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His Rejected Luna

His Rejected Luna



As a rouge she-wolf, she decided to keep her identity hidden to protect her family. She, however, fell into the bet of a rich and spoiled Alpha who also happened to be her mate. “I reject you as my mate, Addison!” These were the words of Agatha. Addison could not afford to lose the bet and did everything possible to win her heart. With Adolf in the picture, things got more difficult for Agatha. But Addison offered her a juicy proposal to be his mate. Thinking it was all a game and contracted relationship, Agatha thought she would never fall in love with Addison. But what happens when she does? What could possibly go wrong when she finds out that Addison only wanted her first the bet and also has a fiancée?

Chapter 1 Death

Agatha's POV

Everywhere was scattered by this unknown people who attacked my pack. I wished everything would be as it was a few minutes ago, before these people invaded my Pack. My family (I, mom, dad, and my little brother) were still at the shop when they attacked. It was obvious they had a mission, and it was to wipe my family. Though, they were killing other wolves as well, but they aimed better at my family.

My mom, Alicia, took my brother and me into the job and was about to lock us in when my dad, Abner, stopped her.

“Run away from here. I know what they want, and they won't stop until they get it.” He said, trying to keep his voice firm while tears began to stream down Alicia's eyes.

“No, Abner. I can't leave you, we will fight together.”

Abner gripped Alicia's shoulder tightly, which was obviously hurting her; I've never seen my dad behave this way. He had always been a caring husband to my mom and a loving father to us.

“You think we can win them? Take the kids and run away. I'll buy you some time.” He roared and transformed into his dark blue wolf.

He looked at us for the last time and sprinted away. Alicia gripped my hand and Alden's, my brother. She ran as fast as she could, looking back to check if my dad was coming for us. She suddenly pulled to a halt when we heard my dad's loud scream, she fell to the ground, gripping her chest tight as if she were in pain.

“Your father wants you to protect his legacy!” She told us that was his last word through his mind link.

Alicia got up, and we continued running until we got to safety.........

I woke up, screaming and trembling; it was the same dream. I had been having the same dream since the incident. Even now, as a twenty two year old girl, I still feel scared by the dream.

My mom ran into the room when she head my scream.

“What's wrong, Agatha? Is it the dream again?” She sat beside me on the bed and asked in her usual calm voice.

I nodded.

She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back for a while, “It's going to be over soon.” She whispered into my ears.

“I have to prepare for school now.” I said and pulled out of the hug.

“Be fast about it. Breakfast would be ready in a bit.” She exited the room.

I got ready for school, it was my second week into the school. My mom had advised me to go to a wolf school, but I refused because I wanted to be a judge and find out those that killed my dad.

“Good morning, Agatha.” Alden greeted as I approached the table, and I responded with a smile.

After eating, I went to school, which was a throw stone away from my home. I would have made a couple of friends within a week, but I was careful because the school mustn't find out about my identity.

“Hey, new girl!” A boy who had been bullying me said, but I ignored him.

I headed for my seat, but he gripped me by the arm, I couldn't control it and slapped him across the face. His boys were about to beat me up when he stopped them.

“Let's go!” He said, and they left.

I let out a soft huff and walked to my seat.

“Hi, Agatha.” A girl waved at me and approached me.

My eyes fell on her name tag as she got closer, she's Amelia Asher.

“I saw your little trick just now!” She whispered in my ear with a giggle.

I froze!

"Was she going to report me to the school authorities?” I thought.

“Calm down.......” She looked at my tag to get my name. “Agatha, you don't have to worry. We are families.” She grinned and went back to her seat.

I didn't quite comprehend what she meant by we are families, but I hope she doesn't tell anyone.

At least, for the sake of family.

Time went by, and the school closed for the day. I left the class but noticed Amelia was tailing me. I made a sharp turn at her, which startled her.

“Oh my God!” She panted, holding her chest.

“Why are you following me?”

“I wanted us to talk about what happened in the morning.”

I took some steps closer to her with a strength look on my face; I was glad my habit of smiling always didn't betray me this time.

“I'm only going to say this once, so, listen. You didn't see anything this morning. Or you will have to experience such.” I said, but she chuckled.

“I'm sorry, it's not funny, but I find it hilarious.” She said and burst out in a weird laugh which got other students' eyes on us.

I rolled my eyes and continued my journey, but she continued to follow me. No matter how much I tried to drive her away, she stocked with me like a blood sucking parasite.

When I got to the door, I heard Alden crying out for help and this prompted me to sprint inside, totally forgetting about Amelia. I saw a man dressed in all black, he held a silver dagger and was about to stab him when I came in. He noticed my presence and ran off through the window.

I rushed to Alden and hugged him and shushed him.

“He killed her.” He stuttered amidst fear.

“Killed who?”

“Mom! He..... killed mom.” He said, and my hands on his body went loose.

Everything suddenly went blank, and I felt my world crashing under my feet. Before I could do anything, Amelia dropped her bag and sprinted after the killer.

“Oh! That was what she meant by “We are families.”

She is also a wolf. I would have wondered how she ended up in a human school, but the death of my mom shook me.

I ran to the room and there she was, lying lifeless on the ground, butchered severally. My dad's last words echoed in my head.

“Your father wants you to protect his legacy."

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