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The Trial Of Lies

The Trial Of Lies



“You were charged for the murder of your father, Mister Godfrey and your sister, Ashley, four years ago?” The judge questioned with his head buried in the document before him. “Hmm,” I nodded to the amusement of everyone. The judge, surprised, looked at me with contempt. “You don't look remorseful for what you did in the past, and neither do I think you're remorseful for your latest victim.” He commented, but I kept mute. It has been documented, pinned on me as guilty, no number of words can change that now. “You are charged with the murder of Miss Jamie Lugano, how do you plead, Miss Aerial?” The judge questioned, stealing glances at me. “I plead innocent, my lord.” My voice resonated sharply, and my eyes fell on Vincent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caught up in a web of fate and a chance to rewrite my destiny, I found myself in the same situation that led me to prison four years ago. But this time, with a man who chose to believe me against the world, I set to write the perfect life I have always dreamed of.

Chapter 1 A Stench Of Freedom

Aerial's standpoint.

I laid my back against the wall, it was late at night and dark, but I couldn't sleep a wink out of curiosity and anxiety.

Maybe staying here would be the better option for me. What if I decide to spend the rest of my life here?

As I looked up to the sky and my gaze landed on the moon, several thoughts ran through my mind.

“What does the outside world look like?”

“What does my mom look like now? She didn’t even bother to call or check on me once since I landed here.”

“Will she ever consider me to be her child again? Will dad and Ashley be able to forgive me? I could have protected them if I wasn't a coward.”

How I was going to be treated once I leave here tomorrow scares me, the look in their eyes when they see me return from a place like this. But that is nothing compared to the fear that gripped my heart whenever I thought about my dad and Ashley.

If only I could find the killer.

The room I shared with three other inmates was a small one with two beds placed on each other and a stair to access the upper one. The dim light in the room face the clock and my tired eyes landed on it. It was 2:45am.

The soft glow of the moon that penetrated the window warmed my heart for a reason I can't figure out, and I wished I could stare at it more.

Perhaps I feel safe with the darkness and the moon because of my dad. He was always there to guide me, and I remembered this time I feared going into the bathroom after watching a horror movie. He took me outside the house, and we laid on the green grasses in the garden.

“What are we doing here, dad?” The twelve year of me asked with my head tilted to him.

He looked at me with a smile that lit up his face and said to me.

“I just wanted to show you that there is nothing in darkness. We get scared because we create an imaginary world in our mind where we think darkness is evil.”

“But isn't darkness evil because it hides things from us?” I questioned calmly.

“What if the darkness was hiding things we shouldn't see? Isn't that something great?” He asked and I nodded in response.

I guess what he said was true, there are some things better not seen. Until now, the image of the killer has not left my head despite being in the dark, but it also made me question myself.

“What if I saw wrong? What if the darkness was wrong this time?”

“Hey, you!” The warder's deep voice reached my ears, shaking my out of my thoughts, and my eyes shifted to him.

“Why are you still awake? Go to sleep.” He commanded briskly and walked away.

I guess I've had enough for a day. All these will finally be put behind me tomorrow.

I laid down on my bed, tired from the day's work, I nodded off in no time.

The next morning came in no time, and I wasn't ready yet to give it a chance, though it came with a loud voice, screaming freedom.

I sat on the edge of the bed, the room was empty now and so was my mind. I had no idea if I was ready for this.

Four years ago, I never wanted to step my legs here, but now, I'm scared to step out.

“Aerial Kenric, please step out.” A voice called out.

I jumped to my feet and made my way out of the cell to the reception. On a day like this, my mom should be here to receive me, but she was the first to criticize me when it happened.

The cop on duty handed me my clothes and other belongings. I doubt if it would fit anymore, four year has passed already.

“Thanks,” I mumbled underneath my breath.

A lady who was also being released was welcomed with warm hugs from her parents. I could give anything to be her right now. I changed into my dress, though it reminded me of that worst day of my life.

It was on a Thursday, 5th of July 2019. How could I ever forget the date?

I was coming back from a school party, my elder sister had left me behind after we had a misunderstanding about her boyfriend in the toilet.

“I'm home, mom.” My voice resonated in the living room, but there was no response.

Rather, I heard clattering sounds and whispering coming from upstairs, so I decided to check. Though I was scared and almost exhausted.

“Ashley?” I called slowly, my voice dimmed by my quivering lips.

Yet, there was no response.

When I got to the room, it was dark and almost quiet except from the familiar voices I was hearing, which were whimpering.

“Ashley? Are you there? This isn't funny anymore, you're scaring me.” I said, panicked, but there came no response still.

I was about to switch on the lights when I heard movement behind me. A man dressed in a dark color of clothes and a face cap to conceal his face had his posterior turned to me and was running away.

I thought he might be a thief and wanted to chase after him when Ashley's voice reached my ears.

“Help.......” She said in a weak and faint voice.

I hurriedly switched the light on, and the scene my eyes met almost made me puke. My dad was lying beside Ashley with his stomach bleeding as a result of being stabbed with the same knife which was now stuck in Ashley's stomach too.

“Help.....” Her faint voice came again, she looked pale and weak.

I rushed to her and took out the knife.

“You will be fine,” I assured her, but in reality, I was only assuring myself.

Life without Ashley would be a total waste, how would I live without her?

I took off my jacket, placed it on her stomach and applied pressure on it, a painful grunt escaped her lips. My eyes darted to my dad.

“Dad? Are you there? Please, stay with me.” I pleaded, tears streaming down my cheeks.

The knife was still in my hand while I pressed on Ashley's wound when the cops burst in. A sigh of relief swept through my lips, they will both be saved.

“Hands up where I can see them.” The cop said aloud, pointing his gun at me.

I was confused, but that was the least of my worries.

“They need help, call an ambulance.” I pleaded in a teary voice as I rose to my feet.

“Drop the weapon. Hands where I can see them,” he repeated, taking a few steps closer to me.

I let the knife slip off my grip, he kicked it away, and my eyes fell on Ashley. Her eyes were widely opened, but I think something was wrong.

Without thinking twice, I fell back on my knees, about to check what was wrong, when I felt a sharp pain in my leg; I was shot.

“Ahhh….” I winched in pain, more tears rolling down my eyes as I looked at their corpses.

My dad and sister were snatched away from me by someone I couldn't see, and these cops think I killed them? How do I ever justify myself?

I stepped out of the prison gate and my eyes shut in appreciation for a moment while the gush of air hit my face.

“This is what it feels like? I almost forgot.”

A smile spread on my lips for the first time in four years but didn't last the next second as I recalled I had no home to go back to.

Not only does my mom hate me, she also disowned me after the Judge sentenced me to four years in prison.

“I hope you never make it out alive.” Her last words echoed in my ears.

I knew I had no place to go, so I began to roam around the streets, looking for a merger job to start with. Everything had changed and I could barely recognize the streets.

A smile spread on my lips when my eyes landed on a vacancy board in front of a restaurant. I walked in, the place was crowded with people who filled the place with noise.

“Are you looking for a seat, madam?” A lady's voice who approached me with a smile and a tray of meal in her hands cut through my thoughts.

My gaze shifted to her and I returned the warm smile. “No, madam. I'm here to apply for the vacancy in front of the restaurant.” I said, my voice firm and unwavering.

Her eyes scanned me and shot a glance at me before proceeding to a table with the tray. She walked back to me, wagging her hand.

“Follow me,” she said, and I hastily hurried behind her.

We walked into the kitchen when she gave me an apron.

“Take this and wash all those dishes. You have to be fast about it, we close early today.” She briskly uttered and turned to the chefs before I could ask her anything.

My eyes landed on the apron with a huff that spread my lips, I put it on and got to work. Perhaps, she would have time to bear me out later.

I kept washing the dishes as the waiters and waitresses brought them in, but I was soon tired because I hadn't eaten anything throughout the day. The lady who employed me, Mrs. Lashae, walked into the kitchen and dumped a pile of dishes in front of me.

I swiftly rinsed my hands and turned to her, she looked at me through the corner of her eyes.

“Is anything the matter?” She asked in a stern and clear voice.

“Not at all, madam. Just that I'm famished, and I was hoping I could get.......” My lips seized as she turned to me with a glare that marred her face.

Her brows were raised slightly at my effrontery, but I had no idea what I did or said wrong, so my gaze lowered to the floor.

“Get your pay or a plate of meal? Which of it was it going to be?” She snapped at me, but I kept my gaze fixed on the floor.

This wouldn't be my first time, so I can perfectly handle such situations.

However, she plucked up my chin with the tips of her finger and our eyes met.

“I just asked, which of it was it going to be?” She repeated and bore her teeth.

I gulped down hard, not sure of what to say, and just stared at her. After a few seconds more, she let go of me.

“Get back to work!” She ordered in a loud tone. “You'll get your pay at the end of today's work.” She added and turned to the others, her pointed finger darting around.

“Let me resound this as a warning to you all; none of you are allowed to taste any of the meals here, or it will be deducted handsomely from your pay.” She barked and walked out of the kitchen.

Murmurs and hisses filled the air, but I continued my job, it's only a matter of time before I get my pay.

After what seemed to be ages and beaten by the pangs of hunger, we were done with the day's work and Mrs. Lashae handed me a bill of $10.

“That is your pay.” She said and turned to the next person.

I shook my head as I looked at the note, I had no idea what to get or how to pass over the night.

“Mrs. Lashae, may I please have a word with you?” I found my voice to ask subconsciously after she paid all the workers.

She turned to me with her left brows raised at my remark.

“I was hoping you could let me pass the night here, I promise to take care of the shop.” My eyes and voice pleaded, but she burst out into a weird laughter.

“Allow a stranger pass the night in my shop after I gave you a job without knowing you?” A scoff surged through her lips.

My lips parted slightly, but I was voiceless, I had nothing to say, though there was a lot to be said. My eyes landed on the bill again, and I quietly exited the shop, walking down the street and looking for what to eat with the money.

After eating, I had no place to sleep, nobody would accommodate a stranger like me. I roamed around, looking for anywhere to spend the night, when I saw a company.

It was not just any company, it was a company I had been dreaming to working with before the incident. A smile beamed on my face for a reason I couldn't explain, it felt like I had found a safe place.

I took some cartons on the street, laid them down beside the company and my face lit up as if it was a comfy bed.

“This would do for the night, and I'll get to do what is necessary early in the morning.” I uttered affirmative and laid on the cartons.

After about two hours of sleep, I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps that approached me. As I opened my eyes, my eyes locked with a huge and handsome man, dressed in a suit. Though, I couldn't see his face clearly, my imagination was enough for me.

I thought maybe he was my prince, but my life isn't a movie or a book, if not, I would have made my life a bed of roses.

He stared at me, his piercing eyes sent waves of cold down my spine, and I slowly sat up. Before I could say anything, two security men approached us, and he turned to him, his posterior now facing at me.

“Drive this beggar out of the premises immediately.” His deep and warm voice echoed in the dark of night.

But his heart was cold to me. The two hefty men approached me briskly while he made his way to his car. They roughly dragged me out of the company, my eyes got a clear glimpse of his face as he drove past us.

The memories of that night came flashing.

“Why does his posterior and face look so familiar? Have we met before, my Prince?”

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