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Marked by the wrong Alpha

Marked by the wrong Alpha

Lurina Obed


TITLE: MARKED BY THE WRONG ALPHA GENRE: ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE TROUPE: WEREWOLF In the heart of Wolverine city, Ethana's world flourished amidst a mesmerising pack of wolves. Within the boundaries of this mystical realm, she found solace under the enigmatic guidance of her beloved Granny. Bound by a tapestry of an enigmatic past and plagued by the weight of unanswered questions, Ethana embarks on a transformative journey to unveil the truth behind her very existence. In this spellbinding quest for self-discovery, Ethana would come face to face with the profound mysteries of her lineage, forging her own path amidst the whispers of destiny. The tapestry of her journey would be woven with threads of courage, resilience, and an unyielding spirit, as she unravels the secrets that lay dormant within her soul. Ethana finds herself in a captivating web of emotions, Caught between her blossoming feelings for Lucian, her close friendship with Francis, and her burning desire to uncover the truth about her origins, she's faced with a challenging predicament. Lucian, a seemingly kind and gentle person, holds a mysterious past as the nephew of Ethana's nemesis. The veil of secrecy surrounding him only deepens the intrigue. As Ethana delves further into the unknown, her bond with Lucian grows stronger. But with her own identity still shrouded in mystery, can she truly trust him with her heart? The uncertainty surrounding their relationship adds a thrilling twist to their love story. Every interaction, every stolen glance, is laced with anticipation and the question of whether their connection is genuine or a part of a larger scheme. The stakes are high, and Ethana must navigate the treacherous path of love, secrets, and loyalty. Will she be able to unravel the truth about Lucian's past and find solace in their connection? Or will the weight of her own identity hinder her ability to trust? As rumours of Ethana's true identity surfaces, the air is filled with anticipation and intrigue. Ethana can't help but feel that there's more to her story than she knows. Fueled by curiosity and a burning desire for the truth, she sets off on a journey that will unravel the secrets of her past. With each step, Ethana uncovers fragments of a hidden world, unknown identity, shrouded in love, secrets, and lies. The weight of her destiny hangs in the balance as she grapples with the choice to accept her rightful place as a ruler or succumb to the allure of love. The path ahead is treacherous, but Ethana's determination and resilience guide her through the twists and turns of her extraordinary journey. In her quest for the truth, Ethana discovers not only the power within herself but also the sacrifices she must make along the way, and her purpose in life. Will she find the strength to embrace her destiny and fulfil her true potential? Or will the web of love and deception entangle her, threatening to unravel everything she holds dear? Prepare to be enchanted as you join Ethana on this extraordinary odyssey, where the boundaries of reality blur and the power of self-discovery reigns supreme. Embrace the magic and immerse yourself in a world where the past and present intertwine, and the true essence of Ethana's existence awaits to be unveiled.



Long ago, In the land of Luno, the birthplace of all wolves, there lived two brothers who lived in peace and harmony. The older brother’s fur was as dark as the night's sky, his eyes red as crimson, while the younger one was as white as snow, his fur was as clear and beautiful as his soul, and his eyes were as attractive as ocean-blue. He was liked by all, even the Alpha (their father).

Though they looked nothing alike, they were as close as brothers could be. They were inseparable, always by each other's side. But one day, their bond was put to the ultimate test.

They had gone out into the woods to hunt for food for their pack. They were deep in the forest, far from home.

They went out into the woods one day to hunt for game for the entire pack, since this was the custom as at that time. They were far from home, and deep in the jungle.

As the hunt was being carried out by the rest of the hunt crew and royal guards. The white wolf wandered off into the woods to see what he could find in there;

From afar, he spotted a black cave-like entrance, out of curiosity, he went in to discover the unknown. Thanks to his sharp eye sight, he was able to see clearly.

Not too long after he entered the cave, he found a greenish slimy object, as he stretched his hand to grab it, his body absorbed the substance, immediately he began to feel abnormal.

After a few minutes, after he touched the slimy substance, there was no physical evidence on his body, but he knew that something was not right with him.

By the time he returned to the location the hunt crew had camped, they were already anxiously waiting for him.

“My prince you know better than to wander off without a guard or two, especially in the woods” one of the guards who seemed to be family with the white prince.

“I'm sorry, I saw something in the wood, it entered into my body” the white wolf said anxious and out of fear.

“Let's get you home first”, the guard responded, out of concern.

“I'll report to father about your behaviour today” the black wolf said in annoyance.

The white wolf was too distracted and aloof as his brother reprimanded him for his actions.

Immediately they arrived home,the black wolf went off to his father's chambers to report all that had occurred during the hunt.

“Father, my brother whom you had put me in charge of during the hunt, wandered off into the woods leaving the camp grounds, thereby endangering himself and the rest of the crew.

“If that is all, you may leave" a sigh escaped from his mouth "on your way out inform your brother that I request his presence”, the Alpha told him.

Jealousy was not far away from the black wolf’s heart, all he ever wanted was to be cherished and loved by his father, but for some reason, his father loved the white wolf more than he loved him.

Not too long after the black wolf went out, his brother walked in, his head low in humility.

“Why did you wander off from the crew?” his father asked, not with anger, but with concern in his voice.

“I'm so sorry, I saw a cave-like entrance from a distance, when I walked towards it, it was dark in there, but there was something outstanding even in the darkness of the cave, there were greenish slimy substances, when I touched it…”

“You touched it?” The Alpha exclaimed.

“Yes, I was so curious about it, that I touched it, when I did, I had this feeling that I can't describe" he used his hands to describe his experience as he spoke on.

“Take off your clothing” the Alpha commanded, when he did, the Alpha examined him thoroughly, making sure not to miss any hint, spot or a clue as to what was wrong with his son.

As he did, the Alpha couldn't believe his eyes.

The white wolf’s physical appearance had changed, whatever the substance was, it definitely had an effect on him.

His eyes had changed from light ocean-blue colour to a deep blue, which was very unusual, and unlike how they previously were, his eyes now looked more fierce as though there was a blue flame in them about to surface.

His barely developed biceps and shoulders, and even the entire body was different, they looked more masculine, and attractive which was unusual.

“You may leave!

go to the herbalist for her to examine you thoroughly, report back to me once she's done” the Alpha said to him.

While they were both having a father and son moment, the jealousy which had been ignited in the heart of the white wolf only grew worse…

Few minutes after the white wolf was done talking to his father.

He went to the herbalist's shrine for her to examine him, as was the instructions of his father the Alpha.

As he walked on the smooth shiny path towards her shine, strangely, he was able to hear the thoughts of people that walked past him, the sounds of their voices, was like an echo in his ears.

All he could do was close his ears with his palm, but to no avail. These voices he heard was a psychic ability which had to do with his mind connecting with people around, thereby giving him access to their thoughts….

“Stop!” He shouted, drawing the attention of the royal guards.

“Pls just make it stop” he continued to shout, tears streaming down his cheeks as he bent down and shrinked himself like a cold kitten.

“It hurts” he continued to scream…

Nobody had a clue as to what was going on, neither did they know how to make the pain stop, they just looked at each other in curiosity.

“Let's take him to the herbalist” one of the guards said “before people start thinking that the prince has gone insane…”

When they arrived at the herbalist’s shrine, since it was some sort of an emergency, and it involved a royal, other customers had to wait outside the hut, at the reception room, while the white wolf and one royal guard went in.

The old lady who was known to have her way with medicine did what she knew best to put him at rest.

While he was calm, she asked the guard to join others outside so that she could do her job effectively.

Shutting the wooden door behind him, the old lady began to examine him.

She started with his eyes, his body, then his feet, she even opened his mouth with a metal spoon to see if changes had happened to his teeth too…

The royals regularly came by for check up, so she was able to differentiate his physical appearance now, from his physical appearance from the previous weeks.

While he rested, she began to take medicine. She was not sure if his condition was temporary or permanent, nor could she tell the main cause of his high temperature…

But since it was her responsibility to find out the cause, she had to do something, anything to help the prince.

Days went by, and the white prince got better. He was able to go out on his own without assistance. But he preferred to stay within the four walls of his father's palace.

Rumours had already begun to spread about the insanity of the prince, the people didn't care if this rumour was true or not, all they cared about was the thrill of it .

Rarely did the black wolf swing by, but when he did, it was pretty obvious that he wanted to piss his brother off, so that he would reveal his powers.

But the white wolf began to have suspicions about the intentions of his brother's visit…

They rarely quarreled, but these days, all they did with their spare time was argue about irrelevant things…. courtesy to the black wolf's evil plan!.

On one faithful day, while the brothers were on the field practising their martial arts skills with each other, under the supervision of the royal guards.

The black wolf punched his brother in the face, knowing quite well how sensitive and protective the white wolf was about his looks, especially his face.

In an attempt to avoid being enraged, he drops his Martial art tools and begins to walk away…

Not wanting his brother to get off his hook so easily, he punched him again behind his head, he fell to the ground, causing him to temporarily loose consciousness…

when he regained consciousness, everything about him had changed, starting from his face, his wound from the early punch began to close up, his eyes were bright and they blazed like blue furnace.

Passersby had already stopped to watch what was going to happen next, they could not believe their eyes ... .this was the same, cute young, not too muscular and less dangerous looking wolf, but now, everything had changed…


Before anyone knew what was happening, the white wolf had already transformed into a gigantic white beast.

In defense, the black wolf followed suit, but he was no match for his brother rage.

The white wolf used his claws to tear his brother's body, leaving him half dead.

Fear gripped everyone who saw what had happened, the scene was so frightening that no one had the boldness to spread the word.

Few days after the matter had been taken to the council of Elders, a conclusion was that he would be banished from the pack.

He was banished from the pack, forced to leave his home and his family.

But he was not shaken. Instead, he resolved to start his own pack, one that would be a safe haven for those who were outcasts like himself, who had been cast aside by society.

He would create a new home, where everyone was welcome, no matter their background or history.

The white wolf set out into the forest. As he walked, he felt a sense of purpose and adventure.

And then he saw it - the very cave he saw during the hunt, since it was almost dark, he walked in to rest, cause he knew within himself that everything had changed the moment he first stepped in there, things would never be the same, but he had to make the unknown future something to hope for.

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