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His Billionaire Surrogate

His Billionaire Surrogate



Aurora William I remembered the first day I set my eyes on Asher Black; he was the epitome of allure, a magnetic force I couldn't resist. For 7 years, my heart beat only for him, but he remained oblivious to my affections. In my dreams, he was mine, our lives intertwined in a tapestry of love and happiness. But reality was cruel. He was destined to never be mine, now or ever. Watching him fall for my sister, the golden girl, cut deeper than any blade. Physical pain prompts tears, but the heart, a master of deception, suffers in silence. That was my existence. Despite the agony, I couldn't summon hatred for my sister. I loved her, and if that meant shattering my own heart to ensure her happiness, I'd do so willingly. But fate has a twisted sense of humor. My sister's untimely demise left me ensnared in Asher's world as his surrogate. “I– I love you, Asher,” I whispered through tears, knowing my declaration would fall on deaf ears. “I despise you, Aurora. You are nothing to me, merely a vessel carrying my progeny. Once the child is born, your existence will be null and void,” his words dripped with venom as I sobbed uncontrollably. “You don't want me with you, you don't want me with anyone else. How much more suffering must I endure before you find solace?” I pleaded, my hope dwindling. His response, like a dagger to the heart, robbed me of breath. "I never sought your pity, your affection, or your sacrifice. You're but a hollow echo of what I've lost. No matter how you try to fill her void, you'll never measure up. Spare me your tears and false empathy. You were never meant for me. So, you ask how much torment I desire before I find peace? I'll tell you plainly. Till your dying breath, Aurora.”

Chapter 1 The Bittersweet Homecoming

"What's going on?" I whispered to myself, the words echoing off the marble walls of our mansion, a question that seemed to reverberate throughout the vast expanse of our home.

"Sister!" I exclaimed, my heart soaring as Crystal rushed towards me, enveloping me in a tight embrace. In that moment, all the earlier thoughts and uncertainties vanished, replaced by the overwhelming joy of being reunited with my elder sister.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged her back just as tightly, feeling the weight of her absence lift from my shoulders. "I miss you," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the sound of our shared emotions.

After our tearful reunion, I glanced over at Asher, the man who had occupied my thoughts for years. He returned my gaze with a small nod, his expression unreadable.

"Okay, okay, let's eat before the food gets cold," Crystal declared, her voice breaking the tender moment. We all made our way to the grand dining table, the opulent surroundings serving as a stark reminder of our family's wealth and status.

As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but notice the happiness radiating from my parents as they doted on Crystal. The love in their eyes was palpable, a sharp contrast to the indifference I often felt from them.

A pang of pain stabbed at my chest as I realized that their affection for me would never match the adoration they showered upon my sister. But I pushed the hurt aside, focusing instead on the happiness of the moment.

Listening to Crystal chatting animatedly with our parents, I stole glances at Asher, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at my lips. Despite knowing that his feelings for me were not reciprocated, I couldn't help but continue to love him, holding onto the hope that one day he might see me differently.

"Mom, dad, Sky," Crystal's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present. "Yes, love?" our parents replied in unison, their attention fully on her.

"I have something to tell you," Crystal announced, her face beaming with happiness. My heart swelled with joy at her excitement, eager to hear her news.

"What is it, Crystal?" I asked, my own happiness mirroring hers. My sister had always been the center of my world, and I would do anything to see her smile.

But as I looked into her eyes, I noticed a flicker of guilt clouding her expression. Before I could inquire further, she gave me a sad smile, and a sense of foreboding settled over me.

"It's alright," I reassured her, though my curiosity gnawed at me. Something didn't feel right, but I pushed the feeling aside, unwilling to spoil the moment for my sister.

And then, in a bombshell revelation, Crystal dropped the news that would shatter my world into a million pieces. "Asher and I are getting married," she announced, her words hitting me like a ton of bricks.

The fork slipped from my hand, clattering against the fine china as my eyes widened in shock. Crystal's gaze locked onto mine, and in that moment, I felt a surge of pain and betrayal wash over me.

My chest tightened, and I struggled to draw breath as the room spun around me. The voices of my parents became muffled, distant echoes in the chaos of my mind.

And then, as if to add insult to injury, Asher did the unthinkable. He reached for Crystal's face, tearing her gaze away from me as he leaned in to kiss her, his lips devouring hers with an intensity that made my heart ache.

The pieces of my shattered heart fell away, leaving behind a raw emptiness that consumed me from within. Tears streamed down my cheeks unchecked as I watched the scene unfold before me, feeling as though I were invisible, insignificant in the face of their love.

"Mom, dad, I want to marry Crystal, and I hope you'll give us your blessing," Asher declared, his smile a cruel twist of fate as he looked towards our parents for approval.

I looked from Crystal to Asher, the pain in my chest intensifying with each passing second. I couldn't bear to witness their happiness, not when it came at the cost of my own heartbreak.

"How could you do this to me?" I whispered, my voice barely audible above the din of the room. Tears continued to fall unabated as I turned away from the table, unable to bear the sight of their betrayal any longer.

As I turned away from the table, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my mother's.

"Aurora, sweetheart, please understand—" she began, but I shook her off.

"No, Mother, I don't want to understand," I snapped, my voice trembling with anger and hurt. "You all knew about this, didn't you? You knew Asher was going to marry Crystal, and you didn't even bother to tell me?"

My father's face was etched with guilt, but he said nothing. My mother's eyes pleaded with me to calm down, but I was beyond consolation.

"I thought we were a family," I spat, my eyes blazing with tears. "But I guess I was wrong. You're all just a bunch of liars and hypocrites."

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