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Married To A Psychopath

Married To A Psychopath



Just one night changes everything.Adelaide Salvatore's perfect life suddenly went upside down on the day she was graduating from college, she received the worst news of her life which is losing her parents, all their property were seized in order to pay for the debt they are owing the bank. She was left with nothing. She was just twenty three then and looked for a job but wasn't able to secure any. Her younger brother Francis quit school after graduating from highschool because there is not enough money to go to college. They managed to do some petty jobs but it all stopped when she got entangled with an steel's.      Who are the steels?     They are the most prestigious and wealthiest family in the whole of the United States and some parts of the world. They have a lot of companies all over the world. Their father was a hardworking and no nonsense man with a good reputation and will do everything to keep it that way. But one day his first son gets into a complicated situation which can destroy the family's good reputation. But one day his first son got into a complicated situation which can destroy the family and help his son get better. What happen between steel first son with Adelaide?. And what happens when she suddenly gets exposed to the secret of the not so perfect family or when her so-called husband suddenly turns to another person after their wedding.

Chapter 1 Her hymen is broken

Steel Group of Company.

In a very beautiful and wide office, a handsome man was sitting down in front of a computer, he was very busy and didn't know when the door open, his manager came in and stood rooted at a spot, her eyes lingers to his perfect jawline, his well sculpted face and his charming eyebrows which she can see right from where she was standing because it was very long. Naughty thoughts suddenly enter her head and she imagines kissing him as they make out hotly on his table, he suddenly raises his eyes up and frowns when he sees her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his deep voice sounds so cold but that make tummy tickling, she just loves everything about him.

"Your friend is here to see you, should I let him in?" She asked gently, making sure she didn't make any mistake.

"Is that why you are here? Why can't you just call me?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"I am sorry, I thought you will prefer I came myself " she said even though she herself knows she was lying, she was here just to get a glimpse of his angelic face.

"Next time don't even call, let him in, you don't need to take permission " he said and focused back on his laptop.

"Okay sir" she said and bit her lip before walking out , the door opened and a handsome man came in immediately.

"Nicholas steel " the man called with a smile.

"Mike Miller" Nicholas called too as the man sat down in front of him.

"It's been like forever, what are you doing?" Mike asked.

"I have been busy, trying to please my old man," Nicholas said with a smile.

"That old man, I hope he won't overuse you, you just twenty seven" Mike said while shaking his head.

"So what are you doing here?" Nicholas asked.

"I went to sign a deal, so I passed here and decided to say hello" mike smiled.

"Do you need anything?" Nicholas asked but before he could answer they heard the sound of a car, Nicholas went straight to the window to check and like he had expected it was his father.

"The old man is here, he is gonna kill me," Nicholas said.

"I will just hide in the bathroom" Mike said and stood up before entering the bathroom, Mr Steel came in a few minutes later, he was a man in his early sixties.

"Hi dad" Nicholas mutters coldly but he just ignores him and looks around the office.

"What are you looking for in my office?" Nicholas asked again but gave up when he was not ready to answer.

"I received a report that you bring friends to your working place, that isn't tolerated, you have to focus well on this company and look away from any distraction" Mr steel said.

"Who told you that? I am very sure it is Vald" Nicholas scoffed.

"He wasn't the one," Mr steel said.

"You know I am obsessed with being good, I wouldn't want you to spoil that for me, and beside are you taking your drugs because I don't want what happened the last time to repeat itself" his father said before walking out of his office. Nicholas didn't say anything and just went to his seat

"You can come out now" Nicholas said and Stanley came out with a grin on his face.

"That father of yours is something else" he said and chuckled. Nicholas didn't say anything.

"I know you are tired already, how about we hang out at a club tonight?" Mike asked.

"I don't have time for that" Nicholas said

"I don't want to hear that so see you tonight, I will send the address to you" Mike said before leaving.

"He won't listen" Nicholas shook his head before focusing back on what he was doing.


A lady was seen moving around with dishes in her hand. She made sure to serve all the customers though she was tired. Today has been really stressful because they have a lot of customers. She returns the dishes in the restaurant kitchen and groans while stretching herself.

"The fact that the witch won't still see what we are doing is annoying" a girl said which made her chuckle.

"Adelaide, they are customers waiting for you" a woman in her late forties said, she put on heavy make up and was chewing gum loudly.

"Yes ma'am" Adelaide said and carrying the menu, the customers were a couple and she walked slowly to them.

"Hi, welcome, please, what would you like to eat?" She asked with a smile but the smile disappeared when she saw the guy.

"Dalton?" She called in surprise, even the guy was surprised to see her.

"Do you know her?" The girl that came with the guy asked.

"I don't think I have seen her before" the guy said and her eyes widened more.

"Dalton what are you saying?" She asked as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Excuse darling, I think we have to clear some things" Dalton said and dragged Adelaide out of the restaurant, he released her when they got to the parking lot.

"What was that all about?" Dalton asked.

"You said you don't know me and you called the girl darlin" Adelaide said sadly.

"Why are you so surprised about that, you should have been expecting, you don't actually think we will keep dating forever?" Dalton asked.

"But you promise to be there for me and make me happy?" Adelaide asked sadly.

"That was when you were still very rich. I actually tried. I stood by you for over two years. You don't actually think I will marry a person like you. You are way below my league and my parents have been telling me to stay away from you," Dalton said.

"No your mum loves me so much, you people are very close to us' ' Adelaide said unbelievably.

"That was well you are still rich, they don't want to have anything to do with you again same with me so let's call it a quit" , Dalton said.

"No you can't do that, we have been dating for three years" Adelaide said.

"I am no longer interested, I will soon be engaged to that girl and after that we will soon get married" Dalton said before walking away.

Adelaide clean the tears in her eyes and smile sadly, at least she was supposed to be expecting this right, since the tragedy had happened to her family all their rich friends has disappear, they will pretend not to know them, now they are nothing, she act like nothing was wrong and went into the restaurant, she is use to pain anyway.

"So what's up with her?" She hears the lady asking Dalton.

"She mistook me for someone, it was a misunderstanding" Dalton said and the girl smiled.

"Wow a ring" the girl screamed excitedly while holding the diamond ring in her hand, she found it in the cake she was eating.

"So will you marry me?" Dalton asked, he was on his knees already.

"Yeah of course I will marry you" the girl shouted excitedly as the ring slipped into her finger.

"Congratulations" the people around them shouted. Adelaide ran into the restaurant with tears in his eyes. The engagement seemed vivid and she almost lost her mind because of it.

"You are gonna be okay, you have always been" she said and brought out her phone that was ringing, Francisco was the caller, she quickly cleaned her tears before picking the call.

"Are you okay?" Francisco asked the moment he heard her voice.

"I am good, don't worry about me" she said and try as much as possible not to allow it to show because she knows the type of brother she has.

"I believe you, please take care of yourself" Fransisco said before hanging up.







Adelaide ran into the club, she was already late and was praying the manager wasn't around, she got to the bartender stand and met her friend.

"God save your ass tonight, he isn't around yet, get change quickly and join me here" her friend said and she smiled before walking away.

She came back sometime later fully dressed in the bartender's uniform.

"You are such a pretty girl, I love your curves, " her friend said, which made her sign sadly.

"Stop lying Mary" Adelaide said.

"You look a bit sad though, what is going on?" Mary asked.

"Me and Dalton end things today, he is engaged now" Adelaide said sadly.

"That kinda feels good, that boy wasn't sincere with you before, " Mary said.

"I can't believe you are saying this, I am hurt" Adelaide said.

"Should I tell Francisco then?" Mary asked.

"Don't you dare," she said quickly.

"I know you will need to clear your brain right now, take a shot" Mary said while giving a cup of cocktail, she drink it at ónce and feel the burns on her throat but strangely, she still wants more, she carry another cup and within some minutes she has already down more than five glass.

"I am paying for only two," Mary quickly said.

"Don't worry I Will pay for it" Adelaide said. There was a great murmuring among the people present in the club as Nicholas came in with Stanley, some girl started giving his eyes but he didn't spare them a glance unlike Mike that was flirting with them.

"Who is that?" Adelaide asked, she saw as they were led to the VIP lounge.

"Are you kidding me, you don't know them?" A customer asked in surprise.

"I don't," she said.

"Wow you are not in this country,who doesn't know the Steels, they are the most talked about" the girl said before walking away.

"Do you know them too?" Adelaide asked.

"Ofcourse, Vald steels is my favorite, he is the most handsome but Nicholas steel I heard he is a psychopath based on the story I heard it was because of his fiancee left him on his wedding and abort his child " Mary said.

"Really, maybe I will do some research" Adelaide said before taking another cup but quickly dropped it when their manager came in.

"Now the devil is back" Mary groaned which made her smile.

"Just pretend as if you did not see him," Adelaide said as they continued serving the customer.





"So how is Emily your girlfriend?" Mike asked, they have drinks.

"She's fine she is just there"He replied him.

"Don't tell me you haven't fallen in love with her"Mike asked.

"See just let's switched the topic I hate women"Nicholas said feeling annoyed with the conversation.

"Come on you have to forget about Sophia and live your life"mike said.

When he didn't reply,he continue So what are you gonna do about Vald,I am sure the one that tells your dad about me?" Mike asked.

"Just leave the boy" Nicholas said and a waiter approved them with wine.

"A lady said I should give you this," the waitress said.

"Return it back to her" he said coldly and sipped from his wine again.

"Come on Nicholas, don't reject a lady offer" Mike said, Nicholas hesitantly carry the glass and drink all the wine and the waitress left with the cup.

"I hope some weird lady wouldn't start stalking me because I accept their wine" Nicholas said which made Mike chuckle. They continue discussing as they drink their wine, Nicholas starts feeling weird.

"Are you okay?" mike asked, he noticed.

"I don't know, I am feeling so hot and weird all over, do you know what is wrong?" Nicholas asked but looked at Mike after no response, he groaned when he saw him sleeping with his head on the table. A man came in and helped Nicholas who was already out of his mind up before leading him into one of the VIP rooms, he dropped him on the bed before walking out.




"Didn't know the alcohol is this strong" Adelaide said, she was feeling dizzy.

"I tried to warn you," Mary shrugged. Their manager came to their place immediately.

"Adelaide go to room two in the VIP lounge and give this wine to the customer there, make sure you deliver it to him yourself" he said and she collected the wine and started going, she almost fell but supported herself with the wall.

"I am never trying alcohol again" she said and managed to enter the room, she didn't see anyone in the sitting room. So she went to the room, she dropped the wine on the table and walked closer to the bed, she could see someone laying on the bed.

"Sir" she called and touched the person, he turned over and she could see his face.

"Sir wake up" she mutter but was suddenly drag down, she fell on him and her eyes widen, he turn over and she was now under him, his eyes open slightly and he watch her face before going for her lips, her eyes widen in shock as he tried to gain access into her mouth, she was even shock that she wasn't pushing him away, Maybe it was because of how nice his lips felt on hers.

Maybe because of the heartbreak she just experience or because of what she has been going through, she really didn't know but she started responding to the kiss, she open up and allow him to enter and explore her mouth, his hand move underneath her short skirt and she didn't even stop it, maybe it was because of the alcohol she drank, before she knows it, all her clothes are gone, his too, he stare at her face before pushing his d**k into her pu**y".

"Ahhhh" she gasps as she feels her hymen have been broken.

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