nox was no stranger to blackmail schemes meant to manufacture scandal – including covertly filming comprised footage for extortion.

"Miss, stop. I think you've got the wrong person. I need to leave, so please let me go." Nox tried to sound calm, but his voice wavered slightly. Keeping his eyes covered was the safest bet; get out, then call for help.

He attempted to stand, but his legs gave out instantly as weakness overwhelmed him.

'Am I drugged?'

Feeling powerless, Nox's heart sank to the bottom. He felt the situation had taken a turn for the worst possible scenario.

Lyra merely said impatiently. "I was informed you were a scholar at Orbital University. Yet clearly that is not the case, as you fail to grasp the meaning of a simple sentence. Like I said, I am here for Virginity Clearance, You were recommended to me by Elysium."

Her matter-of-fact words echoed with the soft rustle of more clothing shed.

"Now do please disrobe so we may start with Clearance?"

Hurry? Hurry to do what exactly?

Strip poker? Skinny dipping? A nude marathon?

And don't know why hearing her emotionless reply, Nox felt a surge of anger as he felt like he was treated like an object. Does she think I am some kind of drive-thru where you can order and be done in a flash? I am not so cheap.'

As Nox frustration and confusion peaked, he felt a surge of dizziness wash over him, accompanied by a series of unfamiliar symbols and texts that began to materialize in his vision.

"What...what is this?" Nox muttered, blinking hard. The mysterious script was giving him a headache as it continued to bloom across his sight.

[Host Detected....]

[...Connection Established...]

[Neural pathways synchronized]

[Core Protocols Activated]

[Synaptic resonance achieved]

[System assimilation complete....]

With this message, Nox felt a surge of warmth coursing through his veins, starting from leg and finally reaching head. Accompanied it was a sharp pain slicing through his consciousness like a jagged knife. As unfamiliar memories flooded in his mind, a chaotic jumble of images and sensations swirling before his eyes.

Don't know how long it took but Nox's jumbled mind started to calm down as he saw another message appearing in front of him.

[Welcome, Host! Congratulations on Binding with Omnidrive system.]

After going through unfamiliar memories in his mind, And while looking at the new message, Nox grew even more bewildered.

"Nox Everhart?... That's not my name..."

"... And what's with these seemingly familiar and unfamiliar memories..."

"Humans... enhancements... Gene technology? And what's an Omnidrive system? Did I...transmigrate? Like in those webnovels?"

Nox's mind reeled at the revelation that he had transmigrated. Disbelief washed over him, followed by a wave of confusion as he struggled to comprehend the newfound reality.

[Yes, Host! You have been transmigrated to a different world.]

The text flickered ominously before Nox's eyes. "So I have a system now?" he muttered. "Does that mean...I died? Who the hell killed me?"

[Insufficient Authority for information]

Rage boiled up in Nox. Useless, cryptic messages were the last thing he needed right now. He opened his mouth to curse the unhelpful system, but a delicate fragrance gave him pause.

Nox's eyes fluttered open. To his surprise, he found himself staring right at Lyra - the woman who had been so impatient to "get naked" earlier. In his confusion over the strange system messages, he had almost forgotten about her.

Right now she stood in front of him, Her sleek figure, now wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe. Her hair was tucked into a towel turban, a few loose dark strands framing her flushed face. Wisps of steam emanated from her skin, which glowed pink from the heat of her recent bath. Beads of moisture still clung to her graceful neck and collarbones. The crisp, clinical scent of soap mingled with the heady fragrance of bath oils.

Lyra tilted her head slightly, her blue gray eyes looking at Nox with expressionless face, even though her cheeks retained a hint of pink from the heat of her bath.

"Oh, I just remembered a while ago- I didn't really get a chance to freshen up properly before heading over here. And that shuttle ride left me feeling kinda gross and sweaty too."

She delicately wrinkled her nose to demonstrate her distaste for the sweat.

"And yes, Although I consider intercourse a waste of time and pointless but mother said it's an important event for both male or female, So it shouldn't be taken lightly."

"Therefore I went ahead and used your shower. I trust you find this acceptable despite the unscheduled nature of my usage."

"And can we hurry up? I have a lecture to attend after this." She tilted her head, and Urged Nox once again.

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