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powerful boss

powerful boss

mary leterman


They were in front of the lake, on a walk that Alice had insisted on taking. Anthony had arrived from the north a few weeks ago and since then Alice had monopolized his attention, as if it had been years since they had seen each other and not just since the family moved to the region, almost a year ago. Anthony still found the fate of the Crawford family unusual and unexpected. His father, Theodore, had never indicated that he would like to return to his origins, as a farmer in the south, he had a good career as a doctor in Philadelphia and with the dowry of his mother, heiress of a rich merchant in the city, they lived very well, they could until they are called rich. That was certainly how they were seen. Alice, her younger sister, had become engaged to the son of a banker, one of the best catches in town, and Anthony was also seen as a promising catch once he graduated from medical school. The Crawfords' eldest son believed his life would be in Philadelphia, following in his father's footsteps. He obviously knew that one day he would have to get married and have his own family, although he had never really been interested in the girls who surrounded him when he was at home, like Alice's flighty friends. This made his mother, Josephine, happy, as she always dreamed of Anthony joining his cousin Beatrice. A desire that Anthony had never taken seriously, even though he adored his cousin and they were good friends. But Anthony didn't want his wife to just be his friend. And much less that the woman he chose to spend the rest of his days with was an irritating maiden, albeit one with a huge dowry and a prominent family. He wanted it to be someone who filled his soul. Elliot laughed at this “romantic poet's desire”, as he said. For Elliot, women were a toy. In fact, I eat almost everything. Elliot was the black sheep of the family and had worried his parents from an early age. He had entered law school, but dropped out without graduating, fleeing to Europe with a woman of dubious reputation. He returned months later, without money and with gambling debts that his grandfather, who was already ill and staying at their house in Philadelphia, insisted on paying. Elliot was his grandfather's favorite, because he knew how to transform people into what people wanted with his charm. And his grandfather couldn't accept that Theodore didn't want to return to the south and take over the family's prosperous cotton farm. Theodore had very progressive ideas about the use of slave labor that horrified his grandfather, who was convinced that Elliot could be the one to follow in his footsteps. Of course Elliot didn't care about running a farm, but he liked to think he could make a lot of easy money from his grandfather. However, when his grandfather died, Theodore surprised the entire family by deciding to move south and do his father's bidding. He would take care of the farm, but in his own way

Chapter 1 beautiful! — Alice

his father, he did not agree with that archaic and inhumane way of doing business. — I know, but I can't waste what my father built. And it is your inheritance. — From Elliot, for sure. I don't want to live in the south. — You might change your mind, maybe live in Atlanta. Just like my father, who didn't object to my dreams, I wouldn't to yours, but Elliot doesn't have the slightest chance of inheriting those lands, he would lose everything at stake or sell it for a pittance, if the business didn't go bankrupt shortly.

time. — You're being too hard on Elliot, Dad. — You know I'm right. However, he spends his days playing games and getting into fights, not to mention the women! His mother fears that he will ruin the family by marrying a lost woman. Yes, this was mom's worst nightmare. So they agreed that when Anthony graduated, he would give the South a try, but that he could leave if he wished. The fate of the eldest son was not something that worried the parents. They trusted his judgment. Anthony was the good son and Elliot the rebel who refused to go south with his family, but months later he got into more trouble and, accused of sleeping with a married woman, had to flee Philadelphia and took refuge. in the farm. Furious, Theodore demanded that he take a course. Josephine wanted him to marry a good girl. — I heard about Lily Bennet — Alice commented excitedly. - Not this one! I haven't heard good things... — Josephine had objected. — It seems that she disdains all suitors, so much so that she is becoming ill-spoken. — The father is very rich — Alice had insisted. — I don't want to get married. Never! — Elliot refuted. —But you're right, Dad, I'm going to fix my life. Three months ago Elliot enlisted in the newly formed Confederate army, on the same day that Georgia seceded from the Union. The troops had been recruited exclusively from farmers' sons, but wealthy farmers were few in the county. To gather a complete troop it was necessary to recruit children of small farmers, forest hunters and poor whites. And like every recruit, Elliot was eager for war. He met with the troops twice a week to exercise and cheer for the start of the war. However, these exercises always ended in brothels and it was not uncommon for fights to start and end in confusion. Anthony thought it was all endless nonsense. It would be much easier if the southern masters agreed to give up their slaves and move forward with a new work model. His father was already doing this there on the farm, gradually freeing the slaves and paying them a salary for anyone who wanted to stay. — Do you really have to talk about this boring subject of war? — Alice sighed, sitting against a tree, as she stroked Anthony's hair, lying in her lap. — I hope there are no conflicts! It would be horrible, since we are from the north. — That didn't stop Elliot from joining the Confederate army — Anthony commented ironically. The parents were against Elliot's entry into the army, after all, they didn't even agree with the ideals of the Confederates, but at the same time they thought it was good that Elliot was involved in something serious for a change. They also hoped that the war would never happen, but the South remained firm in not giving in to President Lincoln. — I hope so. I'm looking forward to it — Elliot commented sitting next to Alice. —To kill Yankees? For God's sake, Elliot! — Alice complained. — We are Yankees. - No more. It's in the south now, baby. — I'm marrying a Yankee banker! “But didn't you say your dear Aidan is moving to Atlanta? — Yes, he finds it interesting to expand business to the south. — Well, we're all Southerners now. —Do you really think the Confederate army has a chance, Elliot? You know there isn't — Alice objected. — Yes, we do! — There are no cannon factories in the south. There is not a single warship! If war breaks out, the north can blockade ports within a week, preventing cotton exports. The north has thousands of immigrants willing to fight in exchange for food and a few dollars. They have shipyards and iron and coal mines. All the South has is cotton and arrogance. — Keep talking like that and you won't be able to find any brides in the region, since they are all daughters of those southern farmers that you are criticizing so much. Elliot laughed. — And who said I'm looking for a bride? He and Alice exchanged a look. — That's not what we heard... — And what did you hear? — Well, Mom is speculating around to find you a Southern bride. Alice laughed. —She wants you to get married and stay here. She knows he's her favorite! And Mom doesn't want me to go back to Philadelphia. Anthony tried not to feel trapped. Of course he should have suspected that this was his parents' idea. They didn't trust Elliot and he was left to inherit the family lands. Anthony hadn't come to the South looking for a bride, deep down he wasn't even thinking about it. All he would like at the moment was to rest with his family, before returning to the north and taking up his profession, which was his passion. Getting a bride was something that would probably become a wish at some point, but he hoped to be settled first. Of course, the parents thought differently. He sighed, already imagining the pressure he would suffer while he was there. — Cheer up, brother. I heard there are some really pretty beauties around here... — Elliot winked mischievously. — Elliot, don’t talk like that! Anthony is not looking for an easy girl like you like! And yes, a family girl, to get married and have children! And with a dowry, of course! — I'm not going to get a bride just to satisfy our parents. This is ridiculous. — Don't be so against the idea. It could be fun! — If these women are anything like your empty-headed friends, I'm out. Alice pulled her brother's hair to punish me, making me laugh. — Well, I hope you fall in love and stay close to me, since Elliot is apparently going to war. Tomorrow Dad is going to dinner at the Bennets' house, our neighbors. And I bet this invitation was for you to meet Lily Bennet, the most famous girl in the region! — I've heard of Lily Bennet! — Elliot commented. — There was an idiot in my detail who was in love with her. But he was dispatched, just like all the suitors. They say she is a cold-hearted shrew. — However, beautiful! — Alice continued. — Mom wouldn't be happy if she laid eyes on the beautiful heiress Bennet, that's for sure. She thinks you deserve better. — But if Anthony falls in love with the girl Bennet, he's in trouble, she doesn't like anyone, from what they say. —Stop talking as if I weren't here. I doubt I'd be interested in this bitch Bennet, so don't worry. I will do my part in this hunt for the ideal bride, as Mother wants, but I doubt that I will find a potential wife among the marriageable girls in the county. Much less one with this girl's fame. It's easier for the South to win the war than for me to fall in love with Lily Bennet. Chapter 1 — Girl, you're still in bed, you have to get up. Lily let her gaze wander to the maid who was looking at her with regret. It had been a few weeks since the fateful day when everything collapsed around her. Her broken engagement. Anthony going off to war hating her. All your hope of a happy destiny disappearing like smoke. All that remains is the emptiness of colorless days. — I don't want to — Lily sighed, sulking. — Look at the girl, she’s pale, haggard! You need to sunbathe... — I don't have the slightest desire to leave here, Bessie. Leave me! The days passed by her,

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